Is it normal to play one match and immediately want to quit? How do people play thousands of matches in this game?

Is it normal to play one match and immediately want to quit? How do people play thousands of matches in this game?

Shit game, gives me cancer everytime

By not being as shit as you, OP.

The game is only bearable if you're vastly better than the people you're playing against because then your team is irrelevant but that will quickly end

the games a fucking wild card these days, its literally if you even go average in your own lane 50/50 to win

jesus. didn't they say they weren't going to make hypersexual characters? that's literally the most sexy demon ever

I don't want to play this shitty game anymore but its all my PC can run until I get a graphics card
every game is either my team stomps someones jaw onto the curb or my team is a bunch of monkeys throwing shit everywhere
very rarely i get a game that I can genuinely say "they really played that well i don't mind losing that one"
i miss season 2 kinda but it was still bad

They lied.

Evelyn was already kinda sexualized but they just made it good instead of cringy

>Is it normal to play one match and immediately want to quit?
It is depending on how the last match went.
>How do people play thousands of matches in this game?
Because they're normies, autism, or just hoping it gets better because they have more experience or get a decent team.

>OP plays game
>instantly wants to quit
>doesn't quit
>keeps playing it
T. the player who gives up after he dies 1 time and goes turbofeed mode.
also if you don't like something that isn't important in your life why not just drop it retard?

bobs are still small compared to the hey day of miss fortune and elise

I just play it with friends and fuck around making people mad because we always do random shit like AP Sion or support Yasuo, it's fun to trigger the meta kiddies in gold and destroy them because they aren't used to different strategies

>boobs have an actually believable shape instead of literal perfect spheres

Damn, I haven't played this game since like season 2 or 3 but at this rate my dick may compel me.

Old Evelynn was far better. Their "sleek and quirky" designs are becoming stale now.

>old Evelynn was far better.
Not seeing the better part of it honestly

Sleek and quirky as in just naked?

>season 2 or 3

lol if you come back you'll throw up by the garbage "gameplay"

be warned
Varus and Kog are powerhouses
Its a tanks world
Melee supports are gimped
Bruisers are so fucking weak right now and their builds cost double the average adc or midlaner build
and your jungler is more concerned with farming for levels

i mean i got 3 whole games in before i was fucking done with it

more "art" please, the lewder the better

i got some of the concept art they posted on the dev page but thats about it



well, post some porn then user, thats fine too

I wish people drew actual good porn of her

>90% of Sup Forums calls this game shit and denies playing it even though they are lying just to try and fit in and be cool
post rank and main
>master 124 LP

Silver 1
Thresh, Sion, Urgot
I wish for death every morning

When I played back in the day I was gold akali only fuck everyone else. I'd probably get banned if I played these days.

there's a surprising lack of it