Are you still playing Hatsune Miku Future Tone?

Are you still playing Hatsune Miku Future Tone?
Make sure to perfect all the expert songs.

i have no ps4

i bought both project diva f and 2nd f only to realize i only know 3 songs in them
at least i have all 3 of them on excellent rank in extreme difficulty

Are you playing F and F2nd?

I have no ps3

How long have Mondays been dead?

i have no ps4

since all the dlc and DX came out. and because there isn't any new news in regards to FT or really project diva in general at the moment

A few years now


Why is miku such a slut?

Something seems wrong with Miku's eyes

>next miku game wont have a fraction of the amount of songs Future Tone has
why is this allowed

is project diva X any good? (ps4)

Maybe they'll just keep updating Future Tone instead of releasing a new game

because project diva x fell to the same shitty business practices as every other publisher
who the fuck thought it was a good idea to lie about the song count in X, featuring only 20 real songs, the rest being part of "medleys" and they just rub the salt in the wound with day one DLC featuring music that should have been on the disc.
That's an incomplete game, and a piss poor way to debut on next gen.
i keep seeing it for $20 at walmart in the bargain bin, nobody wants it

i really hope they don't make a X2nd

It's ok
You're better off just getting Future Tone since it has more songs that aren't medleys

I am nowhere near good enough to get above 80% on most extreme tracks


>project diva X
they have this stupid story mode mechanic that you need to clear an entire genre/theme of songs before unlocking the next set of songs
theres also the finale/medley songs where you might only like one or two songs in there and you wish you could play that separately instead

>make game with many years of replay value out of the box
>nobody buys your sequels because they're satisfied with FT

>you wish you could play that separately instead
All the medleys did was make me want to play an individual track from it.

The note charts in Future Tone aren't very fun

Only /jp/ still cares about the Miku.

I miss diva room.
and custom song editors

I want to play patty-cake with Miku

PDX is filled with an insane amount of bullshit.

>dad walks in

I can't perfect any songs :(

Same feeling, playing maps made for the arcade controller with a dualshock doesn't feel good. I like the dual wielding action better in the console games

you just suck at the game
i bet you don't even do holds

It's not fun tangling your fingers like spaghetti just to get some extra autism points. And trust me, there's better rhythm games out there than PD FT to invest my time and effort in

I never tried playing an arcade cabinet before so I don't know if it would be any better

>nearly beat envy catwalk on extreme last night
Anyways I keep seeing X for 20$ at gamestop I'll pick it up once I have some spending money but uni is a bitch

there's hardly any songs that force you to adopt a different stance except if you want to accomplish some segments with quadruple holds but these are hardly ever worth it

It helps if you think in terms of the arcade controller.
Arcade controller runs Triangle, Square, X, Circle, which matches the DS4 controller.
3 button combos are almost always the left three or right three buttons on the arcade controller.
So you can intuitively see how this can be done by mashing TOP LEFT DOWN and LEFT DOWN RIGHT respectively.
If you turn your view sideways, you can clearly see that 3-button combos