Game lets you play as a human

>game lets you play as a human

Other urls found in this thread:

Picture... unrelated?

>game lets you play as a skeleton

>reverse whirr posting

what the christ



So that's how they get inside you.
How do people not notice this happening to them?

Why? Humans are boring. Freaks are more fun.


This is the second one like this that was posted today. What the fuck is going on.

>game lets you discard your human flesh

>Game lets you play as female
>No frilly dress option

theres nothing going on, just go about your daily life.

>through her vagina

>game lets you play as sub-human

Fucking reptile, lol

You have to be extra vigilant
The other night I slept with the covers off and woke up to one of those bony faggots pulling my panties off
You gotta yell BEGONE MR. BONES and they will fuck off, but they never stay away for long

Be safe, be aware, don't get boned

>Skeletons? In MY vagina?

Huh. I think I'll finally install Killer is Dead.

Damn, the new xcom has graphics like THAT?

>Fuck it, I don't need my switch

>best enemies in the first (fifth) game are replaced with something completely thematically different in the second one
would be better if they didn't have tits

fek off

The climax is absolutely fucking fantastic, and truly makes me wish we had more games where the character has an inhuman silhouette. Even though it's still humanoid, it's different enough with its skeletal gaps that it feels really refreshing. The story for the game feels gutter, like there was -something- there, unlike Killer7 where something -is- there and it's hidden behind certain concepts that you might not initially grasp. KiD plays great, and my only real complaint with it is how often cutscenes can interrupt the gameplay.



>game let's you play as a non human

snek tiddies are gr8

>game lets you play as a ningen

>someone made this

The internet, unfortunately, let's degenerates flourish.