All of the pilot's hair color are different shades of shit-brown

>all of the pilot's hair color are different shades of shit-brown.
>not even a blonde or red-head

Is this the power of diversity?

Other urls found in this thread:

maybe you didnt get the memo but diversity means none-white.

Hello! It’s seems you’ve created a thread about politics and attempted to disguise it (quite poorly might I add) as a video game thread, if you wish to discuss politics I suggest using the proper board for doing so (Sup Forums) rather then taking up room on this board that could other wise be used for video game discussion, thanks for your understanding and have a great day!

>garbage level
>is Hindu
nah they are alright

The poo that learned how to use the loo became the CEO; perfect.

It's more because they chose to use a limited pallet.

I don't recall you making this complaint with FTL. And last I recall, they had even less people with yellow hair or redheads. If anything that game pushed diversity even harder with a federation comprised of different species and races.

you forgot your Clippy image user

i hate limited pallets, why can't everybody just Euro

Forget the hair color, all of the pilot's SKIN COLORS are different shades of shit

>white as the driven snow
>didn't even notice, let alone get bothered by none of the characters being explicitly white
Starting to think you people are just racist morons, honestly

I think you missed the point. Diversity is fine if it's actual diversity. Diversity is stupid when it means "black people only".

Im starting to think you should back to ledit kid

>this thread again
At least wait a full day.

But the cast isn't only black?

>makes all white games for years
>minorities complain
"well make your own game then"
>dev makes game with all brown characters
"What the fuck where is my white characters"
When companies say all brown/black cast is diverse I agree that it is just literally incorrect. But the amount of bitching you faggots do the moment you see a black/brown character in original IP is just ridiculous.
Before I agreed with you, even though I am brown. Don't push minorities/women in existing IP just for the sake of it. But now I see you faggots weren't annoyed at the SJW/PC crowd, you are just plain fucking racist.

It's the future, red and blonde hair will stop existing eventually.


>Even though I am brown

Get off Sup Forums nigger, this is a WHITES ONLY website.

The only thing that matters on Sup Forums is how long ago you came.

hey reddit

Hello, merchant.

It's the power of a dark colour scheme.

Isn't this preferable to them adding a bunch of piercing filled, neon colored tumblrites?
Brown hair is at least normal.

About 5 minutes.
What does that get me?

niggers dont belong in video games

>no counter argument
stay mad

it's future white man, sit down, be humble

>sit down, be humble

Blacks can't pull no demands.

>Two way entry reversible is always the patrician's choice.

The only people I hate more than minorities are people how make political threads on Sup Forums

You fuckers are retarded.

>ayyliums from FTL

I hate liberalism with all of my heart, probably more than you do, and even I think you're overreacting.

Does this game play like Super Robot Wars?

I'm starving for mech games.

Not in the slightest.


Does it have cool mechs, at least? What's the coolest mech available?