Post your toasters, shitboxes and povertymachines.
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Pic related my i3-2120 8GB ram 750Ti machine
Post your toasters, shitboxes and povertymachines.
Tell others what games can run on them and share your experiences.
Pic related my i3-2120 8GB ram 750Ti machine
Get on my level, I have a 550Ti
Not sure if toaster-tier but I bought this laptop months ago and it's better than the pc I had before
4gb ram ddr4
geforce 940mx
and I ordered 4gb of ram for it that I'm getting tomorrow
Refurb Optiplex
8gb RAM DDR3
GTX 1050
All for the low low price of $240
That's actually an amazing deal for all that with current RAM and GPU prices
Always look at refurbished things man. They're cheaper and they're tested before they're sold so they can actually be certified.
You people are small time
4GB usable RAM, never managed to fix this
Most daring thing i tried to run with this was MGSV and it's runable
Can do some PCSX2, Kingdom Hearts II and God Hand goes fine but i can't Ace Combat. Disgaea PC has slowdowns on effects but Disgaea 2 PC is cool
Can actually play Breath of The Wild in pretty acceptable speeds but the cache is fucking shit so sooner or later the stuttering will be unbearable, also somehow forced myself to play 60 hours of Xenoblade Chronicles X with maximum slowdowns but damn i wanted to play that game so i did
Sounds powerful
That isn't a toaster you can play every game on that
It is my poverty rig though.
I had to make due with my A10-5750m and its integrated since 2013 until I could earn enough money to buy that.
I wonder who has the weakest main system on Sup Forums
>tfw can't afford all the physical games I want so I gave in to the everdrive meme on several of my systems
I'll never have a big honking bookcase full of retro shit now that I can no longer justify getting them after investing $300USD in flashcarts. At least I'm still able to use real hardware and not be a clone console cuck.
Thing is that i5-8250U is 1.6ghz base, with "turbo boost up for 3.4" but I'm yet to try it out.
Also windows 10 sucks and I regret getting it with this laptop, I think I'll just put a pirated 7 into it
console owners
Try swapping the ram around worked on my old asrock 870 extreme 3 for some reason
God damn that's some legacy shit
The thing about intel cpus is that if you're gonna up their clockspeeds you need to invest in a good ass heatsink for them, and sometimes the good budget-conscious air coolers don't cut it.
I have a shitty cooling pad I got for cheap in a random store. Honestly though, I'm definitely not gonna run anything that would make my laptop shit itself too much, even after ordering the additional 4gb of ram. Surprisingly, Witcher 3 runs perfectly well on high in around 40-60fps. GTA V runs pretty bad on the other hand.
GTX 760
8gigs of RAM
I mean, it's not a complete poverty machine like 90% of shit posted here, but it's age is showing already.
I tried that, also tried with other rams since i do have a few laying around
I'm pretty sure i have tried every possible suggestion i've found on the internet short of checking the if there's any faulty pin on the CPU slot, kinda don't want to mess with that, at this point i've accepted that my motherboard is too shitty and i'll have to live with that until i do some overhaul, this PC is kinda surviving on spare parts after a nasty power shortage fucked up most of my parts
>Have an i7 4790k, GTX970 meme card and 16GB of ram
>Can run pretty much everything and don't care about new GPU/CPU performance tests as I used to
>can't get enough of RandomGamingHD, BudgetBuilds and GHG
What is happening
>Witcher 3 runs perfectly well on high in around 40-60fps. GTA V runs pretty bad on the other hand.
That is rare I usually see it the other way around
I just got done playing some VTM:B and Outrun 2006
I ain't even running windows kek
>tfw have 10gb or ram now and the i7 2600 I ordered for 20 bucks is on the way
We are going to make it guys
Witcher 3 is really well optimized, not sure what the memeing was on release about it running badly
ok cheating a bit, since I don't use it anymore, but this is what i had up until last year
Really? I always thought Witcher 3 is really well optimized even for shit pcs. I could actually run it on my old pc - intel dual core 2.8ghz, 4gb ram ddr2 and a r7 250. Granted, it didn't run at 30fps or so but since I used to play San Andreas in 15fps when I was a kid, it's not even bothering me that much
Well that is odd then maybe you are right and the hardware is faulty.
Could you upload Outrun if it's the PC version? Never could find a good link for it
Beautiful. What are you using now?
Not him but i downloaded mine from theisozone and it's fine
Wish I could help ya but I'm stuck on uni internet.
Download qbittorrent and use its search engine, thats who I downloaded this one with the crack. I own the actual game but it's too important to me to actually take out of the box.
There's also a force feedback mod if you have a wheel, I'm stuck using a chink USB sega saturn controller
My first actual PC was given to me by my mother when I moved out and it had some ancient 512mb Nividia card and a Pentium 4 something, and like 2gb of RAM with no Optical drive and a 128gb HDD. Good times.
Here's my other very powerful laptop
Beat SOTN on it with mednafen over break
Custom built it. Even though I originally wanted a 1060, I'm satisfied. With the rig anyway, my internet's still quite shit, and there's not much I can do about that.
Hey me too.
Ok I just know I ran GTA 5 on a 1GB Geforce 240GS + X4 940 and had decent framerates. Maybe the updates killed performance.
Up until recently I was running a GT 420
What a story Mark
Oh wow using that must feel like flying after your old rig
No idea. I pirated it, lowered the details to shit and it still drops fps like crazy especially when driving. Almost unplayable.
Maybe it's an unoptimized version then. Not that it matters personally I think the Witcher 3 is a better game anyways.
I can actually play stuff like STALKER and Insurgency over 15fps on lowest settings now, it's great
I agree that it's better, but GTA V has been in my backlog for quite a while and I just really want to finish it one day.
Not even brazilians/russians have this shitty computers and their salary is like 250$
what is wrong with your life?
I'm actually polish so go figure. Shit is expensive here.
Just install WoT then, play with minimum graphics and ruin every single battle like your people do.
I don't play online games really. One time I tried WoT I shot some nigga in the back of his tank, the shot went through him and apparently missed, he turned around and killed me in seconds. After that I uninstalled
2120 and 750ti can actually still play a lot of games
Why the fuck aren't you people playing morrowind, quake, openarena, unreal etc?
Newer games are completely inferior and you can actually get good framerates with your shitboxes
Also why in the fuck are you running windows instead of debian with a light DE?
tfw GT 730
you are fine
windows runs games better, even older ones
Literally not the case anymore.
WINE actually has better compatibility for XP and prior era games than modern windows.
Linux also has much less overhead so everything performs better
Was stuck on a toaster for a month, played just toaster compatible old gems. It was actually a fucking blast. Morrowind, Homm III, Deus Ex, Baldur's Gates, System Shocks. Most of them for the first time.
This time also cured me of being a graphics whore, I don't mind any graphics now
>I don't mind any graphics now
I've been the same for like 15 years now and I honestly don't understand how can people mostly/only care about graphics in vidya.
>All that in one month
Yeah, nigga, lots of time in hospital. And hence a shitty laptop.
i deserve to be bullied
Literally 10 years old.
what games do you guys play
but why
i7 3770/16GB ram/GTX 1050ti
You realize parts cost less there too?
Buy an SSD and dust it and you have a fine system.
not poorfag
I have an old dell laptop. I won for the shittiest computer.
>Actually being poor
How though? I saved up to buy a new $2k build, and I barely make minimum wage for my state? Are you guys in 3rd world countries? That would make sense at least..
it technically isn't mine, borrowed
Winaero takes care of most 8.x problems And 10 but I don't want to go through the effort of upgrading
what you'd expect, DE, HL1, TES:III, etc.
sitting on an almost 300-game steam library and can maybe play less than 10% of the games
GTA 5 still runs fine on an 660ti so a little bit of that.
Also just started New Vegas for the first time.
Other than that nothing much.
>Buy an SSD
user i would be happy to lend you a can of compressed air if i could
But i'm from Ukraine, we all poor here.
That's my specs too. Almost gonna hit 7 years with the same machine outside of a GTX 460 dying and getting a new K120 keyboard.
If you buy used you can get some pretty decent rigs for like 200€
>screen scaling turned on
Is till play some old games on this badboy from time to time. He is even still connected to the internet.
it's a shame steam linux only runs on x86 because i'd be really interested to see how the quadcore powermac g5's hold up today with a modern graphics card
whats good niggas
the 7700 died and im using a nvidia 9800gt now
>So many 750ti and less bros
I feel like im home. If we play our cards right these cards will last us even next gen. Hand on my heart, i still managed to play the worst optimized games like ni oh 1600x900 high settings 30 fps. No concerns here
can I hang out with you guys
That really would be interesting.
Too bad mine is actually a 2003 DP G5 so AGP only no PCIe
It actually has a 750Ti now.
My bulid exactly
does the 750ti really outperform the 480?
why did you use a camera to screencap your screen
I can't belive the weight this card still pulls considering it's age and the price it originally had to begin with.
The 1050Ti will probably last people for a decade.
no heck off richfag
I don't think so but it used way less power.
I can't remember probably wanted to quickly sent the specs to somebody or something
I remember with my old rig playing all of dark souls 3 at between 10-20 fps with glorious 5fps in the archives. Felt so good on my second playthrough with a 1050
As if it was made to make poor people smile
i5 4670k, 4gb 960 and 8gb of ram.
Does alright.
oh yes
Gtx 1070
Ryzen 5 1600
16gb ram
i5-4570, gtx 760, 8GB DDR3. I know your pain. I'm kicking the shit out of myself for not upgrading in fall of 2016, but I guess so is everyone else.
Rate my peasant tier build
WoT has killable shells only if your IP is from Russia.