When did you grow out of playing dual-wield classes, Sup Forums?

When did you grow out of playing dual-wield classes, Sup Forums?

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When dual wield your not supposed to be defensive but offensive. Glad he died what a fucking noob.

>not a single spear user in the background

fucking casuals probably banned spears.

good luck establishing a regiment of huge ass 2 hand sword wielders and not having them getting in eachothers way

>the obese guy has a katana

good luck establishing a regiment of huge ass dick wielders and not having them getting in eachothers asses

>not plowing through an entire squad on your own

When i realized the rogue in wow would have been completely OP if they could wield any kind of two handed weapon and spamming sinister strike. Also the hit rating is shit on the off hand, same with D&D games.

Yeah it's way easier to use a weapon of that length when it's not made out of the real stuff.

are you implying zweihanders were heavy? how heavy do you think?



Simultaneous dual-wielding of the same kind of melee weapons was always stupid. Even the rapier+main gauche combo is dumb.
However, something like two different weapons that you'd use for different situations and can be used perfectly fine with one hand is the best kind of dual wielding. Like a pistol+knife.

With actual armor, no way those hits would even hurt
And if its to fight unarmored Id rather have a spear

Sure he should have been more aggressive, but not because he's dual wielding, it's because the other guy has the range advantage.
Dual wielding is generally pretty defensive, you do it to have an extra weapon to parry.

Never have. Dual Wield have a very high skill ceiling. Bet you plebs don't know about dual wielding on horse back.



>holding it by the blade


Just because historically spears have been used in formation doesn't mean they can't fuck shit up 1v1.

>hurrr every spear is a pike


If you hold it correctly, it won't cut your hand. Certain parts of the shaft are sharper than others, and in reality a soldier would probably have gloves on.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that the swords in that video are duller than actual weapons for safety reasons.

>Holding the sword upside down

That is NOT how sword fighting works.

It's a thing

when I switched to arms spec and hit a 12mil crit for no effort

why are their heads sideways

It is exactly how sword fighting worked, at least in some parts of the world.


It's just a technique where you use the pommel to bash someone in heavy armor, as the blade is next to useless. It is how sword fighting works. Educate yourself.
Perfectly fine.

And these blades are obviously dull overall

>Dual wielding is generally pretty defensive, you do it to have an extra weapon to parry.

Nah, you do it to have an extra weapon to throw.
The reach advantage of the two-hander would have been nulified if they had to react to a weapon being tossed at them.

Maybe the people who drew these were virgins who never got in a sword fight or seen one being used so they had no idea what they were doing

>Some parts of the world

>Autism Adams basement

>I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that the swords in that video are duller than actual weapons for safety reasons.
Even sharp blades can be held with bare hands.

Google "Half Swording" you arrogant fucks.

>Dual wielding is generally pretty defensive, you do it to have an extra weapon to parry
then why not bring a fucking shield

Please don't comment on stuff you know jackshit about

That bowie knife demonstration was hilarious.

You're incorrect

Sword and shield is dual wielding.

nigga, he doesn't have the fucking strength to do anything to heavy armor like that you can't put enough force by grabbing a blade like that even with the fucking weight of the sword and what little force he can put on it it would do nothing, all that fight was severely retarded

>chops hand in half

Just stop user

You got trolled you stupid fuck

It irritates me to the point of incoherence when some underage dumbass says "duel" wielding instead of dual.

historically 2 tonnes

Literally tested this with kitchen knife and almost lost my fingers

Fuck this meme ur wrong

But sword/axe/mace/spear and shield is the ultimate dual wield

When I got a halberd

Half swording meant using a sword half the length of a hogshead you pleb. Use of any sword one tenth of a furlong was known as fullswording.

>and what little force he can put on it it would do nothing,
If you actually watch the source video that the webm was made from, there are dents in the helmet of the guy in armor and he said it hurt like hell and was disoriented. Quit talking about things you know nothing about user.


Because a shield means pure defense where you block, defense with a weapon is usually counter moves.
Also, sword skills in the beginning before u learn to block proper really sucks. Then from 5-10 every exchange is a struggle, and then when you hit thirteen you kinda just spam master counters and no one survives combos anymore and finally after like13 you smack so hard blocks don’t matter, and and then by the time you get past 15 hitting through blocks kills as well. I’d rather keep with the tough exchanges then just master stroking my dick all over everyone

They were about 5-7 lbs (2.2 - 3 kg) which doesn't sound like much until you have to swing it a few dozen times.

It's unlikely the person who drew it was more clueless about sword fighting than you.

What games do sword and buckler fighting correctly?

doesn't understand sword fighting. I dont know if you noticed, but a full plate armor protect from sword and only an handful of spots are weak.

Holding your longsword with two hands allow you to thrust with great precision at the weakness (for example, the eye opening in the visor of a sallet)

The pummel being heaving allows you to perform a pretty strong blow if swung correctly, much more damaging to an armor than a fucking blade hit (which is thinner and less heavy). Also the hilt is usually pretty rough to have at full force on your neck.

Nah they were actually drawn/depicted by actual sword masters.

>Apothecary Pavel I'm Town Watch

am i the only one on Sup Forums with a patrician taste in weapons

Poor etiquette, it's disrespectful to spam Well What Is It while not facing your opponent

It's not that hard to get the blade in to a exposed area of armor, and honestly striking someone with a pommel which doesn't even have that much weight to it will do jack shit against a fully armored opponent.

I-I-It's because the kitchen knife is sharper than the swords from that t-time
Ple-please belive me

>he doesn't know about the 6G you put in someone face with a shield bash.

Goddamn island cannibals.

>yeah guys it hurt like hell
>i was so disoriented

nigga a kid can put a dent on fucking plate by hitting it with a wooden fucking hammer, stop letting them fill you up with garbage on those kind of videos

hes wearing heavy armor and not trying to overpower the other idiot knowing he can't cut him, thats so stupidly staged that it's makes me cringe just to watch it

God bless you user.

Looks like my moms old paddle from when I was a kid

looks so fun.

Why does every fucking thread that just mention anything related to swords has to be stormed by Half Swording meme faggots?

>and honestly striking someone with a pommel which doesn't even have that much weight to it will do jack shit against a fully armored opponent.

So you would willingly be hit on the head with a sword pommel if you had a helmet on?

How would that win you a fight against anything?

win you a fight against the head block.

>It's not that hard to get the blade in to a exposed area of armor
It's pretty hard when the other guy is actively protecting those spots and trying to kill you. Also see hitting the helmet with the pommel hurt the guy in armor and he was disoriented, leaving him open to an attack on the neck.

Oh shit, I'm sorry.

>sword lightly touches other person with literally no force

haha you're out!

what kind of faggotry is this, swords aren't razor sharp you god damn fucking autists. they were puncturing weapons where slices did fuck all and certainly not a touch. t. history phd

Those were made to be sold as tourist trinkets. South americans used all their metal to craft elaborate gilded raiment for their llamas so they made weapons out of cheap glass the volcanoes kept growing. Spanish conquistadores used to trade two florins and a slave for one of those bats, the spanish national gallery has a room dedicated to them because so many were brought back. Eventually a law was passed decreeing that any spaniard to trade with a mexican would be fired out of a cannon.

Dude was using spider tactics

There is only one weapon that matters

>nigga a kid can put a dent on fucking plate by hitting it with a wooden fucking hammer
And doing that to a helmet while some asshole is wearing it will seriously hurt. Educate yourself autismo.

Back then you'd get stabbed for shitposting, so it's very likely credible.

There's no such thing as a half-sword press though, either you strike with the sword or you don't.

>actually im an expert on all things combat and an avid historical warfare connoisseur...
>btw ive never been in a fight


>implying that doesn't just make it better

looks cool, but impractical as fuck
What keeps the "blades" attached to the rest of the weapon? Seems like it would come apart if you block it with a shield once or twice

>grab end of spear
>close distance

I’m not gonna lie, shields are still probably better at counters, specifically small spike shields, but still, I was just saying dual weapons are typically counter only, but the shield gives more utility so...

>tfw that's my fetish

Less obstructive to each other and more effective thanks to reach than dual weild. The question of "why not just spear or spear+shield" remains and would give even better reach and be much cheaper to outfit.

As an ex-larpfag I testify to some of these "toys" actually being heavier than the real things. For perspective a 55" steel claymore only weighs in at around 5 pounds

The only good defense against a spear in 1v1 is really good armor or preferably a shield at least as big as your torso to properly cockblock thrusts to vitals.

Always better to have at least a dagger available offhand if you're otherwise only weilding a 1-hander. Holding nothing is a waste of the hand and if you need to 2H or grapple you can always drop the secondary but you generally can't spontaneously generate one.



When you only use the top half or the bottom half it counts. Only when you manage to masterTalhoffer's 'drehender Drache' do you really ever do a full-sword strike.

I'd take a pommel to the head with a bicycle helment desu

do you even kno how many golf clubs i've taken to the face? how many black cocks I have had forced between my lips?

>thinks this is some kind of fake or fantasy weapon and not a staple-weapon of an entire civilization
If people don't know what the fuck they're talking about, why do they come to these threads and talk anyways?

I like you
Knew a guy like this. If I didn't know any better I would say he was one of those idiots that did the KH reenactment in the parking lot.
Truly a weapon to surpass metal gear.

fucking idiot

>Back then you'd get stabbed for shitposting, so it's very likely credible.
I wish we still carried this tradition, desu.

>As an ex-larpfag I testify to some of these "toys" actually being heavier than the real things. For perspective a 55" steel claymore only weighs in at around 5 pounds

lol no, maybe your sword was aluminium or some other bastard metal


Oh no I know it's an historical weapon it just looks like a dumbass idea. Legit confused on how it stays together

This website would be a ghost town. It would be great.