How this guy was able to BTFO so many Great Ones?

How this guy was able to BTFO so many Great Ones?
I thought humans couldn't compete in anyway against Great Ones according to lovecraft lore?

Worked his way up.

Cthulhu was pretty much foiled by ramming a boat into him.

Jap tier writing.

Great Ones are beyond time. He becomes a Great One at the end of the game, ergo he was always a Great One.

Because you control him

>Lovecraft lore
When will you retards learn the difference between Eldritch horror and "Lovecraftian"

Bloodborne has literally zero tie to Lovecraft minus a creative influence

>he made a male character

They aren't Lovecraft Great Ones. They are just inspired by them.


Ask a stupid question. . .

Technically the only great ones you really kill are weak
Moon presence gets other hunters to go kill other great ones for him.
Plus you gain the power to kill him by consuming the umbilical cords you gain the power to kill him
And is wet nurse even a great one? I think it isn't and you just kill oedon's child which is a half great one by killing the nurse

I've never seen a post this desperate to fit in

Youre literally powered with great one blood. The moon presence was powering you and all the hunters all along, until the end where you tranform into your own great one and kick his ass

Because this isn't a fucking Lovecraft game and thus isn't bound by its lore.
The game is inspired by Lovecraft but its Great Ones are clearly different since they can be fought and killed.

Trophies say she is one.

who would win
>an Eldritch being, able to bring death and destruction across earth easily
>a fisherman's boat

Ah yeah she is
She's still probably weak though and I highly doubt humans could kill formless oedon.

This and this.


Very carefully.

>How this guy was able to BTFO so many Great Ones?

That fucking OP saw cleaver.

>an ancient evil awakens
>you are the chosen one
c'mon, they can do better than that

Great Ones are lil' bitches who think they're hot shit, that's how.

this, why are you all so dumb? ESL?

In Lovecraftian mythos (which BB borrows from), anytime anyone actually faces off against some ynspeakable thing even if they can "kill" it, it doesn't really die.
One of their avatars or physical forms does but that doesn't mean anything to a transcendent, unknowable entity.

That being said, you don't seem to face off against truly "great" Old Ones like the ones hinted at in the lore/runes.
Kos is already gone and you "kill" the physical form of a nightmare version of a stillborn offspring. Which you don't actually kill, as you see the black ghost after.

There are multiple Amygdala and Ebrietas and Rom and the Emissaries in the game, implying they aren't as special as the others.

Mergo doesn't exist in the flesh, only in a nightmare and you can't interact with it (unless you think the Brain may be some kind of form).

Oedon isn't around or is pulling the strings in the background somehow.

Moon Presence was supposed to have multiple forms which allude to more than just killing it in a single fight. If you don't care about that & only see what we get in the final cut as canon, then you have to consider what the Cords and Echoes you get mean.

good stuff user

Great one in bloodborne are only inspired by lovecraft, not directly from it. They arent much more than a really big bug/man/slug with psychic powers.


The second you level up at the Doll, you start to leave human potential behind.
Also, it's unlikely you're truly destroying any of the Great Ones.

Have you considered that this game wasn't written by Lovecraft?

You realize this isn't literally a Lovecraft game right? Kind off odds me out that you'd incorrectly reference Lovecraft as an authority on this game.

>t. hasn't read Lovecraft

You retard.

There is indeed a difference between Lovecraft and Eldritch horror but if you're even remotely familiar with these two you will know that Bloodborne is inspired by Lovecraft and NOT Eldritch horror. To give an example, Death Stranding is inspired by Eldritch horror and not Lovecraft.

>most beasts in the game resemble dogs and wolves
>most people talk about the beasts being idiotic and simple minded
If there were any cat enemies there would also be entries about how smart and smug they were. And how they ignore any pose except for the dlc added one that has your character scream racial slurs til the cat acknowledges your existence.

The Old Blood used on the player and all hunters made them a bit more than human, as well as letting blood further strengthen them. You're not very human anymore by the time you are killing Great Ones.

Why? Because it has a fishing village and big monsters? Do we call everything with a scientifically reanimated corpse 'Mary Shelleyan' and then start acting like it's a plothole when someone tells a story about a scientist's monster who's afraid of needles instead of fire? Sure Bloodborne draws from Lovecraft but there's no reason to pretend it's an unofficial in-universe sequel and start insisting people say 'Lovecraftian' just because the author's name sounds Gothic enough to enjoy repeating.

>How this guy was able to BTFO so many Great Ones?
>Not putting them under your control with your ocular prowess

It was all a dream, user

Lovecraftian horrors are the representation of humanity irrational fear and ignorance of the unknown...good Hunter Just conquered his fears and adquired more Knowles.

The giant under the mansion in "The Shunned House" was stopped by pouring acid on it.

Started from the bottom now we're here.

You think that giant in the Forbidden Woods is a reference to that?

Who knows, I'm not a Miyazakiologist.

>according to lovecraft lore
at which point did vidya teach you about consistence between works of fiction?

Bloodborne was inspired by Lovecraft's dreamlands. For the rest of the game, the cosmic horror inspiration is largely drawn from the grander Cthulhu Mythos, rather than Lovecraft's own writings.

just noticed he has a fly, fucking ruined immersion.

Lovecraft didn't write Bloodborne

thats because dogs are shit

fishing village with sins of our fathers curse is literally the plot to shadow over innsmouth you fucking idiot
the game doesn't pretend to be part of the lovecraft mythos but it's also plain wrong to say it's not referencing it like a motherfuck

That's not the plot to Innsmouth at all, what?

>The narrator meets Zadok, who explains that an Innsmouth merchant named Obed Marsh discovered a race of fish-like humanoids known as the Deep Ones. When hard times fell on the town, Obed established a cult called the Esoteric Order of Dagon, which offered human sacrifices to the Deep Ones in exchange for wealth in the form of large fish hauls and unique jewelry. When Obed and his followers were arrested, the Deep Ones attacked the town and killed more than half of its population, leaving the survivors with no other choice than to continue Obed's practices.
oh shit it really ain't huh...........

There's a giant in forbidden woods?

user what the fuck. Why do you have to be so vocal about something you obviously know nothing about?

Everything you just said was retarded enough that it cant possibly be anything but bait

this not to mention that the good hunter is blatantly nonhuman

Why would he not?

>the good hunter is blatantly nonhuman
Well he is a dirty foreigner.

it was all chosen undead's dream

He's probably talking about the naked church giants in that cave lake in the forbidden woods.

Oh right those

>the natural course of Beasthood in humans leads to them becoming Abhorrent Beasts or Darkbeasts with lightning powers
>Great Ones are weak to lightning
embrace your beasthood, it is the true evolution of mankind, to become the natural predators of great ones

he had a great one at his back the whole time m80

>want to replay Bloodborne
>can't because the game feels extremely laagy
Why did From never patched in a fps mode? BB is unplayable for me.

he was immortal because he had trhe moon presence using him as a weapon to kill the other great ones. until the weapon backfired.

Lol these queers
Once you kill Yharnam and Amygdala on cursed, rotted and defiled, yes, you're good enough to take down gods

>How this guy was able to BTFO so many Great Ones?
Because hes the player character.

After Hotdog and Amy, Queen Yharnam felt like a real let down.

What's the reason those were there again?

You don't kill any great one, just their presence inside a dream. Even the final boss is the Moon Presence, spelling it out for you.

It only took the hunter ten days to do it, too.

good question, considering the only ways in or out of that cave are too small for the giants to pass through

We don't know his origins, maybe is some kind of super powerful chosen one great one disguised as human

BB doesn't use lovecraft lore. it's own lore is just inspired by it.

It's much simpler than that. Gerhman tells you the hunters use blood (echoes) to strengthen their weapons and bodies. You rack up a fuckton of blood echoes over the course of the game, making you progressively superhuman.

The only thing special about the Good Hunter is that he's immune to going blood drunk and losing his mind, likely due to his contract with the Moon Presence.

Your character dying and being reborn at the Hunter's Dream to go back and try again is a canon occurrence, the dream is created and kept by the Moon Presence to have hunters do its biding, the MP wanted (You) to go and kill Oedon's offspring, and we are given infinite tries, that is why we eventually succeed.

I went in blind and platinumed it in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before.

I destroyed the game's legacy in the process also.

>the bosses can only keep killing you over and over, but knowing that you will just come back (sometimes in mere minutes) to attack them again. Every single time you come back, you get them a little closer to death.
Shit the Hunter must be pretty scary to them on that level

Imagine if a random person kept trying to kill you, and no matter how many times you successfully defend yourself, he just comes right back. Over and over, until he finally gets you.

Jesus dude I've seen you bragging about getting the plat in 10 days for a few threads now. It's not THAT impressive of a feat you know.

its a pasta

wow u are so big and strong noone has every beaten a game before

>implying he's wrong


oh, well I feel foolish

>tfw Bloodborne is the last souls like that you haven't played but you don't want to buy PS4 only for it

Exclusive suck.


Hey don't worry you can just wait 10 years until PS4 emulation is possible

Gender is kinda pointless in Souls games anyway, you're covered in gear thw whole time.

it's a good game but if you played DaS series on PC you will hate who shit Bloodborne runs. Honestly DeS runs better than Bloodborne.

I thought the little baby that appears in her cutscene was the actual Great One?

Fun fact: the giant brain in Mensis, though the result of an experiment, is an actual full fledged great one. I think it's stated in the description of the "living string"

Probably some dumping ground the church had for failed experiments.

You dont actually kill any Great Ones except Moon Presence, which is basically dying anyway. The cut content implies that Ebrietas doesnt actually die.

>Dream Cycle
>Shadow Over Innsmouth
>The Case of Charles Dexter Ward
>The Call of Cthulu

It nigh perfectly emulates these stories, or in the case of Case of Charles Dexter Ward, parts of it. Even the idea of killing the old gods is circumvented, by them existing on different planes of existence - i.e, killing them in one place doesn't mean they're dead, they simply don't exist in the specific realm they've been killed in.

Yes, it also is based on the Cthulhu Mythos, but you're being painfully fucking obtuse if you start acting like Lovecraft's writing isn't at all adapted in the game.
I know it's cool being a hip contrarian on Sup Forums, but when you start questioning things that are evidently true, you just look like a massive tool.


THE only answer.

The eternal ESL...

I like this theory.
But what about the umbilical chords?

Gender really only mattered in Demon's Souls.
Frankly I miss elements like these in the sequels - the newer games feel a lot less like RPGs comparatively.

W/o reading any guides even?

>i.e, killing them in one place doesn't mean they're dead, they simply don't exist in the specific realm they've been killed in.

Notice how the ONLY time "Nighmare Slain" appears, is when you kill litteral newborn Great Ones. Even with Mergo, the fight only ends AFTER baby Mergo stops crying, NOT after you've killed the Wet Nurse.

Very interdasting, ain't it?