Should I buy this game???

Should I buy this game???

Does anyone on Sup Forums own it?

wait until tomorrow so I can tell

>hikage mocking ayame saying she was a katsuragi recolor.

Worth it

Consdering the Hanzo New Wave is similar to the main group it makes sense, although Ayame is the only one to use a similar weapon making it more obvious.

gameplay is weak. And Senran games usually have ok to good game play at least.

I own it, it's kinda fun.

I wouldn't advise to. There are way better games that just came out or are coming out or are on sale right now. Not saying they are good games, but they are totally better than this SK game, those being FFXV, SAO Fatal Bullet, Cyberdimension Neptunia and Nier, which is on sale.

It's not even a true Senran game, it's a Splatoon ripoff. You'd be better off buying Estival Versus. Even though it's not my favorite, every new release comes with more and more DLC. I'm boycotting the Burst remake.

Someone post dumb babu already.

I'd say it's the second worst Senran game, second only to the rhythm game. I'd recommend maybe trying one of the others when they go on a Steam sale.

If you want it on PS4 then it better be for the story mode because multiplayer is dead.
If you want to play multiplayer for a week before it dies, then get it on PC.

Dammit, user. I have all those and they are awful. Fatal Bullet is the best of those, and even that can be cheesed by playing on easy until the end of New Game +, then switching to Extreme and buying a pimped out weapon from the weapon vendor.

It came with a cool art book too

>it's a Splatoon ripoff
Every time.

I desperately want to lick Shiki's beauty mark.

I didn't say they are good. I said they are better than PBS. Avoid this game like the plague then. It's bad even for a Senran game, and Senran games are trash tier already.

I've literally bought every Senran release. What else is it supposed to be? You run around shooting people with liquid from Super Soakers.

I mean, it kinda is. I like it more than splatoon though, just wish the multiplayer wasn't dead.

It's a tps where you shoot water instead of bullets, that's it, there's nothing on PBS mechanics that makes it similar to Splatoon besides what every tps shares.
DJ Ryouki is the only ripped off thing,
but we've been over this million of times.

It's better than EV

I feel like crap because I bought the ps4 version because online is dead, is it worth it to rebuy on steam for online?

>multiplayer is dead on PS4

Is this true????

No, online will be dead on Steam as well fairly quick. SK games are not popular on PC at all, they barely broke 200k sold copies if you add them all together, and none of them had a player peak higher than ~1k.
It was dead on release

>It was dead on release
If you looked 5vs5 matches maybe, but 3vs3 was very active for at least 2 weeks.

it was region locked for a while after launch for some fucking reason and by the time they lifted it no one gave a shit anymore.

2 weeks really isn't that great. Even Lawbreakers and Battleborn did better than that.

People draw the connection because all of the sudden, these ninjas are playing with water guns. Guess what, Splatoon's the only other game that used water guns and it was hugely popular.

Its the worst Senran Kagura game,and I own them all. The most insulting thing about it is that its also the only game in a long while that seems to move the plot forward, and even then its merely setting up the stage for things to happen. It's like watching a movie that only exists to establish crossovers and sequels.

Gameplay wise, its a very shallow third person shooter. You have a jetpack thing at least, but otherwise its very standard. Everyone plays exactly the same, which makes story mode a chore as you're grinding out the same shitty gameplay all the time without at least being able to play as your waifu to take some of the edge off. Not to mention that all the story modes have similar structure and events, such as the place catching on fire.

The story is kinda short, and there's nothing else to do but grind up your characters and weapons. Theoretically you could go online, but this is such a niche game that all online activity died in the first 2 weeks. You're honestly better off skipping this one and just looking up a plot summary or something.

2 games that were meant to be massive and compete with Overwatch vs a niche game that wasn't even meant to be competitive. PBS did good for what it was.

dumb mary sue poster