Post cursed vidya images
Post cursed vidya images
Countering with a blessed image
Oh, now you've fucking done it.
I know the point of this picture was CS:GO, but there's also the old PS Store layout which was much better than the terrible and laggy one they replaced it with.
Hell, even the PS4 store can be quite slow.
multi bottle rocket
What defines a cursed image
Yer fucking dead kiddo
An image that carries a lot of negative energy.
Is that yotsuba's hair?
its yotsuba hair, whats the big deal?
There's a special hell for people like you. And this is coming from the biggest degenerate on Sup Forums.
What the fuck
alright I better see a source
Bro what happened to his head
It's just Hideo, not to be confused with Kojima.
Now post the subway pic
Hideo needs to return. Kojima is out of control and needs to be stopped
Never talk to me or my son ever again.
Don't you do it
What, is this cropped porn or something?
I'm in a spoonfeeding mood. Its Yotsuba's hair, but as a template for SDT. It is lewding the Yotsuba, which should never be allowed to happen
game over, stalker
>cursed image
go back to tumblr you flock of unfunny lames
lurk more
Okay, user. I'll give you one minute to delete that.
>there are people on Sup Forums that don't know what this is
yeah it did look like super deepthroat but that looked like a giantic leap in logic so i wasnt convinced
Welp, i found what it is.
time to import the texture
super danganronpa 2
What's going on? I'm a sucker for "alien shit in sphess, like, REALLY alien and unsettling"
You fucking sick degenerate get the fuck out
how did that happen, never found anything like that in space engine
I hope your children die before you
They already do, and they will in droves once i apply the texture
so thigg! :DD
you can actually feel the curse in this one
Come on, don't leave me hanging, reverse image search got me nothing
it's a cursed image for a reason
Most likely an issue with the graphics card
One's man curse is another man's blessing.
As i said, stuff like that is my jam, strange, bizarre, nonsensical, truly and utter alien, it's a shame that nearly nobody ever experiments with stuff like that
>paying $15 for CS-GO
some blonde 6th grader somewhere actually did this