Are there any other games with the aesthetic of VTMB? I love that look but I think I've exhausted Vampire at this point.
Are there any other games with the aesthetic of VTMB? I love that look but I think I've exhausted Vampire at this point
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Deus Ex has a similar dark moody aesthetic as well as hub-based maps
Hitman contracts
anyone know any similair music like in game? love the soundtrack for it, hollywood theme and santa monica theme are great.
Goth rock. Darkwave. Industrial. That sort of thing.
tried, but nothing feels as good as Rik Schaffers compositions sadly.
Isn't he the dude that made that music while living on some friend's couch while on withdrawal and broke?
kinda hard to pin point since there are so many different styles going on with each track, there's some trip-hop, dark electronic and post rock going on i feel.
>dark electronic/ ambience
>post rock
maybe some of these convey a bit of the same feel, not sure.
Then you'll probably struggle to find anything.
>this game is almost 15 years old
Feel old yet?
I remember buying this on release. Still have the original cds laying around somewhere.
You're damn fucking right I feel old.
Bloodlines is the reason I became a goth in my teenage years. I grew out of that shit about eight years ago now.
I remember reading the articles about it in gaming magazines before release.
I remember it being utterly fucked on release
I wanna try TFN or Antitribu
Not sure which clan to pick
type o negative
>greentexting my genuine and accurate reply
>being a metalfag
>not realizing its the closest genre to the vtmb vibe since goth/horror rock are genres
but really though, if you knew type o negative was metal the moment i said it, you probably looked them up and listened before. they have a very unique sound. whats not to like?
>whats not to like?
The fact it's metal? I just don't like the genre at all and no matter how many "unique" bands I've listened to I can't see the difference.
Anyway, goth and metal are very different and you a disservice to both in acting like they're the same.
develop some fucking taste, there's tons of great goth shit out there better than a video game soundtrack
yup thats true, he went through some rough times when making that soundtrack.
aah thank you user, its definitely something, much better than i ever found.
>goth and metal are very different
some metal is goth
type o negative for example
and it doesn't fall into the normal trapping of metal where it takes itself incredibly seriously and tries to be way too technical
the title screen music for vampire is pretty much a rip of angel by massive attack
any specific album or song from type o negative that gives of that feeling?
>being a gothfag enough to tell the difference
i'll admit i was being very broad. zoom out far enough and anything with an electric guitar is the same genre. i guess i just fall on th metal side. im looking to branch out musically, and also want more vtmb vibe music in my life, so whats your recommendation then? please god no manson
anything does it for me. mostly the slower jams. its all peter steels voice. listen how it transforms fucking cinnamon girl into a this dark nebulous beaut.
Collide is band that has a similar sound to the ingame song Isolated by Chiasm (but Collide is much better)
The Birthday Massacre if you like goth-flavoured synthpop
thanks for the albums!
It honestly sounds like you're just a fan of the band because I'm not hearing anything similar at all.
You should probably clarify that you're looking for music that sound similar to the OST rather than the licensed gothic rock songs that were also included in the game
Slow, distortion-heavy beats are my jam, thanks for sharing user.
very possible dealt with a degenerate girl at one point in my life who liked the band. being out in the rain at 2 am driving through the city with her constantly talking about getting clean burned the vtmb association in my mind. she also liked blood play. very glad we only made out heavy and never fucked.blogpost over
thanks lad. now ive got 2 full discographies to listen to as i drive to work the coming weeks.
Good music.
>didn't fuck the degenerate
missed opportunity m8
Goth synthpop rock is the best shit. It's a really nice fusion when it works.
i'd rather not have been sacrificed because i role played wrong. not even sure she considers it role play, its just sex to her. she was considering getting her tongue split and has several scars on her otherwise perfect tits. havent seen her in like a year and a half, but i think is for the best. ive got to stop shitting up this thread with my blog posts
just so i feel like i contributed something:
This isn't your fucking blog
do they have any instrumentals? their tunes are sweet!
anyone has the vampire the masquerade infographic with patches and stuff? I want to reinstall.
Google is your friend
thanks, really appreciate it man.
Wow, yeah it doe sound very simular
>his clan doesn't have Celerity
I used a cheat in this game that allowed me to fly over the city. All the buildings are literally what you see in front of you , there is no top or back to the buildings. It's like a Hollywood set where they put up just the literal front of the house.
i reply to replies. keeps the conversation going and bumps the thread.
not that i know of, unless theres some side release i missed. like i said, i listen mostly for his voice. there are those youtube videos that remove vocals if you wanna hear just the instruments. not really the best though.
i got you
Antitribu adds a lot more changes IIRC, so pick that one if you just want to experience the biggest change
This might be bullshit, but I heard apparently the placeholder menu track WAS angel by massive attack, and they got so attached to it they wanted a ripoff of it.
As I say, this might be bullshit. Nice story though.
thanks! you're great :)
Oh boy, you mean it's a fucking videogame? Who would have thought.
game got even better when i found out theres a cheat to enable breast expansion
The original Devil May Cry has a goth feel to it with industrial music just like VtMB. I want to say System Shock 2 has a similar feel because of how a lot of the game is dark and dangerous, but it's obviously more sci-fi than goth.
The composer admitted it in an interview after being asked about it.
I know this will come across like a shitpost but I thought DmC had a similar aesthetic.
Ignoring donte, obviously. It's a shame that the characters were so bad because everything else was breddy gud
DmC was a bit more cyberpunk than straight up goth. I actually liked how limbo worked and some of the cyberpunk stuff, but yeah the color-coded enemies, easy bosses, and shitty writing kind of ruined it. Also they ripped off Futurama.
Of course, it's called "culling" and is commonly used to optimize a game. Why show what you can't see?
is this your first time cheating in a video game
cyberpunk and goth are pretty closely related through industrial music
>Best boy is in best clan
As it should be.
God damn, that sentence is excellent bait.
The tops of the buildings were made into a 3d skybox which is like 1/10th the size of the actual level you move around in which makes it run better. They do the same thing with textures that are on walls you won't see, they just use a blank texture to save FPS. The game already runs at a pretty low FPS sometimes so it's a good thing they did that optimization.
you can also give them wings with negative numbers
>you will never be a hot vampire waifu's ghoul
why fucking live
>game's soundtrack is fucking amazing and captures the game's setting perfectly
>all it took was a dude that was as broken, depressed and destroyed as the setting itself
fuck nigga
emotions are powerful shit
>tfw no tzimisce gf to turn you into a chair
You have to feel the setting to be able to compose for it
quite amazing what that stuff can do
Jeremy Soule was in a car crash right before composing the music for Oblivion and that inspired him and its the best tes soundtrack there is.
>tfw no tzimisce gf that turns me into a chair and sits on me when i piss her off and turns me back when she stops being angry
a high-humanity tzimisce would be cool
sadly probably everyone and their fucking mother did a character like this
it's true