Starting this for the first time. I’ve played Oblivion & Skyrim, and I know the combat is shit...

Starting this for the first time. I’ve played Oblivion & Skyrim, and I know the combat is shit. What do I need to know, and do you anons have anything to share?

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steed birth sign
make a custom class

Don't fight tired
Don't use weapons in real fights when you don't know how to use them

not op, but i made a dunmer with the shadow sign (grants invis for 60 seconds) and i plan on making him a spell-thief. why do you suggest making a custom class?

So that you can make the skills you plan to use (excepting acrobatics and athletics) your major and minor skills, rather than having something clogging up valuable space

Get to level 4 before going to Balmora.

Grind on mudcrabs around seyda neen.

that makes sense. I'll have to remake my character, luckily i barely left the first town. thanks user
whys that?

It's a step DOWN from oblivion Spread sheets autists lied to you the quests are collect ten bear asses tier and the only thing the game has going for it is the unique setting and main quest.

Have fun

1. Spam the taunt button on NPC's till they attack you and town guards will help you out. 2 there is a quest where you will be sent deep into a several story deep ruin but the item you're looking for is above the first door you enter the ruin in.

>the combat is shit
Stop, you're already too retarded to understand it.
Better go back to shitrim

because it's fun
and gets leveled lists going

worst case scenario you can always cheat speed or whatever weapon stat if you're too used to babby action rpgs like today's


will do, i love morrowloot in skyrim so i'm excited to see it implemented in its original game

i thought openmw wasn't finished yet?

>the combat is shit
The game is already over for you. If you can't put in 5 seconds of understanding a simple system then you aren't going to like the rest of the game either.


also choose athletics as a mayor skill, then pick a weapon type, stick to that weapon type and use all your money on trainers.

The combat IS shit, it just isn't as broken as everyone claims.

morrowind, unlike oblivion or skyrim, is already good so modding the things you don't like is a sensible thing.

Gratuitous Violence and Combat Proficiency are two mods that make the missing go away and the distribution of skills between weapons make sense.

There are other mods that add neat things like combo attacks, make the different attacks have bonuses or special effects so you can turn off Always best attack, and generally spice it up.

Get the Morrowind Code Patch and Graphic Herbalism mods

Also, if you play with the expansion packs, get the mods that delay their activation. Can't remember what they're called but they shouldn't be difficult to find.

>I don't like it so it's shit
What is with this board? It's okay to not like something. You don't have to like everything. But you also don't have to pretend everything you like is good and everything you don't like is bad. The combat system in morrowind works the way it's supposed to, at least as far as melee combat is concerned. Something is shit when it's just flat out poorly designed or doesn't work. Morrowind's melee combat is basically the same system used by many d&d based games that came before it. You disliking that kind of combat, and other people not understanding how it works doesn't make it shit.

I fell for this.

be prepared to do a ton of reading. Didn't do my research and found out that aparently it's mostly written dialogue. 3 bucks down the drain I suppose. even with the almighty cure of adderall coursing through my brain, I wouldn't have the attention span for written dialogue.

Combat is no big deal. The fucking run speed is though, so get the Run Like The Wind mod.

No, it's just shit. Morrowind doesn't have a good combat system. You can work around most of the problems eventually but at no point is it good.

>muh combat

2018 Sup Forums is utter shit

What people never recommend and these threads but I kinda find necessary for noobs is to deactivate the addons. In the base game you get directions to great side content by asking for local rumors in every town which leads to sidequests and some times great loot.
If activated, people only will point you to the addon location, which at low levels, won't even make sense to visit.
Also those stupid assassin attacks at low level totally break the game's ecconomy, which isn't that stable in the first place but still, it's pretty stupid.

>steal alchemy equipment from the vendor in Balmora
>join the mages guild and head down to the vendor in the basement
>craft stamina potions till your fingers are numb

I'd also suggest turning off the DLC's in your load order if you're starting a fresh game for the first time, unless you like getting jumped by assassins every few days.

anyone play through both vanilla and openmw?
Which should I go with? I have the GOTY GOG release

>kill cave dweller
>sleep in bed
>wake up with health still missing
>giganigga moving at extreme speed
>somehow manage to not die
>he is wearing the best light armor in the game
Having the expansions is easy street for beginners.

OpenMW is at the point where you can completely play through the base game, and most mods work flawlessly with it. There's no reason not to play it over the original Gamebryo release

Do the expansions work?

What makes OpenMW better than vanilla?

Absolutely. It can be installed with any version of Morrowind, including the GOTY version

It was designed to address problems that cropped up after support for Morrowind had officially ended. Fixing game breaking bugs and things hardcoded into the engine, for example. As a result it's much more stable than Morrowind

Should have picked the Apprentice, extra spell points is more useful for magic imo since chameleon is pretty cheap to cast.

i'll look further into it, i'm rerolling since custom classes are better apparently.

> quests are collect ten bear asses tier
dont make it that easy to tell you havent played the game

Light Armor, Acrobatics, Athletics, Armorer, Longsword, Block, Sneak, Security for your skills.

It's completely playable and stable now, there's even a multiplayer mod.

are those major ones? if i take those can i still do alchemy/illusion magic? it's been over a decade since i've played oblivion so i don't recall how major/minor skills work

>completely playable and stable
I'm gonna trust you on this, but I feel like I'm being tricked

You can pick whatever sign you want but Steed makes the early game much better because it eases the horrible walking speed.

you can read the openMW site for current stability, i recall reading on it that the game is playable and stable. i think .43 is in relation to their version 1 goals
makes sense, the walking speed is pretty annoying

Light Armor, Lonsword, Block, Acrobatics and Armorer as major skills for sure. You are going to get a crazy set of light armor within the first couple times you sleep outside of town, you can get a longsword in the first town, and just jump everywhere. You'll level quickly and won't have to deal with missmiss memes. You will still have room in minor skills for whatever you want

Collect the 36 Lessons of Vivec books, sermons 1 - 36, and then read them in order.

I forget where it is and the guy's name, but there's this slave farm with a punch of argonians, and in one of the huts there's a guy with a daedric katana, you can get into a spot where he can't hit you but you can hit him, giving you an end-game weapon pretty early on.

I learned of this years before playing Morrowind by watching someone stream it and he did this immidately.

You can still use other skills but they'll be really low level and shitty until you grind them or pay for training. You don't have to minmax that much, just pick skills you know you want to use.

Don't listen to that faggot. Atronach is the only option. Study mysticism and just do "mark, alvsivi/divine intervention, pray to restore attributes, recall" when you need mana. Use some scrrolls in the beginning of the game. And craft mark/recall jevelry just in case when you'll get a chance.
I found conjuring a set of armor and a weapon satisfying. And enchanting some amulet for passive conjuring those things too.
Other than that - just try to finish that Cassius quest about dwemer cube: it's a common practice to find that junk and sell it before you get that quest.

thanks for that. I don't mind the missing in combat, but then again i've only had time to do 3 combats so it hasn't had a chance to irritate me yet.

0.43 is not an indicator of how close they are to 1.0, it's that many releases. It's playable to completion. There's even multiplayer.
The thing now is that it lacks optimization in some areas, and doesn't fully support all mods.

Don't worry about the combat. The missing is literally just a meme. You will never miss anything after level 3 or 4 assuming you took skills for the weapons you actually want to use

>Something is shit when it's just flat out poorly designed or doesn't work. Morrowind's melee combat is basically the same system used by many d&d based games that came before it. You disliking that kind of combat, and other people not understanding how it works doesn't make it shit.

Then how come Daggerfall did it better? In Daggerfall you had sprites for your weapons, dice rolls for everything and it still had less tedium than Morrowind.

I love the game to death but don't be fucking thick, user, Morrowind's combat was a patchwork and an afterthought to the game, and they added a fucking "always use best attack" option precisely because of that, the devs themselves admit there was no point to 80% of the weapons' uses and animations. That's not a fucking well designed system, it just works enough to be usable.

If Morrowind had included a fully functional locational damage system, more elaborate stamina consumption, blocking/deflecting/missing animations and sounds, armor penetration bonuses, speed bonuses and a blunt impact multiplier, all of which depended on different attacks, THEN i'd agree with you, but as is, Morrowind does not have a good combat system. Melee is barebones with magic effects and character stats doing most of the heavy lifting to make it bearable, the combat itself still comes down to relentless pool noodle fights.

And as you said, we haven't even left the melee. Ranged weapons are fucked, utterly fuckity fucked. The lack of projectile recovery from the world guarantees it's not viable right off the bat.

guys where's the puzzle box?, this game is so hard

Most of the dialog is repeated generic stuff, you read it once and you already know what it is and you can skip it, you only click the topics that you're interested in and stuff that might have important answers. You can come back at any time and ask again too.

Honestly if you can't speed read 5 lines you're probably not doing very good at life. You shouldn't be playing videogames.

I think VTM:B is the better RPG

And that's great user but this thread is about Morrowind.

>Try multimw
>It's a buncha khajiit memesters floating around Balmora and punching new people in the back of the head to drain their stamina

You missed the invisible buttrapist who oneshots new people and leaves pillows on their corpses.

>tfw raiding the pillow room to build up a stockpile of pillows in my inventory
>tfw stacking them in the middle of town into intricate pillow forts and forming walls in the alleys
Probably the most fun I've had with a game in years, strangely enough

most combat mods for morrowind make the game actual shit.

People that dont like how combat in morrowind work are literal brainlets who cant wrap their mind around dice rolls.

Once it gets further along a lot more interesting things are gonna happen, though for now it's still super impressive.

>Not leaving the game running for two days with your character auto-swimming in the balmora canals before you begin playing

I can't imagine walking anywhere without it

Because you can find a ring that gives charmeleon for 2mins right near the start if you know where to go. And steed gives you that speed boost to not be a slow peice of shit at the start.

Rings enchanted for fireballs and such don't have cooldowns, so you can click very fast till the ring runs out of mana, change the ring and continue machineguning. You can basically cosplay operating.

i took the steed and im already noticing the difference.
>ring location
i don't want the exact location, but is it in the starting city?

The combat dosn't feel shit if you just learn the game mechanics. Keep your fatigue high in combat, use weapons you are proficient with (Long Blade being the easiest) and up agility, together with strenght and endurance.

Traveling is time consuming, so to make it less of a hassle, invest time (and maybe minor skills) into mysticism and alteration, for teleportation spells (almsivi and divine intervention, mark and recall) and levitation and water walking spells.

Some very useful items to look up are
- Amulet of Shadows
- Boots of Blinding Speed
- The Sword of White Woe

Your starting character build stats are real important if you get it wrong your character will be shit(he wont be able to land a hit with a basic weapon) so google best setup to get an idea of whats going on.

Its best to pick custom class when you get off the boat. And best to pick skills of each stat in your major minor list, Such as pick one of each skill that has strength,wisdom,intelligence,endurance,speech etc. This is so when you level up you can balance your character stats by leveling evenly. Say you level up a strength stat 12x and a wisdom stat 12x then sleep to lvl up you can upgrade those stats x5 insted of x1 or x2. If you dont have a speech skill in your minor or major for example you wont be able to get bonus points to level that skill faster.

This game is cool because you can stack your guy stronger than a god. I recommend just exploring and not looking up what to do at all you will ruin the atmosphere. Just know this you can enchant weapons with constant effect cool shit like breathe underwater,fly,enchanted armour, forever.

the combat isnt shit you fucking cunt its a masterpiece take that back and put some points in agility and fatigue potions

Im sorry user its not in thre immediate start area. But i can get it around lvl5 as you have to fight 2 bitches for it one throws darts and ones an archer.

Its in the north western side of the island. take a silt strider. Wander around untill you find a dwemer ruins i think its north of that town where you join the legion. Its on a road below the ruins theres a lady that asks you to find her ring in a pond. when you go in the pond her and her invisible mate attacks you. If you win you get a mean ring. The ring will help you steal mean loot. This is stock standard like a quest in the game lol good luck.

>Long Blade
that aint Spear, my man

Morrowind Start Guide:

Orc(Or make 100% resist magicka spell)>Atronach>Mark>Recall>Mages Guild>tp Caldera>Mark Creeper>Acquire Boots of blinding speed>divine intervention to buckmoth>nearest daedric shrine>wizard's staff

enjoy your easy cheesy source style noclip

I know, spears are my favourite too, but for a newbied I'd reccomend long blade. Spears are dope for endurance skilling.

start as breton
steed sign
get daedric dai katana
get boots of speed
get 100% magic res
get necromancer ammy

ez mode

Pffft i prefer a deadric claymore with 10sec paralyze

Do this and your a dirty cheat just play the game like a lost bastard it will be worth it. Knowing where to go makes the game less appealing.
