This is the greatest title screen in all of gaming. Fucking fight me.
This is the greatest title screen in all of gaming. Fucking fight me
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The music makes it perfect, and the transition to night is fucking ART.
it could do without that 'lul so anime!' sword
OP's starting off strong. But what about this?
This is the correct answer
Came here to post this.
OoT isn't even my favorite zelda gane, bit something feels so good about this title screen.
i thought it was really cute how XB2's title screen changed as you progressed
The only answer
It's not anime. It's a super sci-fi weapon.
The anime sword is the only thing stopping it from becoming a normal screensaver.
I also really liked KH 1's title screen.
This is the greatest title screen ever made if you're a Niafag like me.
>Final fantasy invented having a sword sticking out of the ground
we could do without you on this board newfag
>shulk doesnt want to kill metal face
>he kills xord in cold blood and doesnt even tell his daughter
Wtf shulk
nia was a mistake
Incorrect, this is objectively the only correct answer.
Maybe if you're prepubescent
MegaMan 2, Mario Bros. 3, Sonic 1-2, Pikmin, Ape Escape, Metal Gear Solid 1&3, Catherine, Chrono Trigger, Half Life, Mirror's Edge, Gaylo, Secret of Mana
The list goes on and on
You will never go back to those days.
>not a text-book anime mcguffin sword
>can't rip things off unless they were literally the first
This song gives me anxiety of it being 3AM with school in the morning. I should go to bed, but...
Yeah thats kind of how that works dumbass.
Nice list of things you have nostalgia for
kill you'reselve
Love Nia in your heart. Cherish her forever. Beat NG+.
A lightsaber with custom decals is too embarassing for you?
>cod clones didn't rip it off because cod didn't invent ADS
more like Pyra and Mythra
Stop embarrassing yourself underage faggot.
What does the Xenoblade title screen have going for it? A really nice song by yoko shimomura. That's it. Other games have done the sword into the ground.
Something like Pikmin not only has iconic music, but an interesting and intractable interface.
Persona 5 has a slick style that changes based on what setting you click on, and great music.
Catherine has a interesting hook and punching colors and a great soundtrack
>beat NG+ again
>Morag shows up
>every time you beat NG+ a new character joins the title screen
why isn't this a thing?
mein nigra
>Title screen has to have things that entertain my adhd to be good
You are the biggest faggot holy shit.
Minimalism is extremely effective.
retard btfo bye
>beat NG+ again
>vandham shows up
what do?
then have arguments with anonymous people on the internet about potential story implications of that
>Not transparent Vandham smiling and giving a thumbs up in the sky.
You cut out the part where she turns to the camera and smiles
Kingdom Hearts title screens are generally pretty good.
Kingdom Hearts 1 really was distilled nostalgia, and I'm not talking about the Disney licenses themselves even. 'Dearly Beloved' really sets the tone perfectly
It utilizes a minimalist style to perfectly encapsulate the idealisation of setting out a long journey, and it's able to do that with just the visuals of the rolling green fields and big open sky, so that focus can still be given to the Monado in the center without detracting from that feeling. The music being bombastic would completely ruin it.
The fact that the time passes as you leave it on is just such nice icing on the cake.
It sets the tone without distracting the player with other stuff. It tells you what the important parts of the story are in both tone and actual plot elements.
Similar to P5's and XB2's and KH1's, it sets a tone to get you ready for the game. It serves the same purpose as a TV show opening does
< fite mi xP
Bro, let’s be real; you’re most likely not /fit/, you’re probably some 90kg at 5”9 fat fuck.
Go back to your Weeb games on a child’s console, you closet pedofile.
You misunderstand me. It's not that it's bad, it's just that other have done the
done the minimalistic title screen more effectively.
Minimalism can be effective, yes. But there are also ways to do it in clever ways where you get the best of both worlds.
Xenoblade's is nice. It's not great, but it's far from bad. It's just... eh.
Think No More Heroes. It's just a overhead shot of the No More Heroes motel, but when you click A it immediately transitions into the game.
Or back to Persona 5 again.
The simple character outlines and the punching colors are minimalistic.
It could be better. Could have the Mechonics looming over.
indeed user
Opinions, man. I thought Persona 5's looked like ugly shit that somehow managed to be simultaneously gray and drab and also garish.
That would look really fucking tacky and ruin the rolling sky transition.
fucking excuse me nigga?
I kind of like that they didn't do that, it would turn the scene into a much more ominous and foreboding one, and paint mechonis as an ultimate evil or something. There's enough of that at the beginning of the game when Shulk and crew are just newbs and understand nothing of the world. It doesn't have a place on the title screen which is trying to encapsulate the entire experience onto one screen.
The little bits of mechon wreckage lying around do a sufficient enough job of showing Mechonis' presence in the world, I feel.
I still miss it.
*blocks your path*
This is what came to my mind first
Damn, literally all of my favorite title screens have been posted, unless I'm missing a few
Good job
even the title screen had easter eggs
Good shit
Does anyone have Robotic Alien Killer's boxart? Posting a truly patriotic box art
Came here to post this.