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The xenomorph doesn't teleport

But thats not how it works?

I keep using flamer fuel on it, I hate running out because the game takes 60 percent longer.

>doesn't understand how the ai works
>dude lmao lets get mad when we get fucked

You outplayed yourself, good job.

Sounds like you're terrible at the game, miss.

I mean its pretty clear the alien was programmed to patrol around your objective. Theres a whole level for it to walk around and yet it decides to walk around in circles around that one computer terminal you need to access. Even if you throw a distraction somewhere it'll b-line right back to the obj after its done jerking off with your distraction. I was so happy when i got the flame thrower made the game a lot less tedious


Install "random alien" mod, and the alien will LITERALLY wander all over the ship.

You were warned.

The AI is supposedly very complex but desu it can only do a handful of things at any time still making it fairly predictable even at it's most unpredictable moments.
awful tedious game too, whole thing felt more like a tutorial level stretched over 18 hours than a real game.


Explain ?

not him but in vanilla the alien basically follows the player at all times within a zone, the mod increases the range to the entire map and tweaks other behaviours to make it seem more dynamic.
still a shit game though.

Every time I decide to progress through this game, I stick around for 4 hours. 1 hour I spend going slow and terrified, the other 3 I'm angry as fucK BECAUSE THE FUCKING ALIENS WON'T STOP KILLING ME WHEN I MAKE PROGRESS

I like when you're walking by some big window, and you hear the alium banging around in the vents... outside the window

got gud

I found the alien annoying, too

No reliable ways to beat it

Xeno doesn't teleport ever. It just always stays in the area of Sevastapool the player is in once it get's there for obvious gameplay reasons.

you suck, I'm on the last mission and probably died less than 13 times

>multiple aliens
>no tethering
>weapons can kill aliens
>limited ammo
>weapons create noise
>aliens track noise and making it summons many to area
this way you can influence survival without closet fagging the game

Yes it does. There are points in the game where the alien is required to be in very specific locations at very specific times, e.g. the hospital end sequence. They just teleport it to where it needs to be.


I hated how the alien seemed to know about your objectives. Watching him go on and out lf that room you need to go, never patrolling away was so artificial

>alien shows up
>hide under a desk
>alien decides to park itself outside the only exit for ten minutes

I trapped the Alien in a room one time and I found it standing in front of me a couple moments later. Bullshit ai indeed.

>trapped the Alien in a room

You can lock some doors but it's only temporary. I wonder what the in universe explanation is for a door lock that automatically unlocks itself 30 seconds after you lock it is.

If you want to experience a game with camping shitheads you should try this exercise in frustration.

You can always tell the ones who couldn't get past Medical


That wouldn't make it less of a shit game. You sound desperate for excuses.

It's trash m8
now fall back on your "le git gud xD" non arguments

it did twice

The station is under red alert and people need evacuate, so the doors unlock after a while


do I miss anything by playing this in VR for the first time

Lazy-ass half-done scripted sequences that deny player ingenuity and break immersion, because they don't know how to make a game.

it can if it is in a vent (outside the map) and multiple vents/entry points are available within it's tethered zone around the player
there was so much of that shit, if the only way you can interact with the enviroment is through some pre-baked animation/qte event then you should just stop making videogames.

The only thing that they needed to do was add a decent autosave system and boom, game instantly becomes less tedious and thus better. But nooooo, lets have this shitty sytem instead that can make you loss a lot of progress lol! Lets make it so that you can die while saving too lmao!

It only teleports for cutscenes that need the Xenomorph. It doesn't teleport for any other reason.

That's great if you ignore the numerous doors in the game that are permanently locked until you do something to unlock them.

I'm so glad that I'll never be as shit at video games as Sup Forums.


>people having problems with this game on the easier difficulties despite having a ton of items to counter the ayylmao

it's not that it's too hard, it's just a shit boring tedious game, literal stop/go walking sim.
On nighmare it's just a game of chance where you can be killed anywhere anytime forcing you to replay 20+ minutes of bring shit including cutscenes.
ohhh but of course le git gud.
>you can craft a dozen different items but the only use is to throw them and cause a distraction
whole crafting/inventory system is redundant

Played it 4 times on PS3, don't have the Platinum cuz I need 100 deaths trophy. The Xemomorph is aware of your presence through the first trip in medical.

Afterwards the A.I. only has a general idea of where you are in the level but only comes out to stalk you if it detects noise. The Alien may become bored and drop down to stalk, but will leave after finding nothing. Scripted trap sequences in the middle of the game don't reveal your location to the alien the first alien that is jetted out doesn't know where you are during that whole frantic escape sequence. The only time the alien "cheats" is in the final hour when you're resetting an electronic grid to open a vent; the last stalking area before you get to the alien space suit scare. There the Alien is prefixed to see you, causing him to explore mercilessly. I played it in Hard and I don't believe it is possible to despawn him by being out of contact with him in this section. It's a last hurrah that summons the raptor sequence from Jurassic Park 1 so I don't even mind it.

So the medical facility first run, the lore can justify this is the first time the Alien is completely aware of your scent and wants his kill. It also serves as a hidden tutorial, if you aren't talking bold steps and move faster; you will die because turtling doesn't work. It is hard, would be easier if players had a mini torch or some emergency device to escape one time, I don't believe you have molotovs at that point. This section is 90% fine, it's a training ground to curve bad player behavior, a training wheel get out of jail card would help the stragglers.

For those curious, in the last free movement chapter with all your gear, I backtracked to the earliest starting point at the terminal and guess what, you can make the alien spawn there too. The alien can also spawn in the android area with the bolt gun, I had no idea that was possible and the fucker scared me good while trophy hunting. Awesome stuff TBQH.

> but the only use is to throw them and cause a distraction
You can also confront him and
a) shoot him with the flamethrower
b) throw a molotov at him
c) use a pipe bomb
to scare him off

I guess there is a point to those items but I played the whole game without using a single one, I didn't even run out of flamethrower fuel...

Two sepperated AI's are controlling its way, the alien itself and a director. The director periodically gives hints to to alien ai where the player is and the alien ai tries to find the player via its ingame sense. Once a certain amount of action is achieved the director will direct the alien ai away from you until it gets a new "hint".

That's away to play it, but it's also the most boring one. If someone is bored of hiding, they are to blame since the game gives them plenty of tools to distract or scare the alien

kek, that guy had balls of steel to pull that off though. I would have been sweating to go through that long animation with the alien right next to me.
I mean I guess you can ding it for 'teleporting' in that case, but it's not like the game would be able to continue without the alien. Or I guess technically it wouldn't have to teleport since there is more than one

They don't teleport, though

They don't teleport, you are just bad.

Did you not post the achivement for hard mode as joke or...? Shucks, that's embarassing.

Did you ever actually die while saving? Be honest, I've never seen it happen.

on hard yeah not nightmare
dlc on nightmare was better just because they are short but it's like rolling a dice whether you'll get instakilled out of nowhere and lose all your progress making you replay the same boring sections again
it's just a bad game period.

Beat the game with six deaths. If you actually take your time with it the game isn't that hard. It's when you get angry or frustrated and think you can run around no problem then the alien is going to fuck your ass.

What alien should of been

>you verse the alien on your space ship
>the alien absolutely cannot teleport and for the entire game is a separate entity that is trying to kill you
>the game only lasts 10 hours but there are multiple ways to either kill the alien or escape
>you can damage the alien but it can heal up
>the alien doesn't just run away after awhile you have to force it off you or find a good hiding spot
>ship is small and clostraphobic but there are multiple hiding spots for both you and the alien

I once thought the AI disappeared because it wasn't summoning the alien during the burning hospital sequence. I was backtracking in and out until I saw a garbled texture underneath the floor. I thought it was a waste basket until I saw it up closer, it was the alien and his model got messed up. Turns out he got stuck underneath the floor and his lower body clipped through the bottom. With this knowledge I tested if he would do much, but he couldn't. I made noise that would trigger him, he gnarled but couldn't spawn to kill me since he was physically stuck. The alien does not fucking teleport during gameplay, ever.

I should have tested to see if he would free himself if I took the elevator down without the load screen into a new area.

aliens is better than alien

Stop talking shit. This is one of the best horror games of the past decade. Fuck I want a sequel so badly...

Also this game has some of the best atmosphere in any game I've ever played. Incredibly immersive.

>the whining, wet swallowing noises whenever you get raped by a facehugger
>fat, meaty tendril sliding down your throat and planting its seed inside you

unless... its not... the only alien.... on the station.............

it can hear the doors opening

Why is it that the only people that criticise this game are people that suck at it?

why is this the only way brainlet fanboys can deflect criticism?

Alien being around you whole time is annoying. It makes it a lot less scary and just anoying.


Just because someone doesn't think the game is perfect doesn't mean they suck at it. The AI is not so much a test of skill as it is a test of patience because ultimately the AI can be summed up as "The alien is constantly wandering around aimlessly in your area until either it spots you and kills you or you beat the game." Any effort to redirect the alien is pointless because it's "AI" will always bring it back to you. Every single fucking time. The hardest part of the game, by far, is the core and it's kind of sad that the hardest part of an alien game has absolutely nothing to do with the alien.

They are right you know.

It can also hear your motion detector.