What a wonderful loyalty program. I'm glad I bought my Switch day one

What a wonderful loyalty program. I'm glad I bought my Switch day one.

Same, I have 380

I have about 15 games and almost 4 bucks to show for it

Fuck you Nintendo

>3 mario games
>fucking Pokken

I don't know or care what these Nintentokens are, but either way that's a whole lot of garbage in one pic

>Paying $60 for a video game
>Seven times

You deserved it OP

Oh, I have 350 gold coins and 90 silver ones.
What I do with this shit?

so far not sure but be careful, they expire so use that shit!

>most of my games are digital
Th-thanks Nintendo

Club Nintendo and My Nintendo were no better, especially if you're American.

I'm kinda ashamed to say I have about 1040


Why do people do this...

I was certain they would have discounts/indie games/themes you could redeem the gold coins for and if you didn't want those you could pick the discount. Instead its just straight up bullshit. Fuck you Nintendo at least let me pick a theme for my Switch besides grey.

>This is the current state of gamers in 2018

Can i use you guys as examples? I'm posting this to twitter

>people are actually crying about a bonus funpoints system
Lmao most of the world didn't get shit with the old system, this is just the wealth being distributed evenly. Eat shit Americans.

I have 800 Platinum coins and 352 gold, what do

Well fuck me in the ass. Spent quite a few of my gold coins on those 3ds themes because It was taking so fucking long to roll out these dumb rewards for the Switch.

>redeeming gold coins from physical games gives you less coins
For what fucking purpose?

ah yes

i remember those final moments of CN being alive and all those free games anons got...


You get more points for digital purchase.

>letting it be publicly known you go to this place
Sure user

Sort of sucks that you have to have the actual card inserted to get the gold coins. Played the hell out of arms but got sick of it and sold it. Never ended up getting those gold coins from it.

I can't believe I miss fucking Club Nintendo.

>Abused Wii mini codes
>Stole thousands of dollars worth of games
>Stuck with a mediocre cash back system
Was this our faults? Did our actions have consequences?

digital costs less to produce and you can't resell it so they want you to buy more digital than physical

You try to beat me so you can say you have the most.

I have 10 gold points and 6,115 platinum points

no, it was already dead at that point
we just found a nice silver lining that couldn't be plugged, but now, you can hack 3DS pretty damn easy now.

so in retrospect, it was worthless.

Got myself 700 coins after registering everything I have. Pretty fucking insane how terrible the conversion ratio is. I'd honesty rather just discounts on Switch games than this.

>Was this our faults? Did our actions have consequences?
It probably didn't help.

Huh? Should they be worth more or what?

I just registered Mario Odyssey and only got 56p.

Just bought Dragon Quest Builders last week. Not like I really give a shit, but I wonder if they'll give me the extra coins if I bitch to them.

I have 480 gold what can I do with it.

Buy shit on the eShop. There's a new option that lets you convert the coins to cash.

>have a few physical games
>no gold coins
uh??? what the fuck is this shit

Buy Celeste.

>I'm glad I bought my Switch day one.

As is, you get 1% of the retail price. Assuming all those games are $50 you would still only get 350 points. So I don't really understand how being an early adopter or not matters?

>digital costs less to produce
>yet physical is almost always cheaper than digital

They don't inflate?

Nigga what

Right I just looked it up, if I'm reading it right then 110 of my gold coins expire at the end of this month.
Shit all for me to buy though and 350 coins is only $3.50 off a game anyway.

>tfw i got pikmin 3 just buying mario kart 8

i miss the old times

>sold wii mini codes in ebay
>got a ps4 a wiiu and a 60”tv plus the whole wiiu/3ds games
>sold the ps4 and got the switch and a 200gb card
>buy all digital cuz have paypal to spare
>got over 1k gold coins but no games to buy
Ty nintendo

sold? how? who was dumb enough and ALSO looking for codes on ebay?

>340 gold coins
>Gets me $3.40 off a game
Well, to be fair, it's probably better than the 5% off a game I already have. Or a fucking wallpaper.

he tried to warn us
in the end he was right
we are the frickin' fricks

Club. Nintendo was clossing and when they announced the platinum/gold rewards everyone was stacking on points ebay was full of wii mini codes i got like 20k on sales

>all those free games anons got...
Nintendo finally making CN worth a tiny bit of a fuck in its final month of existence doesn't make up for the fact that it was an absolute shitheap for years. Japs and Euros had way better prizes available to them during CN's run than Americans.

>it expires.
I really hope you guys don't defend this.

>tfw used Wii Mini codes
>can generate at least 4 different Wii Minis with a single code
>redeemed for digital titles
>used "99gamers" and sold every game
>got physical games for them

Feels so good. I was a fucking machine.
I even had a bro work on them as well.

>Has 1020 Platinum coins and 300 Gold coins
>Expected the new Switch rewards to be able to make me finally use them
>It doesn't
You can just tell me to go fuck myself Nintendo.

>can generate at least 4 different wii minis with a single code
Wrong you can generate at least 1000 with a single seed ninty was dumb as fuck

It's amazing how hard it fucks everyone who bought games in any format before today.

oh yea

Meanwhile Japan gets sweet ass physical rewards

>got 1120 platinum coins and 260 gold coins
>still nothing worth buying at that amount

>mfw I haven't registered any of my retail games despite owning them for a year

Feels pretty good now

I think they expire anyways

Press + on the menu and you can get gold coins from your physical games.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Lel. All digital?

Japan gets percentage discounts on physical things and has to pay shipping.

So any digital purchases I made prior to today won't get the coin amount adjusted for the 5% back change? That's such bullshit, I should have thousands of coins since I've bought all of my games digitally.

Its in case you manage to get a $50 digital for $10 physical goy

>buying digitally

This is where you hecked up.

Also reminder you can only register physical games within 1 year of release or 2 years in Yurop.

So basically it's gone from 1% to 5% and people are upset that you're not retroactively getting a points bonus?

Have you not been paying attention for the last decade? Nintendo has turned into an increasingly shitty corporation.

Digital is just too convenient, especially on the Switch. I don't want to go back to switching out these small ass cartridges everytime I want to play a different game.

That's scummy, user. No better than stealing, especially since most of those people lost their game they paid you for

I gave out tons of them on Sup Forums. I felt like Robin Hood. It was amazing. And I came up with creative ways people could compete for the codes, so it wasn't just rampant begging

I mean, I just lost 3 bucks for getting the Star Allies preload early. It doesn't hurt that much.

nintendiapers are starving for games, even if it's several years old

You can't cancel pre-orders? Lol.

No they don't. They get DISCOUNTS on physical merchandise from the official Nintendo site.
MyNintendo is shit everywhere.


Since I buy all games digitally, I get more points.


Impressive spending year one.

I'm sure indie devs are overjoyed

It says a 60$ game is 300 goldniggers
Why do i only have 100 then

>loyalty program
They already have your nostalgia by the balls and "muh portability" so what's the point?


At least CN had physical rewards once in a while, and often whole free softwares downloads. I'd take a shitty mug or poster and a free Wii shop shovelware any day over 30% off Earthbound on New 3DS

Because they have changed the values. You get far motree gold points now.

60$ was 60-80GP, now its 300GP.

So i get fucked because i bought digital games before?

>Lmao most of the world didn't get shit with the old system
Are you retarded? About half of my Wii U library I got from claiming rewards from the death of Club Nintendo and getting eshop money from the digital purchase reward system. The previous system wasn't good but it sure as hell was better than this

You still get far more than most people.
Until now, the best way to get points was to buy digital. The fact that they have increased the value sucks a bit but as an early adopter you get shafted sometimes.

You should hide that shovelware Marvel game

I should add, that buying digitally still is the best option.

Club Nintendo was so much better.

Too bad theirs literally nothing good you can get with said points they cant even give out a fucking t-shirt or old ass game for free I'm reallty getting sick of this jew company.

Trust me, nobody does. We just want Club Nintendo back.

You can get discount on physical here too.

>mfw I see fucking 3DS THEMES for gold points

They used to offer t-shirts, plushies and soundtracks. What the fuck happened?

Well whatever, nothing to do now i guess
I do prefer to buy digitally so if it discounts me a few bucks then it's okay

This and even worse you can only register physical Switch games for points now.

so is there anything stopping me from going in to gamestop, buying every used switch game they have, popping them in for coins, then returning all the used games?

Digital games register automatically retard
That's why people who bought digital games before get fucked by the new values

I'm talking about if you bought a new unregistered physical Wii, Wii U or 3DS game you couldn't register it for points I already know you can still get points for digital copies but its still bullshit.

Yeah, that has literally nothing to do with production costs, that has to do with retailers. If Nintendo control the distribution method (like selling games through the eshop) they get more out of it.

It wouldn't be worth your time as you'd get only 60 cents max for each one. Also, they expire one year after the release date of the game.