Into The Breach

Old thread is kill.
Is there anything more fun than setting up a custom squad of 3 prime class mechs and pretending that you are in a less shitty version of Pacific Rim btw?

Other urls found in this thread:

>mods move threads to vg haphazardly
>link to the old thread like if it was a general

Game is too short

I feel like FTL a much more complete game
am i wrong /v

FTL also has the advance edition
unless you mean vanilla ftl

Mhhhh i'm not sure, I might have played the advanced edition

you're not wrong
i beat the game on my 3rd try where as FTL it took me lots of times
I think since this game has like no RNG it can make runs more predictable


vg was a mistake

Which one am i missing Sup Forums?

>sucker for battle-hardened veteran types
>first ability becomes fucking useless after the first island
Fix when. There's no point picking him after when you've unlocked any other char.

>there's only one white person in the game
>he's so bad he's not worth using
It's working as intended, my man. Fuck Trump and fuck white people.

Pretending to be retarded is still retarded

Only 2 more to unlock. Wow!

you should make the robots white too and this would be gold

Robots are fine the way they are. I like robots.

>slash pol is triggered at fictional non-white people again

top laughs

Reminder that most of these are trash.

All the triggering is coming from your camp. I'm happy to play the game, and I'm happy I can edit sprites.

How come you don't have the FTL aliens?

is this front mission?

I only found out about mountains recently.

Most people bringing Sup Forums bullshit to these threads are the ones triggered by whities though.
Cases in point, your post and this ironic shitpost

I just beat the game for the first time on easy, now I have 6 coins.
Which squads are the most fun? Which ones have most divergent playstyle? Which one is the easiest to succeed with?

Explain why that triggered you and you think that's an "ironic shitpost."

I'm pretty sure my game still had the silhouettes there before I found my first one.

We need a clear statement from the mods about when threads belong on /vg/.

I'm in favour of a two-month grace period where they're automatically allowed on Sup Forums after either a release or a major update containing new content.

I feel Blitz is the most divergent for obvious reasons, Hazardous the most convergent, Zenith Guard definitely offers the most congruent gameplay style, Rusting Hulks the most interpolating, and flame Behemoth most metacyclic gameplay.

I don't think we do. I think we're fine the way we are.

>Explain why that triggered you
It didn't.

Okay I get it, I won't use big words anymore.
Just tell me what squads you like already.

slash pol is just mad again, let her vent

>"slash board"
Explain this meme. Is this a newfag thing?

posting on topic
which mech is best mech and why is it rocket mech

>most fun
subjective, I liked the Frozen Titans a lot though. (Aegis Mech + Ice Mech, so much fun)
>most divergent
Steel Judoka, you have a lot of control and utilize it by making the enemies attack themselves.
>easiest to succeed with
Rusting Hulks, one of the strongest ranged class mechs in the game and the Storm Generator passive means your AoE damages enemies while preventing them from attacking.

it`s like @[post number] someone but for a whole board

/vg/ is for games older than a week or two for if discussion still hasn't died down. Are you new or something?

Rusting Hulks is extremely strong when you get the hand of it, and very cheap, I would recommend it for a second playthrough. Zenith Guard and Hazardous Mechs are both very cool with letting you harming your mechs, but you would probably need Abe to pilot them.

I think my personal favorite so far is Hazardous Mechs tank that shoots and gets pushed itself. Great potential for movement, and you can kill 3 enemies in a single shot.

Aahhhhh I finally got the Zoltan. Now just 20 more hours for Rockman + Mantis.

No, you're right. Hopefully they add something to make it a more complete experience...

>too much of a brainlet and always die on the second island
>still haven't even beaten ftl on easy after all these years
I'm honestly considering suicide these days. I might have even contracted an STD from some drunk thot last friday.
>tfw will never be happy like boy sminem and his poo pajeet

Jeez man, that's unfortunate.
When I see pics like that is when I realize how lucky I was to come out just plain and average.

Think of it like a puzzle game, user.

Each turn, I think a maximum of three enemies will target your power grid (buildings) or objectives. These need to be dealt with ASAP.

The remaining enemies, if there are any left, seem to target your mechs. These can be walked away from/ignored.

Use all of the tools at your disposal to keep your grid safe while completing the objectives. You can do it. Just take your time.

Rusting Hulks have been my favorite squad, I did a 4 island clear my first try with them because RNJesus gave me the smoke bomb upgrade for sale after my first island which I stuck on the science mech. Being able to shit persistent attack cancelling fart clouds (that also do damage) gives you total control over the battlefield.

>Each turn, I think a maximum of three enemies will target your power grid (buildings) or objectives.
>The remaining enemies, if there are any left, seem to target your mechs. These can be walked away from/ignored.
What are you high on and where can I get some?

>the time requirement for vg has been lowered to a week(or two)
yep, a mistake

High on easy.

The only time that did not seem to be true was when fighting the spider boss enemy, but I have completed all of the achievements in the game and that was my take on how gameplay works.

I've seen instances of enemies that could have targeted buildings just sit there and remain inactive as they could not target any of my mechs at the time and a large number of other enemies were already going after the grid on that turn.

>fuck up and have to take a grid damage on the boss
>Island would be perfected if I didn't fuck it up

why are steel judoka so shit?
i've heard that they were good late game but they're so fucking bad early game, especially with that retarded artillery

I can't do it.
I've been spending about half an hour each day since release trying to get past the second island, seriously starting to think i'm an actual retard.
At least he's always happy.

put the mantis pilot in one of them and use his extra melee attack to carry you through the early game until you get enough power cores for them not to be shit

that's how i did it anyway

>2x consecutive 15% resists on the same building

Are you having difficulties bugs?

I concur. Works well in the prime, and when you get a good prime weapon, can be slid into the science bot.


>Combat Mech
>Laser Mech
>Lightning Mech

>Hopefully they add something to make it a more complete experience...
like lots of RNG

swap mech x3
ice mech x3
hook mech x3

If you liked ice memes, try artillery memes revolving around the ice boi and two high damage artilery. Apart from that, swap team is a standard, and the acid sprayer is fun with pretty much everything.

Mirror Mech is literally the worst mech. Not even the Lightning and Hook Mech are this bad.

It's obviously designed differently from FTL since the design was obviously meant to let you score a win with default loadouts unlike in FTL where you have to get a proper weapon loadout at minimum.

2 ez

Gravity is the worst, Mirror lets you pump out 6 damage a turn really early in a playthrough and as long as you're not braindead and synergizing it with frost, it's fine.

i feel like the game is made so that its impossible to fail regardless of difficulty, every time i hit 2 or 1 power the vek start doing multiple retarded plays

anyone else noticed this?

the vek always do retarded things, you just don't notice them all

It's the lynchpin of its squad, lrn 2 play faggot.

I'm pretty sure the linchpin of the frost squad is the ice mech, even more so when you have bethany available as a pilot.

In the early stages, the mirror mech is a hindrance.

nah, just do a game and damage your grid to 1, then you will notice the vek only attacking the grid if you are able to save it, if i knew how to make webm i could show what i mean

like the game is not trying to win, there will always be a solution each round

This game would be more fun with bigger maps and more units. Mods when?

Yo, can you shoot me those sprites, my nigga?

Here you go, but you'll need to use a third party program to ad them to the game.

Fucking blitz is painful to play.

Played the game twice, won both times barely taking any grid damage.

I was really digging it at first but the second playthrough was almost fucking identical. Same missions, same map hazards, same bonus objectives. Pretty much nothing changed I had an almost identical loadout at the end of round 2 and had no reason to change it.

I dunno about this. I loved FTL but this game feels really lacking by comparison. After I won I was just like.. yeah ok whatever. No sense of accomplishment like barely killing the flagship in FTL after contending with bad RNG.

I'll figure it out, I'm googling for the FTL unpacker right now. Thanks, bro!

>push shit around simulator
Not a very good game. Anybody who wanted a SRPG should move on.

Well, it's a puzzle game...

Ice tiles too

not a very good one

I like it!

Harold is white

Vek are hardcoded not to target the grid more than X number of times per turn, I think it's either 3 or 4 depending on some hidden conditions.

They aren't even trying to hide the bullshit at this point

You've got full grid nigga, just relax. Can't perfect every map.


Maybe this game will get something similar to the FTL:Captains Edition mod

Best OST.

If I choose a pilot as a reward for an island, and then donate them immediately, will it still unlock the pilot?


yep, as long as you had em at some point you get em permanently

>tfw pushing vek onto tiles that vek emerge from
>that does enough damage to kill them

this is solvable if turn order permits
hook the top scorpion
push the artilery bug with rock so that it kills the scorpion
attack the scorpion with whip

yeah, the unlock happens as soon as you click them

Are passive effects equipped in the 2nd weapon slot?


By default, yes, but I'm pretty sure you can equip them in first also.

>trying out blitz boys
>get a rough first island but unlock Zoltan and Silica
>that fucking hook mech build
>get two perfect islands
Should I go for the ice island?
It's the last one and this could be my first 4 island win. It has spiders.

Of course.


>Try out these shitters
>Whip mech can never hit anything without also one shotting my other mechs
>Hook mech is useless 90% of the time.
>Rock mech is very fucking situational

>linking to old threads in the OP
Hello /vg/.

Whip mech is extremely limited when you want to complete mission objectives. Protect the bomb? Can't attack. Protect that chasm thing? Can't attack or you'll kill it. Protect the train? Can't attack. If they made mission targets into buildings, so that they are immune to whip, it would be good. Otherwise, it's just painful.

Reminder that stopping a spawn only delays it until the next turn.