>playing first person shooters with a controller
Playing first person shooters with a controller
>playing games with a controller
>A controller
>playing fighting games with a controller
>playing first person shooters
Pick up to 3
>be nigger or beaner and play fighting games
>be eurocuck and play farming simulators
What you gonna do about it white boi?
Probably run those games at four times the resolution at twice the frame-rate.
>Too dumb to realize that both the teams in the webm are french
Mah niggaboo.
>playing Bloodborne on PC
pic related
Other than racing, what genres are good with a controller?
good for you
Isaiah dat u?
>Playing games where your opinions get censored to spare people's feelings
>Playing a first person game without VR
why do they sit like that?
heh really makes you think
>playing a first person game after someone else has already played it
Didnt Pro cod use xbox pads?
this is fine depending on game
>cod pros
the only remotely competitive cod was cod4 back in the cod4 promod days on pc
cods after that has been trash
beat them all, arpgs...
But there's no pic?
>only one good dame in that entire stack
Feel deep pity for you.
3d rpg games that don't require a lot of precision aiming, I use my steam controller for kingdom hearts and dark souls, e.t.c
>one good dame
The slut from Berseria?
Laugh at you.
to be fair, ash literally has no head hitbox
>Gayming torunment
>Rainbow Shit
There's too much things wrong with this webm.
Rythm games.
Platformers (except those 3D that are horrible at control scheme and camera auto-rotating).
Most of those "cuhrayzee character action" games or whatever you call that type of HnS.
Twin-stick shooters that do not require much aiming.
Something that implements a lot of menues that you burst through - like Disgaea games.
2d shmups.
>nigger nigger nigger nigger hang queers from trees Hillary for prison I'm gonna bomb Ubisoft
>nigger nigger faggot nigger white power
>go back to Africa you fucking chink
>wtf why was I banned, that's just my opinion bro
Is there no alternative to using a keyboard for directional movement? It just doesn't feel right to me.
>R6rookPro: why have you teamkilled me, faggot?!
>R6rookPro was banned for being toxic.
But a better keyboard. Mechanical one that uses smooth switches.
at least u can say that here faggot
Stop spouting shit, retard
Talk shit get hit
As opposed to what? Pointing and clicking?
LOL such skill. Truly magnificent.
Use a controller for moving and mouse for aiming. I still think keyboard is superior for instant change of direction as a stick has a moment where it's in the middle.
But I was not. Round have just started, I layed my armor bag and then that pulse nigger just killed me.
Pointing and clicking is a superior way to aim, yes.
>lol shut up you fucking nigger stupid faggot rofl
>lmao why did I get banned fuckin free-speech has been taken away!
If you act like a child expect to be disciplined like one.
They take their first amendment pretty seriously.
did you know you can use your mouse to change the direction you move in
You can mute people in every game, or votekick them
Oh wait, modern shooters don't have private servers
He's talking about strafing, but even then, A and D is the best method.
Real mature.
Slasher games (God of War, Nier:A)
TPS with auto-aim at max if you just want to have fun, doesnt work with FPS (GTA5, MGSV, Last of Us)
jRPG/RPG (FF15 (or any FF game basically), DA:I, Tales of Berseria)
Platformers (Sonic Mania, any of billion mario games, cave story)
Basically almost every game can is better with controller, but it depends on you position (chair, pc table, how far your monitor is) and you expectations from gameplay. Only time controller is losing is when you prefer skill over comfort and only faggots do that, because games are made for people to have fun.
It has literally nothing to do with the first amendment. It is their right to ban whoever they like since it's a private company.
Comparing getting banned in siege to a law saying you can't speak your mind is the ultimate form of mental gymnastics.
>Shit opinion
Checks out. Fuck off.
>phoneposting frogposter is retarded
never ceases to amaze me
you can votekick in siege