Other urls found in this thread:
>being a newfag
>Enjoy LS.
>It's suppose to be a braindead easy weapon.
>Can't foresight slash to save my life cause I either always time it wrong or they hit me mid swing before I can cancel into it.
I know there a tells when a monster is about to attack but it always comes out alter or earlier that I guessed.
>mfw responding to an SOS as an IG user and fainting 3 times
>love the gameplay but the endgame is abhorrent
>just making every weapon and armor instead
>want to try new weapons to give the game more variety
>keep going back to the same weapon and blowing people up
>make new models when I'm bored
Anjanath HBG looks great. Nerg's is just edgy.
>respond to a SOS that's 4 minutes in
>faints a 3rd time right as I get to the camp site
Probbaly after the game gets a few DLCs on console, so they can shill an "Ultimate Edition" for PC release and a season pass.
Jho please save me from this boredom.
I hope so because maybe that'll mean we get G rank sooner rather than later.
>tfw you get a gem 6 hunts in a row.
Tonight was good.
I'll never understand how people can bear to play this game alone on their basement. You're supposed to play MH locally with your friends, on a portable system. Switch is literally the best handheld at the moment and yet Crapcom has chosen to fuck the franchise up this bad. The franchise is pretty much dead now.
>Mfw I did stop playing
Where the fuck is Deviljho and Alatreon?
Ninteniggers should not be posting best kot.
Fade slash to dodge fast moves.
Foresight slash to dodge moves with huge tells.
I can't stop playing Kirby Tilt n Tumble but you don't hear me sperging about it
>best selling game capcom ever released
Nice try faggot
It’s my first ever Monster Hunter m8. I was excited
>pink rathian charges over me twice in a row
>get stunned
>palico runs up to me
>takes a drink right in front of me
Palicos are your pals.
>Over 200 hours
>Basically nothing left to do at this point
>Still just killing monsters over and over
Okay, someone please explain to me how HR armor crafting works. In that, do you need to constantly upgrade through it and build whatever better set you have materials for, similar to LR, or do you pick a set of your choice and upgrade it with spheres and gems? How important are armor set skills? I love girros armor, but the skills are worthless for me. Can it be negated with gems? Also, how big is the difference between attack 244 and 233? Because if I switch from bone alpha set I am wearing now, I'll lose 11 points with that lv6 attack boost I get from it and the charm.
I got bored and didn't even bother with the last monster. Fuck they've casualised the crap out of Monser Hunter huh?
that's fine. Try to keep that during the next iterations
In HR end game, skills > armor value. You are clearly at the start of HR so it doesn't matter pick a nice set with good bonuses till you unlock gems. Then the real clownsuit begins. Otherwise just pick a good armor and use it.
Max plays it with his wife in the same room.
But yeah playing with bros together is best.
Its going to be funny when the "expansion" comes out and you cant port over any items, just completed armor sets and weapons only.
In quality of life hunter? They will most definitely let you keep everything, it'll just be dlc addon.
I would instantly drop the entire series for life.
>People complain G-rank is too easy because they grinded all the best jewels already
I can see that happening.
>finally got my armor built that I want
>just need decorations to finish it out
>only decorations that ever drop are stupid bullshit that no one would need or want
>only other way to get decorations is the melder
>it's just a second round of RNG where you could get more of the same decorations you just melded
whoever thought this was a good system should be shot
G rank should be designed with you having all the jewels in mind
Even more reason for them to make it harder, they got 7mil sales they can afford to let the casuals git gud or fuck off and let proper fans enjoy what it's supposed to be.
That is fucking retarded because it takes 100s of hours to grind for the jewels.
You can savescum the melder RNG. There is a guide on plebbit about it.
G rank should be for people who put hundreds of hours into the game
Stay mad nintendies
G rank should be where people spend hundreds of hours. G rank entry barrier shouldn't be hundreds of hours.
Then it should have been in the basegame.
If you're going to release a new mode literally months after release it better be suited for players who have been playing it through those months.
When has G-rank ever been in the base game. Fucking idiots. People still grinded for hours in Dos, X and Tri. Do you think that transferred over when the G-rank arrived?
>no content
>no challenge
>worst equipment variety ever
>worst roster since MH1
>worst multiplayer in the series
I'll just get the WAHOO out of the way now
I hate that the palico don't break you out of stun for some reason but they still break you out of para and sleep.
I don't care, but releasing a "high rank but 10-20% harder" is fucking pointless months after release.
You retards might have ate it up before but other people have standards
Fuck off and go back to your bing bing wahoo thread.
Dos didn't even have a G rank expansion and X DID transfer over. 3U is the only G rank expansion without a save transfer feature.
>Defending an easier game while I want a tougher one
>Telling me to go back to mario
The irony
Just say reddit man, jesus christ, what are you afraid of?
There is nothing tough about grinding 100 hours to get another extra attack gem.
Then you should have no problem doing it so you can handle G rank :^)
G rank should be designed with the average person hitting HR49. Not HR100+.
>ahhh!! i cant stop dumbing down a franchise to appeal to a wider casual audience!
I would take a casual experience which I can still put hours into over carpal tunnel syndrome and a 240p screen.
They got your sixty bucks.
but XX for Switch exists?
You speak moon?
Cool, so 15fps and 240p screen.
Switch is that shitty tablet that doesn't even has a d-pad, right?
f-fifty bucks...
What QoL?
One minute load times before and after each quest?
A hub where everything is spread apart too far?
RNG decorations?
G Rank will let you mine decos.
>One minute load times before and after each quest?
World's load times make launch bloodborne's feel short
why dont i get excited when i get a nice decoration in this game? when i got a really good charm in previous games, i used to get really hyper.
Because good charms are much rarer than good decos, a solid charm is 1 in 10k or more and that's before even getting into actual god charms
Your PS4 is dying, user.
And you want to go back to loading during the hunt? Fuck that noise.
Because you're not 13 anymore, user. You're 14 now. You're a man.
Generals belong on /vg/.
Yes I'd rather have a 1 second load screen every 5 minutes when the monster changes areas, instead of two long ass load screens every quest, it's less loading overall than in World
The time to travel between areas on the map takes longer with the seamless transitions than it does with the load screens too
hack infested shithole day one. why even bother
Better question, why bother playing multiplayer in World?
what constitutes as harder? you take more damage and monsters take less?
or do monster get new moves?
ya you're right man. i just finished playing with my friends and got a crit boost gem from an investigation, but i didnt even flinch at it. it personally makes deco farming for me really lackluster.
>a solid charm is 1 in 10k or more and that's before even getting into actual god charms
Thank fuck we never have to deal with that again when charms are an indispensable part of set building.
That shit destroys the flow of the hunt.
>1 second every 5 minutes
Now you're just making shit up. World's load times are fine but if you want to go play the inferior versions, be my guest.
>Ebin falseflag x-DD
Go back
>The franchise is pretty much dead now.
And running after the monster when it flees every 3 minutes in World doesn't?
Yeah, MH catering to the dude bro audience is a real plus for the franchise huh
>not stunlocking the monster to death as soon as you find it
If the monster is able to flee the area you found it in, you have failed as a hunter.
yes, because more sales means more budget for more monster hunter games they dont have to be ghetto handheld games
uh sweetie why not play solo
Whats te most sexy armor for female?
Too soon
Any good late game GS?
Just wha?
You never played MH out side of 4 Ultimate have you?
I started 4U after getting it off the eShop sale, is it true that the Hunting Horn becomes worthless by the late game solo? I really liked using it too, would a hammer be a good replacement then? Could I also go lance if I wanted to cut monster parts too?
the jagras one
End game is really bad RNG stacked on top of RNG so fuck it.
Are Nergigante weapons like all around good or just for elder dragons because high elderseal? I'm runnin the lvl 8 Kirin lance and for some reason I like to use it more than lvl 8 Nergigante lance. Is dragon damage really that good?
Also, I feel like trying out new weapon type again and was thinking to try longsword next. Whats good upgrade tree for that?
Arena LS
MH's days are numbered but not because muh handhelds.
The real issue is the normies aren't going to stick around but Capcom are going to keep chasing that high until they streamline the game into oblivion. World G/U will be the last good MH.
just play whatever you like user although from what I remember lance is pretty good in 4U. Can't remember about hammer but I know GS, IG and HBG are top dog for kill times
it's really fucking annoying when monsters just suddenly stop fighting and run. It happens far too frequently in world compared to the other games
Don't worry, the Switch is getting a shitty port of an old game ;)