Is this game any good single player?

Is this game any good single player?
Is there any reason to pick Kiwami over 2?

It's fucking excellent in single player and better in multiplayer.
It's too easy with 4 players though. I recommend only using 3 man teams at most.

What about 2 vs Kiwami?

They are different games. Still, I wish some mechanics were put on Kiwami and didn't make Toukiden 2 at all.

I think 2 is better the card system seems more refined and the additions to the monster roster was great. Kinda wish they kept a few more from Kiwami but that is just small peas.

Is there a possibility that a 'kiwami' version of Toukiden 2 gets released?

I have this game for vita. It's pretty great but it's a shame monster hunter world practically killed it.

It is even less likely now that MH is back with Sony.

Best of the monster hunter clones period.

It's literally mhw lite, complete with open world exploration between missions.

Comparatively, Kiwami is ok, but more grindy. Especially your mitama. No open world and you're going to be grinding for the right mats ALOT

I liked the fun builds on Kiwami. Does Toukiden 2 have them (drain tank, precision + stamina, magic, etc)?

Yes. You can mix and match your equipped mitama for different builds. How they level is different however. You unlock traits via combat.

Also Chainwhip OP. So good

I remember Naginata was OP against solo challenges.
You could use the Agility skill that let you cancel actions, so you just cancel anything into a parry, so the oni could never hit you.

Agility move cancel can be used with every weapon

It has really fucking nice character designs

Yeah, but Naginata was the only weapon that had a parry with a ridiculous amount of iframes compared to the simple roll.

I read something about a mechanic in 2 where you have to "purify" body parts you cut off demons or else they regenerate, and this involves standing in place for some seconds, exposing yourself to danger unless you have capable team mates. Is this a hard thing to do with the AI?

If you play with the AI you'll probably never take damage. But it's kind of neat. A lot of monsters don't really react and keep fighting like normal but some of them get entirely new forms or get crippled so hard all they can do is sit there while you finish them off.

On easier difficulties, it is not hard at all. In harder, more aggressive hunts, it is harder.
Your allies usually are pretty good at purifying the parts. You can also order them to prioritize the purifying.


Hakase was a really fucking great character and best girl. Horo close second.

Kiwami feels more polished while 2 is a lot more experimental. Both are pretty fun but they work completely different.

I never heard of this but it looks fun as hell
Going to play it to keep me busy until MHW comes out on pc.

Thanks for showing me this game user!