What would you like in a Kill la KIll game by Platinum games?
Platinum shows interest in KLK game
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It would be basically be Bayonetta and MGR
i mean i like satsuki and all but the setting and world isnt interesting at all
Sup Forums deluding as always.
Square Enix: We're interested in buying your studio.
Platinum: One sec, we're going to send ourselves back into bankruptcy first.
Dosh King
How the fuck would a game like this even work? Most of the elite 4 were beaten by gimmicks.
Never heard of Platinum Games, just looked at some gameplay for Metal Gear Vengeance and that looked interesting and I could see Kill La Kill with similar mechanics.
I'm all for it even though it would never happen.
I can't wait for another half baked garbage game then
Literally all of Platinum's licensed games are dogshit. You cannot believe how disappointed I was in their Ninja Turtles game. That initial trailer got me so hype.
New setting or maybe just a fighting game
Wouldn't it just be like their other games but with a new coat of paint
No. Platinum is best when working on their own ideas.
Just make a mod to replace Raiden's model with Ryuko. The way you recover health in Rising already fits KLK blood stuff.
Sit there and edge with one hand while waiting for the gimmick QTE with the other
Just like Korra
Something that isn't just an abridged attempt at an adaptation of the series itself.
TTGL instead please
Transformers Devestation was solid though.
why not both?
I liked Bayonetta, even though I'm a shitter who barely got anything past Stone, but sure.
why not just make a luluco game so that they would have the excuse to put everything in there
One basic bitch of game.
I'm glad Nier saved Platinum from bankruptcy, but goddamn was it the most boring game they ever put out. I just want Platinum to go back to making solid, linear action games instead of boring action RPG slogs.
>but goddamn was it the most boring game they ever put out
I get what you mean, but I thought it was a nice change of pace from the sort of action games they're known for. I'd love to see them do an original IP in a similar style.
Big asses and titties
Yuri fanservice.
Ryuko is hot, but would the gameplay be good?
Good models of Satsuki with a very nice ass that can be ripped for gratuitous amounts of SFM porn.
This is now Sup Forums
Probably wouldn't work. Fight choreography in trigger shows are so wacky and rough compared to platinum fighting. Yeah there are similarities in tone but trigger fighting is all about limited frames and leaving your brain to fill in the gaps while looking at the flashy lights. The camera hardly moved and zooms like platinum's camera. I'd like to see what it would look like but there would be a bunch of bitching.
Well in this case the license is also dogshit, so it makes sense.
I'd very much enjoy the last part in vidya form
TMNT was a pay check for them. They didn’t really want to make it, but had to in order to stay afloat.
Kill La Kill on the other hand is something they would like to do, and therefore would be more passionate about making into a really good game.
>april 2016
Yeah that's not gonna happen. Also stop shilling polygon.
If your studio can't put a passable game out without it being a passion project, you probably shouldn't do anything other than passion projects because the talent isn't there.
I remember how before Kill la Kill got released, people on Sup Forums used to talk about how Platinum should make a Panty and Stocking game. That show had some cool music.
>Never heard of Platinum Games
how long have you been here? jesus fucking christ
>wonderful 101
Your opinion is dogshit
>caring about Meme Le Meme
At this point, I think circle jerking platinum over every imaishi image is gonna get old. Something like panty and stocking is better suited to being a beat em up like golden axe or streets of rage. Would have said that CG wouldn't work but looking at that little witch game, then maybe it's not impossible.
Very much so.
What year is it?
Make a new story in the universe?
Not sure how that could work tho, I don't remember shit about the plot and I know Trigger also don't.
A Franxx game is more likely now anyway
Make MGR2 first then we can talk.
As long as Mako is the strongest, I'm fine with it.
I hated the show, but nonetheless felt like it would've been a fun action game. Hope this happens.
am i the only person who hates platinums combat?
It always has a fuckton of potential but they dilute it with QTEs or locking you to like 2 weapons with no fast switch.
As for Kill La Kill Platinum would fuck up the art style
I'm totally okay with this. Imagine a anime style MGRR with tiddies, it's going to be a masterpiece.
>we might actually get the platinum KLK game after all this time
Satsuki best girl
Holy fucking newfags.
Damn nigga, looks like you're just as big as newfag as him
I have no idea why mods allow threads like these to exist. You fags have made threads with this topic for fucking years just let it die m8
>Satsuki is higher-risk-more-damage mode
>Mako is min-max-glass-cannon mode
>Implying I didn't rob him if his (You) because there's a 70%+ chances he's baiting
THIS. Holy fuck, what a good idea. It could be like Kingdom Hearts with Trigger planets.
I'm surprised no one else had ripped off the "OC travels through established OCs" formula frankly.
>Game adaption of the flavor of the month from five years ago
>What would you like in a Kill la KIll game by Platinum games?
The ability to lose your way.
me lik anime tidds
No More Heroes 3 is doing it
I thought they confirmed it's going to be Hotline Miami and a bunch of made up games.
Well shit, faggot OP coming at us with very old news. That video was posted almost 2 years ago faggot, why you'd you get my hopes up like this? I just want a Kill la Kill game to be made at all!
They can add Luluco mode where you just burn everything to the ground.
It's sin that they haven't made on earlier.
nip slips would really make the game great
Not only this, but at the time so many people bombed platinums twitter asking for the game that Kamiya personally said FUCK KLK! And that theyd never do the game.
I really like the doujin where Ryuuko finds out people masturbate to her in her outfit, so to "feel more comfortable" she goes for a jog nude and ends up getting raped and mind broken by a couple guys who see her in an alley
>Her bat that fires a fucking missile
Fuck, now I have to start getting good at hack and slash games. Should I play DMC3 or start with something else? I own TW101, DMC3SE, and I pirated Bayonetta a while back.
I love my wife Ryuko
>everything I don't like is flavor of the month
I heard Shovel Knight was going to be in it?
>and mind broken
Not until Kamiya quits, they don't.
Who the fuck cares about kill le kill after the small bit of time it was fotm?
being bought by square enix is a fate worse than death
does anyone have the picture where Ryuko is putting on transformed Senketsu and it had a cross-section where the panties part is a dildo? I saw it years ago and I just can't find it anymore
>QTEs or locking you to like 2 weapons with no fast switch.
Automata has neither of these.
start with the devil may cry franchise:
then play whatever
tmnt is the only bad one
oh wait, maybe starfox too
But user, basically all platinum games are licensed.
I really wish people would stop posting those edits.
>4 player co-op
>platinum action
It really was a beautiful combination.
>Want a KLK game
>Don't want the surge of popularity that follows with it
Also want a Ranma game
name a more iconic anime in the last 8 years
I'm not seeing a problem, Ryuuko deserves to be turned into a loyal wife
>look it up
>garbage tier art
Vanquish 2 pls. I just beat the first one, anybody got a proper summary of the plot? I got the gist of it but what was so special about the guy you went in to save? The guy that got killed by burns that then you killed but Burns became your bro again after you beat him and sacrificed himself for you nigga what the fuck
god I wish that were me
I'm impressed, OP. This is an almost year old video reporting on a rumour that has been floating since KLK aired.
A new level of slowpoke has been achieved,
As long as they go more the Nier route and not the Transformers or TMNT route I'm down.
Panty and Stocking.
vanquish is one of my favorite games of all time and the only thing I remember about the plot is hillary clinton shooting herself in the head
No, Ryuko deserves Mako to be her loyal wife.