Reminder that if you like Resident Evil 2, CV, 4, 5, 6, Revelations 1, Revelations 2 or prefer the REmake over 1, you're, in fact, not a true Resident Evil fan and instead fall into one of these following categories:
>'2/CV/4 was my first RE' baby
>nu-fan who started with the REmake HD Remaster/Origins Collection
Reminder that if you like Resident Evil 2, CV, 4, 5, 6, Revelations 1, Revelations 2 or prefer the REmake over 1...
Other urls found in this thread:
And i thought the SS vs BB in the MGS fanbase was fucking nonsense
>CV and RE2 in that shit.
I know this is a bait but I wish I could kick you in the balls until you puke your own testicles.
The only thing I disagree with you on is REmake. There is nothing better than getting spooked by the window dog again 10 years later and I welcome some of the changes.
>literally showers you with ammo and health non-stop
they're not like the classic games by any stretch of imagination besides the setting and fixed angle cameras
do you also believe that bloodlines isnt a good castlevania game?
Zero stinks though
objective truth
Bravo OP, someone had to say it.
8 post 7 IPs
nice (you) .
But OP, RE2 on nightmare difficulty is the most "survival horror" experience you could have in the series, as its by far the most challenging because ammo is actually really limited unlike every other game in the series which are almost all piss-easy. You did play RE2 on nightmare difficulty, correct? I would assume an actual RE fan would have played the best version of one of the games before judging it.
Never heard of dynamic IP, nigga? Try living in a first world country next time
RE3 is best
that is some weird b8 user.
>this is what RE2fags actually believe
bosses are still a ridiculously easy joke and both RE1 Arrange and RE3 Arrange shit on RE2's Hard/Nightmare
>thread dies because no one has any valid counterarguments
RE1 on arrange mode still gives you practically unlimited ammo if you have somewhat of an idea of what you are doing. Its still piss-easy compared to RE2 on nightmare, user.
>Arrange mode
>thread dies because noone wants to post in a shitty low-effort bait thread
FTFY kiddo
Not an argument.
What if i like all the games, both old and new?
Patrician taste
I can already just smell from here that you've never played RE1 and RE3. RE2 Nightmare is piss easy and that's a fact, the only time you could possibly die is the Lab Licker Hallway, and that's only if you're not being cautious with your health
So RE3, the game that showers you with ammo, better guns, extra inventory space, environmental explosives, and shit loads of health is considered a truer classic than RE2?
Or the resident evil game thats not only completely in first person, but goes action movie halfway through, with a silly "little girl is an experiment/catalyst" plot?
Please tell me you're baiting.
still fun to play online, user
True that, shit gets laggy as fuck though. Teleporting zombies are a bit of an annoyance.
if you like 7 you need to kys its a movie
Can I just play the Xbox One ports of REmake+0, 4, 5, 6, Revelation and Revelation 2?
I will never understand why the fuck capcom dont release RE outbreak file 1 & 2 HD In PS3/360 time.
Add 1.5 in the real category and its perfect
You already proved you have no idea what you're talking about when you talked about RE3's "arrrange" mode. Literally all that was was a way to select the level of difficulty present on the American versions of RE3 on the PC port. RE3's regular hard mode is as hard as that game gets. Just give it up user you lost.
t. Watched his favorite streamer like a nigger
>literally showers you with ammo and health non-stop
Like RE1?
My nigger!
>Waaaaahhhhh!!!! Only 40 year old autistic faggots like me can call themselves true RE fans
>Thinks 95% of the entire fucking franchise is shit
>"True RE fan"
The absolute state of OP's degenerate life.
The classicfags on Sup Forums (for any franchise) have to be some of the most fucking pathetic people on the internet as a whole. Imagine feeling like a superior person because of you're REFINED TASTE in 90s videogames.
Holy shit.
>Post image of random games placed together in no directly understood order
>Herr derr retard
What if I like games because they're fun?
>Having fun playing quality vidya like RE
Disgusting user.
>code veronica
go fuck yourself and have a nice day
RE4 is one of the greatest horror games ever made and the fact that it is the least "horror"-esque horror game is not a coincidence
>Horror game
Started with 1
6 = 1 > outbreaks > revelations 1
The rest bore me to the point where I haven't played enough to properly sort them.
What's my category OP?
>Counting "any horror game in 2017" 7 as a resident evil game
this is becca
>action is bad
>RE3 is good
Pick one.
>not early access low-budget shit
>return to the roots of the series
>both newcomers and oldfags can enjoy it (of course if you are not biased bitch)
>on top of that, one of few actually decent VR experiences
honestly, did you play it?
With RE6 that high, there's something very wrong with your taste.
everyone in this thread is a dumbass. try this for a change
What's a 'true RE fan'? Let's say someone likes REmake more than 1 and likes all of the games you've mentioned and has a Chris doll he fucks every night. He would be more 'true' than you
Survival horror is dead, for better or worse. 6 is one of the best third person shooters ever released. The most valid complaints concerning it generally boil down to "i died in a way that I didn't like" or "the game moves away from being a third person shooter too often in favor of gimmick vehicle sections and quicktime events". The first complaint seems insignificant to me, the second I can understand being a problem but it doesn't bother me personally. The vehicle sections are janky but alright, the quicktime events are dumb, but they're aren't constantly happening like the cutscenes interrupting you every step of the way in max payne 3, and quick time events are only painful to deal with the first few times you play a game. I've beaten the game so many times that I'd have to be asleep to fail a qte. Also if you don't like that shit, just play mercenaries. It's right there. All you're missing out on are a few nice boss fights really.
I disagree with RE2 and REmake
but you're right about everything else
People call me a fucking weirdo for not liking RE4 and I just look at them like their nuts
>People call me a fucking weirdo for not liking RE4
It's actually cool to say that RE4 is shit to fit in on Sup Forums. This stupid board hates RE4 for no apparent reason
That's a good joke. The majority of Sup Forums thinks that 4 is essentially the perfect game.
How the fuck did you come to the conclusion of 2 being nu-RE and not 3?
its called bait for a reason
>i dont agree so it must be bait!
Imagine being this retarded.
this meme is getting a bit out of hand
>survival horror is dead
RE7 is proof it isn't.
Thinking RE2 is nu-RE and RE3 isn't is a fucking retarded opinion though. Anyone can see that RE2 is more action oriented than RE1, but can also see that RE3 takes that even further than RE2. Thinking such a thing warrants an explanation.
This is true. I made this poll on Sup Forums a few months back, and RE4 is ahead by 30votes. All votes have been Sup Forums exclusive.
>No Outbreak remakes
It hurts.