Was there ever a bigger disappoint than MGSV?
Was there ever a bigger disappoint than MGSV?
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my life
Every video game ever made
it was supposed to leave you with a phantom pain bruh
MGSV was good though user. I'm sorry you're a faggot :/
Death Stranding
jk male to female vocal parasites lmao
>calls others faggot while using emoticons
Big Boss was a demon though and so was venom, sorry you didn't understand it. You just wanted
>muh Darth Vader kill da younglings
ff xv
rescuing child soldiers isnt very demonic.
not the same guy but I really wanted to see loli sniper world, that was a massive letdown. The story feeling like it was 20% complete was also a letdown.
sniper wolf*
I was disappointed they pulled another Raiden but then I got over it and learned to appreciate it for the weird sub-reboot G.I. Joe toybox it is. I still play it every other week just because the mechanics feel so good to play with, and it’s easily the most PEAK enjoyment I’ve gotten out of anything this generation. It isn’t consistent in quality, but when it clicks it works so fucking well that it’s tragic we’ll never get a sequel. I truly believe MGSV is a once every decade kind of game despite its flaws.
Final Fantasy XV
Zero Time Dilemma
At least V was a prequel and the series had an ending.
I literally stopped playing games for months because of MGSV, I was so freaking disappointed. To this day I don't even finished the game, I just saw the ending on youtube. Thank God I found Lisa the painful and my will to play games returned. To this day I'm still mad, fuck you Kojima you fucking liar
You people would only accept Big Boss as evil if he started snorting cocaine off of some slaves back
Everything after the end of MGS3 is the fall of Big Boss, user. He starts doing more and more shady shit until he becomes the very thing he hated in MGS3. A manipulator who uses other people's lives to further his
I went completely blind into MGSV and I really enjoyed it, still playing it with some mods.
I didn't find it that disappointing but I didn't watch any prerelease shit. You guys ruined it for yourself by overhyping it.
Watch this happen again with Death Stranding.
I just wanted some last words from EVA, Sigint and the rest of the MGS3 team
It's funny because MGSV pre-release trailer shit is basically like Marvel movie trailers. The best parts are spoiled already in the trailer and the rest of the movie/game is pretty boring.
Also I'm pretty sure a big part of the disappointment is that MGSV is nothing more than next-gen Peacewalker with a worse story. hell even Peacewalker had more story than MGSV.
getting laid
It'd make even less sense to be disappointed after watching all the pre-release shit. They showed hours of the game yet people still expected something completely different.
>worse story
Now you're just memeing. At least V had a villain. Peace Walker was just pathetic.
Would of been better if it did what it was surposed to do
Peacewalkers villain was Cipher even if he wasn't right in your face unlike Skullface.
You forgot about
and V's villain is Big Boss. Your point?
It was highly playable, just with a bad story and the usual jap anime crap.
The metal gear in this is the dumbest of the series.
But clearing outposts isn't such bad gameplay.
If PW, 4 & 5 were edited, they could be great games. PW is better for grinding as you get better with weapons by shooting them and there are more real weapons. There are no shoot until its dead bosses in 4 or 5. 4 has the best engine and design. GZ has the best graphics, 5 has the best freeroam.
Neither GZ or 5 were disappointments, 5 though had too much dumb. It needed more dev time. The worst part about it was being unable to play it under something like 1024x576. It only looked good with all options maxed. Stuff likeca gpdwin2 would play it fine without tweaking if you could set it lower. Tweaking the lighting and object detail x3 or more makes it look better than a more pixels.
No he's not, you are basically in cahoots with Big Boss. At no point in the story are you fighting against him.
Peace Walker is the only one of the mainline games I don't like personally. I didn't care about any of the cast and I didn't feel like I needed more big boss backstory.
>having expectations for a zombie survival game
I shall proceed to call him Tsundereman
>that MGSV trailer where Kojima teases us with zero's voice
>It was a fucking cassette
>Skullface literally ends as one of the worst and most bland antagonist in the story of the mankind
>no he's not
literal brainlet
Survive isn't mgs. Just a zombie pos.
Peace walker does fill the story better than the other games in the sense that you at least can fill the gaps yourself with the clone bullshit being explained in mgs4
FF XIII. At least MGS V has some reasonable gameplay right off the bat
peacewalker and V are better than the originals its only nostaligia fags that shit on the newer stuff.
You are.
I see you also like to watch Sir Superbunnyhops videos. I tip my hat. ;>
>Venom Snake
He's the kindest man you will ever fight under. I Mean he even beat the shit out of the niglets and forced them to learn to read to learn a living outside of being child soldiers and shit.
Rescuing them and raising them to be mercenaries for your private army of hired killers is p demonic
What a pussy
MGSV was one of the best games ever made and retards are cucking themselves out of an amazing experience simply because of muh kojimbles. It even got a fairly priced stand alone expansion pack to boot God why is konami so BASED?
The only reason Venom rescued kids is because a) he was getting paid to, b) so he could turn around and press them into the army as child soldiers. It was Kaz who told him to fuck off with that and try to give the kids a normal life.
Disappointments in V:
-Visual downgrade
-Lack of related guns and PW grinding
-Lack of enemy forces
-No unoccupied towns & civ life
-Lack of uniform variety
-No pilotable MG or large scale battles/merc missions
-Code talker, Animu posters and other stupidity
-Horn in head & blood for massacre, non lethal only has a few guns
-Forced high res
-Pop in and shadow transitions except at high settigs
-No custom controller configuration eg LT full for crawl, half for crouch. L1 for aim RT for sights. Instead gamepad forces Intel, to a crucial shoulder button. Gamepad recognition hard to turn off so xpadder or similar can assign functions propperly
MGS was the best experience. PW & V aren't experiences, their grindans.
My biggest issue was how the game punished you for having fun and playing lethally. "Oh you like killing people? Guess what? Now you're covered in blood forever and can never wash it off unless you grind 'good deeds' for 100 hours". Fuck that shit.
metal gear survive
Diablo 3
Seeing how the ending of Peacewalker panned out I totally expected the next game to be you building up Outer Heaven as a base in Africa or at the very least leading up to it. Instead we got an ending that only vaguely hints at it that Venom Snake is in Outer Heaven (reflection of the Logo switching from Diamond Dongs to Outer Heaven)
I was really sad.
>an experience
what a lame cop out
its nothing but nostaglia the older games dont play well at all and whatever crackpot story it was trying to purvey
Survive told a better story than V. Prove me wrong.
That's literally Kojima's fault more than anything else.
>Here's BB in MG and MG2, hardened badass and terrorist leader
>.. and here he is 20 years earlier as a lovable goof and oddball who literally still believes in Santa
It doesn't take a genius to see how the BB at the end of MGS3 would turn against his country. That ignored handshake spoke volumes.
>This character who eventually becomes a horrible harbinger of the abyss of all things the negative psyche can do to a person once, long ago, before he became disillusioned; had beliefs in noble and innocent things
>Then he lost it
Wow such unheard of character development.
>start the game, never kill, fulton everyone
>fulton only the good ones, leave the rest
>fulton the good ones, murder everyone who dares have anything lower than an A++ rating
>throw everyone into a pile and blast them with a rocket fist
I agree, which just enforces how crap MGSV's story was
Shit, was ment to reply to
Venom never mentioned making them into kid soldiers, you are assuming this because of what happens in Outer Haven
he was paid to kill them, they sent an audio recording of venom shooting the wall to the employer as "proof" that the job was done, he did not have to rescue them
this is patently false, the only intention was always to rehabilitate them and i dare you to find me an audio or video clip from V that disproves this
>"little training he'll make himself useful"
he abso-fucking-lutly wanted to make theme soldiers
meant for
Because Miller was a winey bitch.
BB was soldiering at age 15 and he didn't ask to pretty please not get shot back at.
I concede that it seems he really did want to make them child soldiers at first. My mistake, I haven't played the game since release
ZTD x Dangolgrandpa 3 (the animu) was an amazing dumpster fire, though. It's like they were made for each other.
Haven't finished a game since MGSV. And I couldn't even finish it.
BOTW, Dark Souls 2, GoW Accession, Spore, Mass Effect 3, Dragon Age 2, Dead Space 3.
>all that cut content from the trailers
game is just a huge let down from all the hype those amazing trailers created
His fall began at the end of MGS3, we saw that when he refused the handshake.
We saw him renounce the boss's actions and turn towards his "eternal war" goal in Peace Walker
Big Boss was already evil, MGSV just expands upon that by showing how manipulative he has become (brainwashing one of his soldiers to take the hit for him, abandoning Kaz, using DD for his advantages etc.)
I only watched that one video, and it was a good, truthful video, you just don't have any arguments so you act like a faggot
Like what?
Not him but first one I think of is characters wandering mother base, as well as going back to the camp from ground zeroes
I like Phantom Pain, but man am i sad about some missing scenes
Big Boss "going nuclear", BB wandering through a group of charred corpses at the beginning of one trailer, Chico and the return to Camp Omega are among the worst
Death Stranding
>BB wandering through a group of charred corpses at the beginning of one trailer
Both the scene and the location were used, but not together. The scene was the same animation as Venom walking through the quarantine platform, while the location is immediately southwest of the Africa oilfield. It's just a trailer scene, not "cut content."
>BB wandering through a group of charred corpses
That's just the Shining Lights cutscene in a different place, same with the Camp Omega shit. Wouldn't really call scenes changing location cut content, happened for the previous games too.
I really want to see the shitfest that death stranding will be
after this I can only say, fuck kojima
its wrong too. bb and venom knew that war irrevocably fucks ppl. its kinder to put them back onto the battlefield
They already were.
MGSV is probably the number one game I regret spending time on, I would probably be happier if I had just ignored. Even before the game had released, I wasn't a fan of the idea of Metal Gear going open-world, but I still watched all the trailers, looked up whatever information I could, and then played the game to completion when it came out, purely out of a sense of devotion to the series. I wish that I could go back in time and prevent myself from doing all that, because it was exactly as tedious and boring as I knew it was going to be. Fuck open world games, fuck Konami, and fuck Hideo Kojima. Biggest disappointment and regret of my life by far
If you found it boring you weren't playing it right