Any games that shows nazi germany as the actual good guys and not some false propaganda?
Any games that shows nazi germany as the actual good guys and not some false propaganda?
Show it up your ass dirtbag.
Gen Z was a mistake.
Maybe like Hearts of Iron because that game is fucked anyway, you can have pacifist nazis striving for world peace or some shit in that one.
pic related.
Nazi poser piece of shit.
Soyboys detected
And any JoJo videogame based off Part 2 I guess.
Oh yeah, pretty sure some edgy weeb weabo loser pretending to be nazi is more manly than people who fought nazi scum at WWII.
Your millennial parents should have beat you some more.
(((They))) would not allow this
>Start several wars
>Lose them all
>Somehow not supposed to be the bad guy
I never thought I'd turn into a grumpy adult but these fucking kids need their asses beat some more. This stupid shit would have never flown back in the day.
>"D-Daddy look I'm an edgy Nazi!" XD kek!"
>"Go outside and get the switch"
England and france started the war
They declared war on germany idiot
>hating America
Besides, that's not even what the thread is about.
Show us your alphachad body then. Whats that? You cant? LMAOing at your life cuckboy.
>The holocaust didn't happen but I wish it did.
After Germany invaded Poland.
>When JIDF is smart enough to use Sup Forumss contrarianism as a defense mechanism
>the state of white """males"""
Probably be banned for posting this but fuck the neofag mods
better than being a mindless sheep that eat up whatever information being fed unto.
Imagine this.
Hitler for NO REASON besides of RACISM/ANTI-SEMITISM decides to kill the jews.
Then bunch of germans for no reasons at all support hitler for killing jews.
And people still think that the nazis are bad guys.
>next time
Defending their own citizens being harassed by poland
And why did they not declare war on Soviet when they invaded poland?
so this is the white race huh?
>history is written by the winners
>not hating (((America)))
>"Look at me I'm redpilled! Everything is a lie!"
Typical Gen Z. Millenials should have never banned spanking.
based magapede
Chances are you would've been one of the first ones gassed in Nazi Germany. I honest to god do not know why the Nazis are so worshipped among the young generation despite being total losers. Same with communists on the other side.
>morality is related to war
>The 111th time will be the last time the jews gets expelled
I hate to break it to you, but you are a mindless sheep, you just automatically feed into the opposite of the norm rather than the norm. You don't have a shred of individual thought.
Germany was trying to annex Poland. Look up "Lebensraum"
Pay attention in history class instead of staring at stupid memes on your phone you stupid snot nosed brat.
>history is written by the winners
>Hitler was going to gas every non blue eyed blonde hair germans
wew lad
Damnnnnn, /v so sensitiveeeee
this game is pretty cool
>this thread is still alive
Nice historical facts you have there, based 13 year old.
They were considered part of the Alpine race and not Nordic so they were considered lesser.
Germany breach the Versailles treaty though
and they tried to get poland back
>history aligns with my view
>history doesn't align with my view
Why argue if you are automatically incapable of accepting even the most remote possibility of ever being slightly wrong?
Yeah that is what history inherently is.
When you're old like me, you're going to look back on this phase and cringe.
>nice facts
They were a bad rip off of the German Empire, fuck off.
video games though
but they weren't
>A meme image
Why did you even come ITT and try to debate history when you obviously have no grasp of it? You clearly slacked off in school.
History is made by the winners too. Germany lost. And Lebensraum was a thing, there was no way to maintain their economy without aggressive expansion into Europe.
>look mommy I posted it again
Give me one reason (1) to give a shit about the holocaust over any other tragedy
Look at all of these losers in this thread
Because the pact they made with Poland was if an European power invaded them dipshit. Germany knew full well the British and French would fight them.
>Danzig was being oppressed
A German majority city with a German government (Nazi party in fact) was oppressing Germans?
>Stsrted SEVERAL wars
Dirextly breeching agreements and forcing nations to start answering their defebsive agreements isnt exactly having the world slap your wrists for no reason. Are you conveniently forgetting the ships sunk prior to those war declarations, or the disasterous decision to begin Operatoon Barbarossa? Read a book
>people still cant get over nazis
its part of history now.
not good not evil.
let it go.
>some lawyer bitch who tried to kill his wife and her family is now an authority on WW2 history if I agree with him
neck yourself my man
You have to be 18 or older to post here, edgelord.
only soyboys say that though
you sure showed me with your based .jpg
Have you ever actually read Mein Kampf?
>muh (((school)))
Cleary you didnt slack off in shit eating
>Edgar Steele
The alles never li...
There actually resided around 9.5 million of them before the war. Any reliable source will tell you that.
>but the world jewish encyclopedia!
But the Jews are all liars, right? How convenient, it even fits into your propaganda.
If you actually read Hitler's works and understood his politicial thought - which I doubt you have beyond his propaganda speeches - you'll know he wanted as much in Mein Kampf. It states the need for Lebensraum, living land for the German peoples to expand. And he advocated for the extermination of the natives to fulfill this.
Him classifying slavs and Jews as subhuman might also be a clue that this was not unusual.
>Hitler for NO REASON besides of RACISM/ANTI-SEMITISM decides to kill the jews.
nazi germany was bankrolled by which church again? oh thats right, the catholic one
gee, i wonder why jews were targeted
My question is why are y'all so oppssed with this, this shit happened years ago
Hahahahahaha fucking millenials I swear
unfortunately not
>posts nazi
>complains about propaganda
The ironing
The blitzkrieg was done 90% by people in horseback, the nazis where savages and never stood a chance against real world powers. Seriously, the nazis being smart, effective, or efficient is entirely memes. African warlords have run better campaigns then the nazis.
It doesnt take a rocket scientist to see the historys greatest lie, I'm sure all the dead goyim would be proud of the degenerate cesspit they sacrificed their lives for
Your mistake, your social justice idolizing ways pushed them towards what you hate the most.
>"XD school is overrated! Kek!"
Why do you feel that way son? You get bullied? Your parents are millenials who dont believe in report cards? How can you save the white race as a high school drop out?
Amerimutts would've been the first on the chopping block
Thankfully they never travel
Yah it's called fucking kill yourself you retarded mongoloid
2.4 is the estimated current Jewish population in Europe. It was over 9 million before the way. Edgar Steele was an attorney for the Aryan Nations, who got life in prison for conspiring to murder his own wife. Not exactly an expert on the subject.
I swear there was a goalpost right here but somebody must have moved it
Never what? What the fuck are you trying to say?
Whats wrong Gen Z? Mad you'll never be as cool as us?
>9.5 million before the war
>9.5 million 20 years after the war
Really makes me think
Ignoring history class
Going full physics and math