Kirby Thread


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Reserved(The dataminer) says there's no True Arena in Star Allies. He's totally got the complete build and totally knows who the final boss is, definitely. No way there could possibly be more than 4 worlds, right guys?

Reserved is a cunt and treats people like shit.

he has the demo, and he has credibility from leaking literally all of battle royale and getting everything right

reminder that the demo is an incomplete build and is only a fraction of the full game
gamexplain said jambastion was the halfway point, debunking the 4 worlds meme
use your fucking heads and don't believe everything you read either

it's unfortunate that both of these are 100% correct statements

and how did memexplain know what percentage of the game lied ahead if they hadn't progressed past there? use your own god damn head

what will it take to salvage the game?

Eric being the final boss

He has good opinions though.

6 or 7 worlds.

Hi, Reserved.

Zero Three

they may have been told

That's right, I'm the boogeyman! Me!

This’d better be bait.

>SSU is a bad remake
>good opinions

That's the one thing I agree with, but I hated KSS to begin with.

I agree with that sentiment. I've been arguing that point for years and nobody has ever presented a good counterargument.

>Eric is the final boss
>but he ends up drooling while eating

Star allies is looking great

how can anyone possibly think ssu is worse than the original in any way? It's exactly the same, but with new content and the introduction of True Arena.

I really love that goddamn expression.

again if reserved's claims are still true about four worlds and fewer levels
we don't know the length of each individual level; they could be longer than robobot's to compensate

and we still know next to nothing about these citadels, as well as what if anything is locked behind the puzzle paintings


>world 1
>a country

>world 2
a planet

>world 3
>An intergalactic spaceship

Use your heads people

I doubt Reserved is lying, but the demo doesn't seem like it's the complete version of the game, not having True Arena is a bit hard to believe.

The art style and physics aren't the same and the new content is just retreading what the game has already done in other subgames. There's nothing really creative about it. It's also on a handheld so co-op is a pain in the neck.

Solar system
Inter dimensional space ship hub

>world 4
>the entire universe

How would he even know? Is there a file called "lmao true arena is gone.tiff" in the demo?


and now to take our minds off things
seems wheelie is a real thing

>wheelie isn't in star allies because now he's in your home

How much do they cost
How much would it cost to customize it to look like wheelie

when will kirby threads be good again?

I assume those citadels are just like the museums in Adventure where you have access to abilities without needing to go into stages to find them.

When Zero graces us with his glorious return

whenever something else nintendo related becomes more relevant and takes blunderfag's attention away from star allies

This thread was good up until your post

When are they going to release GCN Kirby?

Bandana Dee. Clearly still has his spear, even though Spear is gone. Can even be mixed, in a way that shows it's not just a Staff clone. And can be made into a helper.
How the fuck is this gonna work?

fucking adorable

just exclusive probably. Think Meta Knight and Dedede in Air ride

Probably never, unless someone from the studio decides to dump the beta for shits and giggle.

Either the Extra Mode is focused on Bandanna Dee, or you can play as characters other than Kirby and helpers. There's also a possibility that Spear is an ability, but I doubt it since making a character as major as BD a mere helper seems odd.

>that one picture of the game
You know the one

I guess the ability's unique to him this game?

when will they finally release kid Kirby?

October 24, 2011 or depending how you see it March 16, 2018

Kirby on wheelie overlooking a stormy hell-cubist castle?


Remember that files have a little percentage of how much of the game you'vd completed?


Playing Airride with a friend a few days ago made me want a new Airride. I hope KARG gets a demo out soon.

Favorite machines? My favorite is the box car.

Maybe there are other unlockable characters who aren't helpers.

Turbo Star is my go to.
It's decently fast and I can cope with the handling. glide fucking sucks though.

I learned pretty quickly that Air Ride's machines are unbalanced as fuck. How do they expect someone using the Jet Star or Wing Star to beat someone using the Slick, Swerve or Turbo stars? There's a 10mph speed difference.

>inb4 this setting is used in a later part of the game

>play the demo alone
>it's shit
>play it again but with others
>it instantly becomes super fun
It's fucking 3D World all over again, I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing

So I'm replaying RtDL and it just feels... weird. I mean, it plays fantastic and this playthrough has basically cemented it as my favorite Kirby game, but the music is so different compared to other Kumazaki games, and it just kinda feels surreal in general. Maybe that's remnants of old Kirby GCN shining through.

Shadow Star. I don't care if anyone call me an edgy faggot, that shit is fun to use. Also KARG is probably busy with other more important things to do.


>reserved keeps dropping cryptic hints on his twitter instead of datamining the game
Fuck him and any other attention whore dataminers that do this shit.

It's too fucking easy. I just finished my playthrough on dolphin a few minutes ago

It took me less than 1 minute to kill Magolor soul with the spear ability

The discord server he was in banned leaks (despite it being a spoiler channel in the first place), so he's probably laying low.

If you hate him stop giving him attention and notoriety

Why is there a loading screen for every door?
I want to be comfy, not waiting.

apparently people are so bored they've started making time attacks of the demo

>Amazon Prime gives you 20% off of star allies

Because HAL went ham on the lighting.

What is the consensus on Haltmann and Star Dream?

Demo is cut together areas of different levels, that's why.

Haltmann did NOTHING wrong and star dream is a dick

Birthday cakes? Is he implying that it's the cultist's birthday? Zero's anniversary? A wedding?

>Reserved said Dark Matter shows up in some capacity but isn't the final boss
>He says the final boss isn't Zero
>Keeps teasing with pictures of cake

It's Dark Nebula, isn't it?

It's Nebula-Three. That's why he's so pissed about the localization.


Redpill me on Reserved because I have no fucking clue who you're talking about.

Haltmann did a lot of things wrong, though

> Zero's anniversary?
Star allies isn't the only kirby game with a march release

Can somebody explain why the waiting time between doors varies. Like, some have the tips and some don't. What gives?

It's absolutely Dark Matter, but they avoid the name like it's AIDS for some reason

He's celebrating Void Termina's birthday because he's a loon.

That’s like the worst returning character they could’ve gone with unless they plan on developing him somehow.

people are taking his word like it's gospel because he worked on a RtDL project, but nobody wants to admit that there's a possibility that the demo he's datamining is of an unfinished build that's missing a ton of content

Attention whore dataminer and modder. We have to put up with him because he's the only one who seems to care about datamining Kirby. He also apparently datamined Mario Odyssey beforehand.

>dark nebula
but why

I get what you meant, it feels kinda odd replaying through the game again after Robobot and Triple Deluxe. I even try to use the skyward sword move and forgetting that most of sword's moves doesn't combo as well as the 3DS games.

How did you get that time? Was it the Spear Chuck move?

Most likely because the demo features multiple stages of the game in one level.

>nobody wants to admit that there's a possibility that the demo he's datamining is of an unfinished build that's missing a ton of content
I don't know why this isn't the first thought.
Hal isn't Gamefreak, they're not gonna put the whole game in the demo.


I'm guessing that that's Daroach hidden underneath the cloak.

What are the main complaints?

And the filesize is way smaller than the real size, but who knows if there are some leftover information in the demo as well.

this is probably a stupid question but I know zero about how this all works:

we know the full file size of the final game, don't we? how does the demo's filesize compare to it? it may not be the most accurate way to tell but if the demo is more than slightly smaller than the game it may be a clue

nevermind, there's my answer

>They bring Dark Nebula back
>It's a super troll and unlike every other boss so far he's the hardest boss in the series surpassing Sectonia
>Fires fucking death lasers everywhere and combines elements to create devastating attacks
Probably won't happen but it would be amazing if it did.

When someone steals the most complete build before they started over, and they release it online.

>helpers are required to get through many part of stages
>the team up section are unavoidable and you must get 4 helpers whether you like it or not
>the game felt too easy, despite the demo showing the very early parts of the game
I personally won't get it, but I'm still excited what is going to happen in the later part of the game.

They already brought Daroach back for Mass Attack, they wouldn't bring him back as a villain now.

>Dark Nebula but he's actually a fun and challenging final boss
I wouldn't mind at all

What happened with Pokemon Sun Moon is actually kind of funny.
See, Game Freak DID remove all pokemon and trainers and their data from the demo, but they forgot to remove the stills that appear in the pokedex and the pokemon center when you heal. That's where the leaked images came from.
Even when Game Freak tries, they still fail.