Kirby Thread

kirby is sad because star allies was clearly rushed due to nintendo's lack of games edition

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Alright, I'll bite. The game is perfectly fine, but I'll bite.

What is conceptually wrong with this game? What puts a damper on the fun and excitement, and the most important part, HOW WOULD YOU DO IT BETTER?
Would you change the story? Would you change the characters? If you could delay it for a year, what would you add into it? That's what I thought. You just want to shitpost about a perfectly fine game.

>he doesn't know

only 4 worlds makes it a massive scam

I don't know about OP, but my condition still stands.

Maybe stop playing games for kids and play real games for men?

first for best character

>star allies was clearly rushed due to nintendo's lack of games edition
I feel like it's more HAL wanted to make a pretty new Kirby game, but didn't take into account all the shit that would be happening on screen.

And then they gave up on the bosses.

Yoshi game get gameplay on E3 but still hadn't release day.

I don't know how credible that discord guy is, but why are we taking it as fact automatically when NOBODY has published details about the game in full yet? Like, no reviews are out, no leaks are out, nothing. Why (aside from easy yous) are we so willing to not even give the game a chance to prove us wrong?

Quick reminder to IGNORE the faggot calling everyone "Eric". He's just some weeb that's trying to destroy Kirby threads.

Iwata is dead Kirby, your entire franchise is fucked

MOTHERFUCKING SUPLEX IS BACK. I figured it was best to use the old standby this time. That one faggot seems to wait for me now.

No really, if you're over 18 years old and complain about a Kirby game, you must seriously re evaluate your life

I know people will call me a shitposter and tell me to get out of the thread, but as of late I'd rather go into Kirby games with a negative mindset since I know the gameplay won't be significantly different. It makes things like music and cameos a bit better.

It's automatically better than the last three games due to not having a press/hold b to win the stage gimmick

So I guess this is the rule with ability mixing?

>Wielded weapons: Can permanently imbue all elements into them (Sword, Cutter, Whip, Staff, Ninja, Bomb, Yo-Yo, Hammer, Spear)
>Everything else: on a need to know basis, and are only used each time the combo is activated

The Discord guy leaked all of Kirby Battle Royale via the demo, he's probably doing it again with Star Allies now. He also handled the Kirby 30th anniversary and translated stuff there.
Mods RTDL, sounds pretty credible.

*saves your game*

I think Kirby needs a new director at this point. Kumazaki seems like a cool guy, and he likes Kirby, but his games were never really creative nor ambitious and the gameplay leaves a lot to be desired. Although I'm not a big fan of Robobot like some of the other anons are, I find most of it derivative and I don't care for the themes, that was probably his creative peak. Maybe give Kenichiro Kita a shot, he's been working on Kirby for a while.

>real games for men

>Friend Circle only requires you press jump
>Friend Train requires almost no input

it has at least 6 you retard, game explain said so and I'd believe them over some reddit tard on a discord.

the required use of 2-4 characters makes the game feel like a clusterfuck, like a smash game when everything gets zoomed out.

Like the game seems fine but there's just some things that bother me.

>Like, no reviews are out, no leaks are out, nothing. Why (aside from easy yous) are we so willing to not even give the game a chance to prove us wrong?
Le tortanic 2.0

Weebshit is way more mature and better than fucking Kirby

source on the leak?

Use 2D art instead of 3D and reach 60 FPS.

Now you get a win the stage gimmick that doesn't need buttons.

He's on the Kirby Informer Discord in the kirby spoiler channel.

wait what are those
I haven't actually been paying attention to the news about the game past the initial reveal

>galko feet

I don't give a fuck about possibly fake leaks, this is entirely based on the demo:
-the combo powers are boring and lazy "sword with fire on it!" nonsense
-the game is a clusterfuck with multiple partners on screen, very poor visual design.
-The framerate is a very choppy 30FPS, it is noticeably bad and by far the most egregious problem with the demo
-Long loading screens mid-stage aren't a good look

This is the first Kirby game ever that I'm skipping. The demo was that bad.

Special mention: being a co-op game with no online. I wasn't expecting any, because Nintendo, but it's still a bit silly to have the game revolve around co-op play but only have local.

more weebshit

It's nothing new. It just feels like more RtD, TD, or PR. The power-up mixing is shallow. I for one, wouldn't make things so heavily co-op based. Because things need to be bigger, more drawn back to fit all the characters on screen, and you can't progress without a computer or another person helping you out. Don't know what the story will be, but I can guess.
>Everything's chill in Dreamland
>Some strange entity comes and fucks everything up, inadvertently giving Kirby a new power
>Mets some new Fuckbuddy, who's main purpose is to espouse plot details because Kirby's a little shit
>He goes around beating the "evil" out of old enemies and thrashing new enemies in the same old biomes
>There will be a very obvious twist with the boss, like they were being controlled by the true big bad, or it was their evil twin or some shit
>Kirby wins and the bad guy explodes in a multitude of colors
>Kirby says goodbye to Fuckbuddy
>Kirby flies home to Dreamland on a warp star, roll credits

I'd go for something more stylized. Like maybe blending common themes together. Like the obligatory Beach and Space levels could be some sort of cosmic cove getaway, where the water flows in a disc around a giant sand planet, and you can see galaxies off in the background. Or something. And more enemy variety. Feels and looks very casual.

Star Allies leaks. I don't give a fuck about Shovelware Royale

Reposting this again. Don't know if this would hold any ground, but I think it's a possible theory.
It'll probably mean that the stages we have seen so far are only really the first world, including Jambastion. I can't find anything referring to those locales as World 2 or 3 unless I'm missed something and the official page states that it's too big for just one world. Maybe it's a possibility.

>obsessing over fictional girls and MUH WAIFU, characters that were made specifically to cater to your already established likings and have absolutely no other quality than to adress your shallow desires and keep you that way
>WAY more mature

Kirby Informer Discord, #kirby-spoilers

IMO it feels more like Nintendo forced HAL to make the game around helpers just so it's not similar to previous entries.
Shame that seems to be the case, 'cause I was honestly looking foward to buying this one.

>It'll probably mean that the stages we have seen so far are only really the first world, including Jambastion
Every thread your posts become slightly more retarded

>cleaning gives wind element
>Tornado actually isn't in the game

lol ok

I always see this shitty image used with the same filename, always accompanied by some self-aggrandizing, self-important wall of text. I don't even play Kirby but came to this thread to call you a raging faggot with the suggestion you suck down some helium before doing something like this again

ew. just outline the leak for me.

Is the alt-character mode Helper EX? Is Bandana Dee the only real character that can be a helper?

>wait what are those
The exact gimmick you were berating the other games for. The funny thing is that it's mandatory, unlike most stages with the Robobot armor.

this is a good thing, Tornado sucks ass


kirby is dead

yup, more mature than Kirby

Never liked Tornado much. It's fun to use every once in a while but having one or two things to do ever is pretty boring in a game with movesets.

Like, in the context of non-superstar style copy abilities where it only has one action.

Which I don't think Tornado HAS been in games where abilities aren't one trick ponies

he's revealed basically nothing except reiterating Bandana Dee is in, no abilities beyond what's known, 4 worlds total, thunder general is named Zan Partizanne, won't say what the final boss is

>what is RtDL


Wow it's fucking nothing. Not even B.Dee context?

Did you not play RtDL?

it was in RtDL but the added moves were just shitty projectile tornados and a few momentum based ones like Stone got except actually shitty

4 worlds, dude's gonna make a tumblr blog post later.
He has been cryptic as of current, said there's bad translation (literal, not word translation)
yellow general is Zan Partizanne
10 less levels than Robobot
datamine not done

>120 words
>wall of text
Suck down some lead aspirin

Touc_Tony - Today at 9:58 AM
what about the bandanna dee + spear?
Reserved - Today at 9:59 AM
ya that's a thing

all he said

What a fuckin attention whore

RtDL tried to make it more interesting. Tried.

light yourself on fire and hop in a pool of gasoline

Kirby has always been a shit series for babies of the babies who can't handle a game that actually tries to challenge them.

With all of these bad omens coming from Shart Allies, is there really anything positive to say about it anynore? It's looking more and more like 2018's equivalent to Mass Effect Andromeda by the second, and people are abandoning ship fast. The lack of debate against these posts just accentuates the unanimous agreement.

Kirby is dead, and Kumazaki killed it.

nice pasta faggot.

fuck flame femme
marry ice bitch
kill thunder thot

What is best new ability and why is it STEECK?

kill yourself eric

GOD I can't fucking wait for Stick.

>Mass Effect Andromeda
It makes me laugh every fucking time.

it's kind of sad how they made 3 susie clones in an effort to recapture the waifu audience


>It would probably mean that the stages we have seen from the trailers are from the first world only, including Jambastion

if they cared about the waifufag audience, they'd put adeleine back in the franchise.


Just played the demo with 2 of my friends it was fuck amazing
We were ducking around because the guy playing Kirby was trying to swallow me and get my ability but I was ducking so it missed the range but then he did the turn enemies into the items to suck up I didn’t know this was in the game and we all found this funny
It was fun and great time
but some of the guys watching were arguing if it was 30 FPS or 60 and they couldn’t tell the difference this happened in the beginning but after that was out of the way it never came up again

Come on man, no one plays Kirby for the waifus. Japs love Kirby too much to be distracted by that shit.

>posting wojaks as a strawman
pathetic go back to posting the same pasta over and over again, Eric

Stop giving him (You)'s you fucking dumbass.

still feels like they're reusing her robotic design that actually made sense on her except they aren't robotic so it doesn't
I'm sure pausing will give you some deep-ass lore on how Susie is their lost 4th sister or some shit

Would you retards stop fucking responding? Unless it's just the same guy giving himself (You)s

why are you mad

>and they couldn't tell the difference
at the risk of bringing up yet another FPS argument, it's really obvious. especially when the camera moves.

Why the fuck do you keep giving Blunderfag attention


stop giving him (You)'s for giving eric (You)'s, dipshit

I'm not feeling the game either, but I never encounter the framerate being noticeably bad. When has that happened?

>her robotic design
She's not a robot, dude.

fuck off eric

What does Sup Forums think of the fact that this game is 80-90% mandatory segments in which the game plays itself for you?
For reference: >Kirby Star Allies is goo-

>I was the retard all along

>It's silly to have co-op, but only local.
Man, my wife and I got a Switch explicitly so we could do couch co-op together. There is almost nothing in the entire playsation and Xbox lineup that isn't "online only", and I will gladly take a reversal of that bullshit if it means playing with the person sitting next to me.

Fair enough with the other criticism, but I hate that "multiplayer" for every other game company now means "with someone in Sweden and not at your house unless you both pay for online accounts because fuck you."

>Kirby thread are now filled with the same bait
>muh mature game for mature gamers
>muh 30 FPS
>muh rtdl 4
>trying to starting thing about which Kirby game is good or not
>the bait I just played the demo and it’s the worst Kirby game by far

He's been doing it since September. Arm yourself with knowledge, friend

>91 posts
>40 IPs
Really activates my almonds.

I don't know where these people dedicated to shitting on Kirby came from but it's pretty stupid.

Shitposters will shitpost. Pay no mind, user.

When you explain the plot like that, then it becomes apparent that any story in vidya could be generalized like that. Though it's apparent that the stages look very bland, we haven't seen much past the weird flying castle world.

>being a co-op game with no online
Someone will interpret my post as bait, but would you really want to play an online 30fps game?