Does Sup Forums like my Pokémon team?

Does Sup Forums like my Pokémon team?

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Where is Charizard ):

It's alright.

I like it OP


Nice team user

Evolve your Kadabra already. If you're emulating, there's no excuse.

>Porygon 2 but not Alakazam

I fucking hate your Pokemon team, and i fucking hate you too OP. Fuck you!

how do you have porygon2 on an emulator

>No Primeape
>No Dugtrio
>No Dodrio

Back to /vp/

solid team all around BUT
someone has no friends

You can trade with emulators.

>he doesn't nickname his pokemon


You're cool in my book, user.

>not queen

>nickname all your Pokemon but instead of a nickname, you correct the cases.

Kadabra will evolve around Lv36 maybe

Not really. Ludicolo? Bad border choice too.

Good team


team thread?

>Not naming his team

Not yet. Maybe if you post it every day I'll eventually like it.

You need to spread that experience better, Kadabra is too far behind.

>2/3 of team dies to rock

There are many things I can draw from you, user. Please, never quit spreading your teachings.

My African American.

Are USUM emulatable yet? I want to play them but I'm not dishing out $40 for a rehash

Playing Storm Silver, just at the 8th gym. I'm not really feeling Claydol, but I don't know what to replace it with.

hacc ur 3ds m8


Not enough bugs/10
Never do this, beating the game with this was awful


>throwing out starters
this triggers my autism

They make the game too easy though
Catching the first thing you see and releasing your starter is the most fun way I've played the games.


So you usually end up with a bidoof or a rattata?

There's a decap patch you can slap on the pokemon roms, user
There's one to add the phys/spec split too

I don't see a starter in there fag

>keeping your starter ever
fucking why

>Hacking Emerald for a Nidoking

Haven't played a Pokemon game since Yellow. Bought Ultra Sun for the 2DS-XL.

Why is there always this one autist asking this question? BECAUSE WE LIKE THE STARTERS

>using porygon2 instead of porygon with eviolite

Fucking noob

>gen 3


Sup Forums is not a hivemind, you cunt. Give me one legit reason why I should keep a starter?

It's pretty good, but you need Alakazam

Pic related was my Sacred Gold team

sauce for faggot?

my nigga

Because you like doing things you hate




6/6 claydol is awesome. guess you hot using him right


not played past gen 5


>only one female Pokemon

Yes clearly this is the Pinnacle of creativity!

Which rom?

Emerald, I want to relive the trumpets.

not bad



Yeah that's a pretty good team

Here's the decap patch, the phys/spec split is a little more involved for emerald

Never played any of the ROM hacks, but PDP was fun.

>He abandoned his starter
Instant 0/10

That’s my bro so you’re great in my book


I am doing something similar but only using birds

thanks m8

Sauropods aren't birds though.

Where's your water type?


And half to fire.

You're not one of those homosexuals I keep hearing about are you?

>gen 3
>No Gardevoir(male)
why even bother.

>male Bayleaf
>girl's name

>Sacred Gold
Would anyone know how to stop that black screen thing that happens with the gen 2 remakes?
i have been wanting to play it for a while but it keeps happening

Its pretty good, thought evolve that fucking Kadabra user.

It doesn't happen very often (for me at least), and simply saving & restarting fixes it

I had an all-grass team in White 2 but then I lost the save. I had Serperior, Lilligant, Whimsicott, Leavanny, Maractus and Tangrowth. I really fell in love with Gen 5's Grass types, so I just had to try a Grass-only run. I also considered doing Bug and Psychic runs too.

I'm naming my next Sceptile Lizardo

I wish I like could like claydol but that guy just has so many weakness.

It's an anti-piracy feature. I'm surprised that no one's really managed to completely crack it yet, though.

i didn't come up with the names myself , i let my friends chose and they went with this for it with exception of Fletchinder which i named after the girl from Brave for obvious reasons

it usally stops after you reload the save. oddly enough, it always happen in the beginning of the game and than stops.

Pretty sure he just wanted the guaranteed (You)

>Solo grass team
>The type with the most weaknesses of all
I know B/W aren't exactly difficult but I can't imagine that being anything but a nightmare.

so, is Sacred Gold any good?

Yes, I'd honestly say that it's the definitive pokeyman game

What are some good Pokemon hacks for nuzlocking?

>Alakazam was my favourite as an 8 year old when blue/red were popular
>Neither me nor my friends had a link cable
>Gold/Silver came out and I just moved on
>Grow out of Pokemon as I get older
>Eventually learn of emulators
>Finally get my Alakazam

tfw went out of my way to have a cool team in Crystal

I had a dunsparce too but I ended up having to box him, and I was kinda bummed that Remoraid isn't in crystal but Mantine is cool too I guess

How on earth did you get past reimu? That ZReimu is bullshit.

That Ursaring looks so worried. I want to give the poor guy a hug and tell him everything is going to be ok.

Not sure why he would be, he's fucking unstoppable

not that guy, but I think he played through a 1.8 based 2humon, so no Z Puppet fuckery.

Maybe the guilt for beating up so many pokemon is getting to him?
Maybe he's questioning how his life came to this point and where it went so wrong.

>ditching your starter
>no nicknames
>unevolved kadabra

fuck no

>not ditching your starter