How would you improve the Switch's 2018 lineup?

How would you improve the Switch's 2018 lineup?
Try not to add too many new games, in this example the only actual new game is Animal Crossing, which a lot of people assume has been in development.

F-Zero GX port. It emulates pretty well, but I'd still like the portability

>Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition coming out August
>Comes out March in Japan
What makes you say that?

I feel like you'd just be better off with GameCube virtual console.
I straight up didn't know there was a release date, if that's true I'd move Yoshi to August and put Hyrule Warriors in March.

>Mario Tennis
>Came out in January
>SNES stuff
>existing at all

nigga what

>try not to add too many new games
>try not to solve the critical problem with the Switch

The exclusive lineup for the switch is what has so many people waiting to buy it still. I don't want a Zelda/Xenoblade machine..

I'm posting a hypothetical.
I agree, butt he unfortunate reality is that Nintendo doesn't want to expand its game dev side.

You're posting nonsense son.

throw in a couple more ports like Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Zelda HD 2pack, Wonderful 101 and a 2pack of Mario 3D World and Captain Toad, and don't forget third party exclusives like Octopath and Travis Strikes Again

Is it really that crazy to think they could have finished up Mario Tennis for a January release?

Whatever happened to Pikmin 4?

E3 maybe?

They cant even fit megaman games on one cart. How are they going to pack wii u games together.

Please lord put that shit in 2019. Give them some fucking dev time.

Why do 90% of Switch owners beg for nothing but ports, remasters and remakes?

There has NEVER, EVER been an instance where GameFreak taking more time results in a better game. EVER. When given more time they use it to max out the story.

add at least 1 good game.

>When given more time they use it to max out the story.
Considering how shoe-on-head-retarded the rushed writing in S/M/US/UM is, that still seems worth it.

Because Nintendo has more good games under their belt than the next ten developers put together

Except when they rush a game (Like they had to for gen 4) they couldn't force you into the story, so there was basically no story at all. That's how Pokemon should be.

Portability of titles that could Conceivably NEVER be portable.

For example the 2 games I want to see are the GC and Wii Fire emblem games on switch. Never go to play them before and would rather play them on a portable device.

Well I guess any system is portable with enough imagination.

>being this dumb

How are people still arguing that the Switch isn't portable?

I'll be using what is already announced as a base.
Hyrule Warriors DE
Funky Dong Freeze
Mario Tennis
TWEWY Remastered
Animal Crossing
Some eShop game nobody cares about
Fire Emblem (Could also go to September)
Octopath Traveler
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 DLC expansion
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes
Nintendo Classics Collection - this is the replacement for the Virtual Console. It will feature a large catalog of games from the NES, SNES and all 3 GameBoys that you will have unlimited access to if you pay for the Switch's online and will feature some enhancements. Pokemon gens 1-3 will be available at launch with Pokemon Bank support.
Classics Remastered Collection - this will be for N64, DS(?), Gamecube and Wii games. All of them will be "remastered" to run at 1080p and if possible, 60FPS and some will feature online multiplayer. The lineup will be somewhat sparse at launch, but the games there will be great picks like Melee, Fire Emblem 9+10, F-Zero GX, Kirby 64, Paper Mario TTYD and Xenoblade. Although there will be some very glaring omissions. Some of these games will be free to play with the online subscription for 2 months and will see a large (~50%) discount for those months and the following month.
Pikmin 4
Bayonetta 3 (Could also be December)
Some big 3rd party port that everyone will shitpost about.
Mario Party
Another batch of "Classics" added to the service and the first 3rd party games.
New Retro Studios Project (Could also be October)
Super Smash Brothers 5: Test Smash Demo - this beta will only be available to those who bought Melee "HD." The game itself won't come out until fall 2019

And because I feel like it:
>January 2019
Xenoblade X port/remaster

Zelda HD Double pack with the 3DS remakes of the N64 titles ported to the Switch in HD
Some eShop game nobody will care about.

two cartridges in one case, just do that thing they used to do a lot where they had the extra flap in the middle with the other cartridge

The Mega Man collection could definitely fit on one Switch card. Capcom just went with a small card to save money.

Looking at the download sizes on Wii U, Wind Waker HD is 2.6GB, and Twilight Princess HD is 4.5GB. It would be possible to fit both on one 8GB Switch card.

Seeing as they didn't, yes?


>F-Zero GX online

I thought Aces didn't come out until like May

diamond and pearl/platinum remakes instead of gen 8

it doesn't have a release date, nor does Hyrule Warriors in the West, nor does Yoshi (which doesn't even have a full title), nor does Fire Emblem (which we've seen nothing of except a title treatment)

given that, and the fact that Kirby is out in 10 days and the only other actual game with a release date is the Donkey Kong port, surely we must be due for a Direct soon