Gentlemen, how do we save the video game industry from impending doom?
Gentlemen, how do we save the video game industry from impending doom?
We can't.
I hate anime, please never post anime ever again ever on this website.
why can't you make girls blush like this, Sup Forums?
Purging weabos. Japan stopped being cool long ago.
It will never die as long as eurocucks keep buying fifa.
Why don't girls do this in real life
Create monster girls
Worldwide ban of cryptocurrency: Proven use or mining of crypto is punishable by public execution. Buildings with suspiciously high energy usage will be inspected by a task force every week.
Banning of all Pay-to-Win elements: Lootboxes, micro-transactions, etc. All games MUST be complete on sale, not even DLCs. Patches are acceptable, only if they are free for all users.
Shunning of current AAA industry
Crashing it
>4 ears
We don't. Video games should die, as we are.
I could swear source was yokosomething quartet
Eh the only thing I could see crashing is big western companies and the never make shit that's worth a damn
Having Microsoft sign an exclusivity deal with Sega for at least 6 games and a blank check to fund it all.
Remove women
Add more cute anime girls.
remove anime from the face of this website actually
Have Suzuhito Yasuda design more characters.
Get studios out of California
>brainlet goes to Sup Forums
What attracts you fags to come here anyway?
kill anime
Why does that chick have two sets of ears?
2 brainias
they're antennas
We need to stop everything related to Virtual Reality. Only then, will gaymen be saved.
>read it in his vioce
Different frequencies you uncultured swine
What if they're just tufts of hair stylised into ears?
They do if you're Chad.
>The absolute state of women
>Patches are acceptable, only if they are free for all users.
Please give me one source on this. I'm not doubting you I just want to know where somebody had to pay to download a patch unless you're talking about an expansion pack that fix's the game.
not really, they're just pretending to be innocent like that
good lord this look at this fucking idiot
Some AAA games charge for language packs in foreign countries? Like, in Japan to get JPN voices it cost another $30 on top of the game for Tomb Raider.
delicious tanned cirno mandatory in every game
what games can i pet girls
why does she have 4 ears
7 vaganias
Vidya must die, if vidya turns into an unprofitable market then big companies will fuck off, leaving only those who are actually interested in making games in charge, the casual crowd will go away since developers are no longer trying to catter to them and we shall see a few years of quality games until the market gets it's grubby hands on it again.
Yea right, shit's not dying anytime soon, stop being lazy and put some effort into looking for games you might enjoy instead of whining about how some company is catering to a shitty yet profitable audience.
Stupid girl. I have nerer felt like this over female characters ir Barbie fucking doll... It was the remarks of people around that fucked my self esteem. Blaming Barbie for insecurity on women os the same thing as blaming videogames for violence. A girl can't have a normal weight that she is called fat by her mother and everybody. She can't be beautiful without other women try to destroy her over jelousy. A woman can't have a good relationship without fear other women try to steal her man not because they like him, but just for pure competition. What is a fucking doll and videogame characters close to the atitude of some people? Nothing
Because every guy is as fit as Snake right?
Yozakura Quartet