Okay Sup Forums, you have to say five things that you like about this game
Okay Sup Forums, you have to say five things that you like about this game
>fun boss fights
>the combat
>the soundtrack
>the lore
>everything before anor londo
I’ll go first
1. The unique behavior of every enemy and your repeat encounters with them gives each one a recognizable character you can learn to play with
2. You unintentionally end up memorizing the entire game map
3. The combat feels more real and hefty and satisfying than any other game I’ve played
4. The art direction is great and I like how even every Knight-like character has a strangeness to them
5. Dark Souls parrying is the best game mechanic ever developed
>deep gameplay
>the fact that I don't need to truly git gud in order to git gud at it because the game won't ever test my motor skills like fighting games do
1. Made me get back into vidya.
2. Medievalfaggotry
3. Getting good and being able to play it really fast.
4. Fatrolling
5. PvP
1. It's completely gameplay focused
2. The gameplay itself is fun
3. It has a lot of varied weapons, equipment and builds.
4. on-demand co-op
5. It's hard enough to not feel insulting but easy enough to allow me to enjoy it.
1. minimal hand holding
2. variety in weapons
3. satisfying when you learn bosses
4. challenging but not hard
5. not able to savescum
I feel like OP wanted the thread to be but nothing but "...I can't..." or "impossible because that game is shit", but that wasn't the case.
No, I’m just playing through the game again with the randomizer mod and falling in love all over again and wanted some time to fawn over it with the lads
You can’t truly appreciate something without talking about it, user
>Easy after you beat it once
>Difficulty after every ng (except ng+7, at this point it's the max
>best characters (andre, solaire, fire lady, "trusty" patches, priscilia)
>first half sequence breaking
>combat is very deliberate
>memorable NPCs
>replay factor
>great example of DLC worth paying for
>not packing as light as possible and just dodging all the time while using a high strength weapon
>10/10 aesthetics with some of the coolest armor designs of all time
>Rich dark fantasy setting with lore that isn’t shoved down your throat
>Interconnected world, a true 3D Castlevania
>Fun to co-op with strangers or with friends
>Genuinely likable NPCs who leave a lasting impression
>no obnoxious handholding
>invasion and co-op system is pretty interesting
>armor porn
>cool enemies and boss designs
>fantastic level design, at least the first one
you can easily savescum on pc
>great example of DLC worth paying for
This. They felt like the expansion packs of old.
How are you managing to do that?
I never played it, but I'm excited to play the remaster
Enemies/boss design
Armor design
>Ash Lake
>Ornstein and Smough
>Parrying is better than in DeS
I don't really care for it when compared to DeS though, they did make it look prettier than DeS but everything except Ash Lake has the atmosphere of a plastic toy house.
You should back to play shit like Dragon Age, The Witcher or Mass Effect instead of wasting your time with Souls. It's not for you.
>1. The unique behavior of every enemy and your repeat encounters with them gives each one a recognizable character you can learn to play with
I’d never really put words to it but this is one of my favorite things about the game, hands down. Those six hollows you first run into going from Firelink Shrine to Undead Burg are a great example, I know exactly how each one of them will react to whatever I do, and it kind of makes you unconsciously consider them a family of sorts, with personalities and roles.
>atmosphere, mystery
>the setting, european medieval fantasy but seen from outsiders perspective
>godtier artstyle and designs
Easy peasy -
>Thief Mask
>Black Leather Armor
>Black Leather Gloves
>Black Leather Boots
>Bandit knife
Hell, let's make it 6 shall we?
>Target shield
>no annoying cut scenes every 5 minutes
>feeling of being dropped behind enemy lines with minimal help
>dangerous exploration
>lore and bosses are good
>no hand holding what so ever
>do something like open the menu so the game saves
>alt+tab out of the game and copy the save folder into a nearby one
>if you die or an enemy doesn't drop the right item then exit and overwrite your folder with the copied one and reload
takes only seconds, works with every title and completely ruins the game
make it interesting and post DS2 at least so theres a challenge coming up with 5 things.
1. Innovative approach to multiplayer
2. Amazing art direction (visuals, music, character design, etc.)
3. Pen-and-paper style RPG system that actually feels good in a video game (aside from hidden thresholds for things like different rolls)
4. Awesome dark fantasy atmosphere, something that is in relatively short supply (in any real quality); big fan of Berserk, so it was nice to see the nods.
5. One of the first single-player games in a long time to actually demand some amount of skill to complete.
>Each NPC has their own goals they actively try to reach
>The test of mettle that is Blighttown (legitimately)
>The amount of choices that affect the world/playthrough
>You don't lose any real progress from dying
virgin target shield
chad heater shield
100% physical blocking shields are for little bitches
>implying I use it for anything but parrying
>Using stuff your mom didn't pack in your schoolbag.
No thank you, I'm not gonna risk catching cooties by using someone else's sweaty shield, or wearing their soiled armour.
Bandit mom gave me the target shield for a reason and I'm sticking with it.
Alright havel.
Not everyone needs a RING to roly-poly, you fatty!
>not just using the plank shield
>using a shield at all
...Why the fuck would you go through all this instead of just spawning whatever you need with CE?
Good thing the act of doing it is such that anyone would realize it isn't intended, just like using cheats. The only problem with save scumming is when the game allows it by default so many players don't question it and ruin their own experience. Going out of your way to fuck over save scumming, likely then also fucking up other stuff like DS3 did, is stupid.
>crystalline helm
>crystalline helm
>crystalline helm
>fast rolling
>uhhhhhh crystalline helm
>at sen’s fortress in randomizer run
>39 large titanite shards
>not a single regular shard
Best game ever released tbqphwy
>tfw EDF and BotW have made me super autistic about letting my stamina run all the way out
There are tons of secrets that are actually very missable; they were confident enough in their game that they didn't need every player to see all the content
>You should play this gutter trash instead of the series you like
Are you sick?
You're a filthy storyfag
>Muh lore
>Muh NPCs
>Muh writing
You're one of those fuckers that ruin videogame series, think that gameplay should be optional (or not present at all).
You think you love the game because you phantom friend carried your worthless ass through the entirety of it.
He looks like he likes semi nonexistent stories though since he says he likes DaS for the lore which proves you wrong. Also why did you get so fucking upset? Damn
>People not realizing that the world being fucked up is because gwyn realized he was going to get cucked by humans, so he devised a plan for humans to cuck themselves by forcing his age of fire to continue instead of letting of age of man come naturally
>TFW you realize the darksign curse went so far to engulf the very sun in the end days.
>TFW the final fight is the very last human slained by a tool of gwyn.
>TFW most people will not understand gwyn is laughing in his grave right now.
For ever sadness.
Cuck Souls 3 Gwyns Last Laugh
20 days bros
Until the remaster?
Longer than that, bub
excuse me
81 days bros
the interconnected world is pretty cool until they throw it out the window after the second bell
the magic system is better than demon's souls, and the spells themselves are more varied and interesting
the tutorial level is pretty good
painted world is mostly great
undead burg is great
>the nameless man
>after the second bell
You mean after Anor Londo
No, I don't
Confirmed dark sign is indeed consuming the sun.
How exactly is Sen’s Fortress any different than any other area?
And you would have no issue with Anor Londo if you made it to the top of the staircase through the walled up doorway in the Iron Golem area instead of after the cutscene
It’s purely cosmetic
1. Amazing art direction that was lost on consoles, textures are absurdly high quality
2. Interconnected world that is yet to be topped in terms of believability.
3. Next to no handholding, game is designed that you are not completely retarded and understand the concept of not attacking npcs.
4. Freedom to go wherever you want from the start of the game.
Sen's Fortress is a good level in isolation, great even, but there's only one way in and one way out, thats what I meant by interconnected
God damn it.
5. Unique invasion system, the best system in the series in my opinion.
6. Dark Wood Grain Ring