Hey Sup Forums rate my toon

hey Sup Forums rate my toon

pretty sick I like it OP

It’s called an alt you absolute dirt human

>dirt human
its called nigger

lol it's not an alt if it is your main toon

Looks ok, but why are you using a 2h? 1h + shield gives you a higher dps as a shaman.
2h should only be used against clothies in pvp.

>clearly his main toon
>calling it an alt when their called extra guys

Let's get this started


Not enough Gallywix.

I give you IIII out of V


neo Sup Forums must go

It's called a mario, niggers

very good OP
'tis a really good thing to see!

its called a character

>tfw always played Tauren until Draenei were introduced

you mean avatar?

What's wrong with Blizzard's core base? Is it because they're mostly normies who exclusively got into video games because of WoW, or does Blizzard just naturally attract/nurture demanding, obnoxious manchildren?

Also where did they get, "toon" from? They didn't play Toon Town and I doubt they call their alts, "cartoon characters"... right?

Character (char/chara), avatar (ava/avi), and hero are all acceptable variants with "main" and "alt"/"2nd" (alternative/secondary) being common specifiers.

Anything else, unless the game itself calls it something specific, is wrong.

its called an anime you fucking retard

they get toon because of cartoons

yes, it is that manchild


Avatar is fine but strikes me as more like a habbo/second life term, if all you do is RP and shit then sure i guess

>Thinks toon is a new term.