what went right

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Advertising went right, and the move back to consoles was the best decision they could have made for the series.
We're going to be seeing new Monhun releases for years to come.

If you counts ALL ports of Street Fighter II (the original vanilla version alone) it sold WAY better.

And that's not even counting the arcade revenue on top of that.


Been saying for years they'd make a killing if they released multiplat on Playstation as well as nintendo

bring back old bow controls

toddlers btfo


Game had ever right to become the reason capshit finally went bankrupt and instead every fucking worthless nu-faux-twitchgamer bought into it as if it were supposed to be the next le rage realhard souls-like.

Americans are fucking subhuman.
Capcom fucking sucks cocks and no monster hunter game has ever been good.

sorry about your lots muhammad


RIP monster hunter

I'm white and i'm assuming you've got more spuc in you than not. Shut the fuck up.

>makes the series souless trash and casualizes it
>surprised it sells like gangbusters

Enjoy your Monster Hunter Awakening, fags. I'm glad I quit the series after I hit HR 100 in World.

yeah no sorry SF2 wins by another what 12 Million plus+


Just wish the endgame wasn't shit, the decoration system is a grindy disgrace. At least with 4U/Generations you could get a ton of charms in a single quest to alleviate a bit the RNG hell.

It was a combination of many factors.
>MH was always a good series with a great potential
>Multiplat release on both consoles and PC
>Proper marketing for once
>Destiny 2 community was leaving the game in search of another co-op game
>No real competion for over 2 months (January, February and early March)

I was expecting to be offended by streamers comparing it to dark souls, but somehow it hurt even more when they'd positively compare it to PSO.

Phantasy Star Online was actually fun.

Stay mad bitch nigga it's better than the 3ds MH games.

>I'm glad I wasted over a hundred hours of my life to say I quit the game

Moving from children to adults as target group

No mh game was ever good and the best selling mh prior was mh4u which collectively sold throughout the entire rest of the world only as much as it sold in japan alone, which really just went to show how fucking awful the franchise is and how only masochistic cuck gooks could """enjoy""" it.

>Don't try game
>Put enough hours to have a valid opinion about the game


Tfw casuals won

>Monster Hunter Awakening

Fuck you. That makes way too much sense

They dumbed the series down enough for Sony consumers to like it

It takes some of the best ideas from MHXX, then throws them away and leaves the afterthoughts, then further throws away most of the monsters, then further throws away all the cool weapon designs from other MH games.

Tbh MHXX was the only serviceable MH game ever yet made that actually started to feel like a videogame instead of objectively terrible anti-fun cancer incarnate that every MH had been prior, but even then it was still shit compared to basically every decently popular game made since 2002. MH sucks.

the series started on sony consoles and the PSP games sold more than any of the nintendo ones

You'd be hard pressed to prove the first MH wasn't meant to be a dreamcast game, senpai.

Take off your nostalgia glasses, PSO was only fun for it's time. IT's shit to go back to.

Phantasy Star Online is a good comparison to make. It's the first thing I thought when I first played Monster Hunter online 8 or 9 years ago, and I have no clue why you'd be butthurt about it.

We're never getting a decent MH again, are we?
I'm kind of getting used to it, though. There are so many series I used to like just a years ago and then they just went to shit in a matter of one installment.

The graphics
Gameplay was also good, but the graphics sold it

What would you say was the last decent MH?

You bought a switch didn't you?

4U and MHXX, depending on what you're looking for in MH. 3U was the last great one.

Its not shit. Put on your objective analysis glasses you fucking brainlet, MHW is not significantly different or better than any ither MH beyond graphical fidelity, even though the games akways existed as a cheap capcom-branded low effort knockoff of PSO.

MH is literally just fucking low effort PSO. No character progression, no trading, no playstyle variety beyond 14 different kinds of mash attack button to win, no puzzles, no required team efforts, and worst yet absolutely anus hitboxes and hitdetection.

Every fucking mh game bar none may as well just be a goddamn n64 game in terms of intelligent programming behind how the game systems integrate and flow. Its all convoluted, its all counter-intuitive, it punishes you for having fun in any way that isn't wailing on the monster, it punishes you for the mistakes of others, it just does nothing right. No MH game has ever simply done more than half of it's efforts right enough to be worthwhile.

Graphicsfags who buy garbage cause eyecandy need not reply.

Lies I play it regularly PSO is one of my favorite games it holds up better than 90% of x box, ps2 and game cube era games

Nintenbros SEETHING

For every MVCI comes a MHW

>shipped equals sales

And Halo was meant to be a Mac game. I guess that makes it Apple's most successful franchise.

I guarantee it would have sold the same even if the graphics were on the level of the recent MHXX port to the Switch. What sold it was a combination of QoL changes and having far more purchasing options than in the past.

I just want XX to get a western release I have a ps4 an x box one a switch and a gaming PC

>I guarantee it would have sold the same even if the graphics were on the level of the recent MHXX port
I wonder why a person would spout bullshit like this while knowing perfectly well it's impossible to prove. You might as well say that MHXX released in the west, without MHW existing at all, would have exactly the same sale numbers as MHW has now.

I did not play MHW, and I have no opinion on it. However. after a few thousand hours of PSO, it's mechanically impossible to still enjoy with all the creature comforts other titles have given us over the years.

>inserting quality of life features and making the game not an ass to play is "casualizing"

If the game is sold on a different disc or uses different online servers it doesn't count as the same game anymore. That's why SFV is still the same game even after AE, while SF4 was a new game with Super.

The worst part about MH is that it never really feels like you're amazing or that more time playing equates to more enjoyment. Like in PSO or an RPG, playing more means levelling up your character and getting stronger, but in MH playing more just means you got access to better skills and stronger weapons, but you could still easily get one shotted by monsters. This might not seem so bad if monsters weren't autistically designed to the point of basically almost having randomly generated interactions which makes consistently beating any monster rely more on luck rather than acquirable skill. Still worse is that those skills are often tied to armor so if you want real top dollar offensive skills which theres no reason why you wouldn't given offense is literally the sole playstyle of MH games, you're often gimped by then having shitty defense or bastard dickered negative element defense. Like you can't just have a good character for the sake of a good character, theres always gotta be some autistic significant negative tradeoff attached to any neat positive.

Now this is autism

Marketing, for once.

>ebin greentext and makes you thinking meme in lieu of an argument
Is shitposting that addictive?

MH games are disabled autism. Reading and writing isn't autostic unless you're a fucking mental retard, so try to pay attention to how you respond or else everyone will think your mom heavily drank while pregnant.

>in lieu of an argument
Argument is inserting quality of life features and making the game not an ass to play is not casualizing you blind retard

baka gaijin piggu

Git gud, This is my first MH and I'm putting down tempered elders solo in 6 minutes.

>time for next monster hunter
>"well world was so successful we're not gonna throw money away on marketing this time"
>game fails
>"guess people aren't interested in monster hunter anymore"

Its a fucking High Rank game, dude. You think you're hot shit for being good at a high rank monster hunter game?

May as well add zelda to your list of le ragehard gitgud games. No shit its your first MH.

>The worst part about MH is that it never really feels like you're amazing or that more time playing equates to more enjoyment. Like in PSO or an RPG, playing more means levelling up your character and getting stronger
Sounds like you just like seeing numbers go up instead of finding joy in developing your skill in fighting monsters. The whole point of monster hunter is increasing your own skill by playing the game and supplementing that with armor skills (that are never required to clear any monster) to tackle tougher challenges, not grinding up mindless numbers just to "feel amazing".

You didnt finish reading.

Heres your complimentary brainlet.

>punishes you for having fun when you're not wailing on a monster
>monster hunter encourages you to hunt monsters
Who would have fucking thought? You may be on to something here.

You are literal shit at the game and pretending to be some MLG MH player because you managed to play the shitfests that were on handhelds. Woah, you're amazing. It's too bad you can't handle the game now that it's on an actual console. Strange!

Can you imagine being a Nintendownie chilling on Sup Forums with your manchild Switch Friends (because, let's be honest, 70% of the people here are Nintenboys) and thinking you're gonna get a new MH game when it suddenly goes to PS4?

You then cry, shit yourself, shitpost about how Capcom has "betrayed you" and laugh at anyone thinking this is gonna be a success. Just imagine how painful it must be to then come back to NIntendoGAF and seeing MHW breaking records everytime after leaving you with scraps in an underpowered 280p screen while you grasp at straws as to why did this happen and how is worse than the other games somehow, moving the goalpost over and over again.

SEETHING is an understatement. This game blew /v( the FUCK out harder than even Breath of the Wild or Bloodborne did and is not going away anytime soon.

Unironically how CAPCOM functions and what will likely happen.

Worst part is they are relying on the fucking HOLLYWOOD film to carry the brand.

Did these dumb ass nips even watch a single vidya movie?

The nip MH commercials are so much better anyways, if there is gonna be an MH movie it should be like those, funny, quirky, silly fun and visually loyal to the game's presentation:

>it punishes you for having fun in any way that isn't wailing on the monster
I guess all the fun I've been having fucking around in expeditions just gathering and sight-seeing between hunts is actually punishment then.

>tells other people to git gud
>can't handle being told to git gud
git gud

I was speaking about MH in totality you retard. MhW is not specifically difficult because its not a G-rank game you stupid fucking sperg. You're the fucking idiot pretending to be some kind of MLG pro nigglet with your "git gud" talk.

>Unironically how CAPCOM functions and what will likely happen.
I know that's why I posted that. Everyone knows the CAPCOM test

I did finish reading but it was nothing worth commenting on. It was just nitpicks about AI and whining about having a trade-off between armor skills and physical defense, which is flat-out wrong in every case since the original Monster Hunter since high-end damage skills are almost always tied to mid to high-tier armor where you can upgrade your defense enough to never get oneshot at full health, and elemental defense which is never a problem.

Fuck off Nintendo manchildren.
Your console is cancer and this is the best MonHun game released thus far.

they went stupidly overboard with the graphics

Fuck, these high rank brainlets really need to stop pretending they know what MH is all about.

Even if it were the best MH, how is the best hunk of shit still not a hunk of shit?

>We're going to be seeing new Monhun releases for years to come.
That's different from the past how?

>WTF I liked monster hunter before it was cool
>REEEEE normies get out of our sekrit club
Cool thread guys

It's accesible.
It's the first MH that I play with my friends and it's a blast.

Part broken Investigation added


XX isn't the same as World mechanically.

What did he mean by this

Well i can do a level 1 no death run of Darksouls in 5 hours.
I need a social life ay.

I don't understand. I always thought Monster Hunter was a popular niche series with nowhere near as much mass appeal as series like Resident Evil or Street Fighter

If the shipped copies are not selling, then why are they still shipping them? Think retard.

fuck mvci is dead

>mfw the future is more games like World
I can handle one or two like this, but if this is gonna be the direction the series takes from here on out I think I'm bowing out.

We're talking about arguments, not memes perpetuated by mouthbreathers.

>they are trying not to get stunned by the GS shitter

zelda and this selling well thanks to open world aspect now every nippon developer going to make games like them

And yet there's your initial post


Just give me western sales numbers already

how fucked up is getting into G-rank this time? was it even fun then? or is it one of those "you can't be one of us" levels of hardcore

It wasn't feasible until the ps4 era, you could argue they could have done it for the ps3 but it would have been significantly shittier. They've obviously been saving resources and money for this entire project, the amount of advertising/overhaul to the base engine must have cost them a shitton of warfunds.

It was. Somehow the twitch streaming retards got to jerking their egos over it and suddenly out of nowhere normies started buying into it.

Maybe it only had everything to do with the fact its hard to capture and show off footage of handheld games and 99% of streamers and lets players are low effort retards who only play games with hdmi out.

Nothing makes sense anymore, man.
Twitch as a platform doesn't even make sense. Logic is paradoxically illogical in this world of anonymity.

>open world
What's it like having brain damage?


>what went right
shallow flashy shit sells big time. Fucking hell this has been a thing since like for fucking ever. They just hopped on to a popular easy money making methods that have already been laid out for like shit almost centuries now.
Hell for example Shakespeare was considered low fucking brow for its time and being low brow shit managed to hit it big and the nerds name now lives on for ever.

What fucking direction? Are you stupid?

Nintendorks absolutely SEETHING

I think he means no more handheld MH

That's how it usually goes
>newest game in the series appeals to a wider audience
>it becomes more popular than previous entries, but it's just not as good as them
>the next one follows in the same vein
>fans of the originals begin to grow anxious, all the while the new 'fans' ridicule them for having standards
>the series continues on this path, never going back to its roots
>it eventually dies when the common crowd moves to something else and the old fanbase is just not there anymore
And it's Capcom we're talking about, so chances of MH ever recovering are extremely slim.

He said, trying to gulp up as much oxygen as he could to keep his brain from reaching the event horizon of cell death.