heheh, it's funny

heheh, it's funny

Other urls found in this thread:


>Army uses gamers to pilot drones and blow up Muslims
>even designs drone interfaces to look more like games and gives operaters scores for their missions

Really make you think

The artist of this comic never enrolled in the military.

Good thing that this generation are more interested in playing than in killing people.

>inverted saturn controller on a 360 playing WoW
what the fuck am i looking at

>fighting for such an outdated concept such as "country"


The artist is probably some boomer who failed to raise his son properly and started projecting and blaming videogames.

>t. lefty

>fighting and dying for the country of Israel


We Ender's Game now.

Yeah you idiot what do you think some flying a helicopter is

What if I did both?

>fighting for jews
>playing games made by jews
What's worse Sup Forums?

>Fighting meaningless wars driven by the interests of over-inflated states and mega corporations
not even right-wing christians are stupid enough to fall for this meme

It's clearly an either or type situation. You can't just go around and do both!

thats the airforce's job retard

>killing brown kids to make (((them))) richer
>southpaw controller with 6 face buttons

Look everyone
Point and laugh at the retard

what is this?

Actually military dudes in the US seem to like CoD and Madden a shit ton. So jokes on the artist.



>he wants to die over an abstraction
>to make Wall Street richer
I bet you have the audacity to call others cuck lmao

Black marine here. I play videogames. That comic is wrong.

Mirrored Saturn controller.

>Heres your controller bro

The kid on the left wishes he was playing videogames or other diversions deep down

A lot of young men fought for their country so their children can feel free to do whatever they want and that includes the vidya

>Why aren't you signing up to die for Israel yet??
Boomers need to be executed.

>stupid and uneducated enough to go die in proxy wars for the Jews

Being in real combat takes balls, but this comic is plain retarded.

First. You risk your life while helping them.

I can't believe propaganda like this not only still exist, but that people willingly fall for it.

Ye I know. I managed to put my elitism aside and joined them playing Halo, CoD and shit like that. Enjoyed the few game nights we managed to have a fuckton.

There were also weebs, surprisingly many of them. No one really minded what kind of shit you were into back there, it was a much simpler place for simple people and I enjoyed it.

a controller for lefties user, its obvious

Just middle aged people on Facebook. Not to downplay their role, but the whole “greatest generation” thing always seemed a bit self-congratulatory to me.

>WoW on xbox



Really activates those almonds....

People feeling pride for others accomplishments is always disgusting. Even more so for something as base as nationalism.

>being a pawn of rich elites and governments who see you as a statistic rather than a human
>murdering other people because you are told they are "bad" you are "good"
>coming home to a country after doing their bidding to be treated like shit by them and end up on the streets with no food or shelter
>die because of a easily preventable virus due to not being able to afford healthcare
>"greatest" generation

This is what Americans actually believe. How fucking pathetic.

Literally Google Army aviation you fucking smooth brained piece of shit

depends and it's not just CoD and madden. like half of my last unit played WoW and its just not the lower enlisted. I was surprised even my hard ass Gunnery Sergeant played WoW and this mother fucker has a family and goes to the gym. My current unit though is full fucking weeb at least the lower enlisted

>WoW on Console

Try Harder...

>sacrificing your only life in a stupid war waged by old fags lusting for power is a good thing

Atack my family or my house and I will fight with everything I got. But if you seriously think that going to the other side of the world to shoot and get shooted by sandniggers in a stupid Jew proxy war is something to be proud off, than you deserve the medal of political establishment slave and a bullet in your face.

>throwing your life fighting sand people just so donald trump or whoever the fuck replaces him gets more money

Yeah ok.

It really does....

>saluting the enlister
This person has never been in the army

It's not funny because it's true.

It's not hard to understand why oldfags are jealous. The technological advancements and quality of life increase since the 40s is astounding. They probably had a harder life than us in many ways, but that's life. Progress is one of the only constants in mankind. I get super butthurt when I think the singularity is going to happen shortly after or right before I die, but I don't spend my days shitposting Gen Z about it.

>halo 3 released 11 years ago

>implying we will ever have children

You will probably be saying that to your cat.


Bullshit! Im sure they were pining for America with everyone a farmer listening to the star spangled banner, eating apple pie and watching the baled eagles go by.

That's real merica. Not this well educated, video game playin bullshit!

this picture must be custom made to trigger autism

I would say nephews but my sister is a crazy feminist that did semi-permanent birth control and has no desire for kids.
Our lineage ends here.

>thought alex was the dumb cunt insisiting that km was greater than a mile
>it was the teacher instead

Oh boy Sup Forums is leaking again
Sage and report people, let's keep Sup Forums clean

Why are baby boomers so fucking whiney


>pokemon creatures
I love how blatantly old and out of touch the cartoonist must be. It's so arrogant and selfrighteous, yet so naive. I mean, look at that fucking "I love Pokemon Go" tshirt as if he's trying to help the audience get the "joke". Poor guy.

you know it's an old person when they still think Go is relevant. then again I only know Gen 3 was added because of a community day.

>saluting without a helmet or cap

Why do gringoes do this?

Why do Americans consider apple pie to be an American thing?
I'm honestly curious about this.

This is an unverified letter. It lacks school letterhead and some people even think it may be a Hitler joke (Adam Hilliker = Adolf Hitler, the date is April 20 which is Hitler's birthday).

That looks amazing. I would unironically buy those


>implying I can't google a fish
>implying remembering what every genus of fish suitable for domestication is called is more interesting and less autistic than learning about music or cinema or, hell, even video games
Sure is burgers in this thread


I'm sure many of the "greatest generation" that enlisted in the army are happy that their grandchildren don't also have to enlist and fight wars. Nice projecting pol comic artist.

that's gay

this is my fetish but I don't know what to search for other than " portal "

Hey, why the fuck not?


>comic tries to shame me for not knowing what species that fish is

I'm fucking sorry I didn't go to school to be a marine biologist and google is a click away. Boomers, man.

I don't think WW2 was a proxy war.

Self sucking?

Idk, ask on /d/

The most baffling thing about this is that he is playing standing up for some reason.


You cant show that in a christian manga!

Learn English you idiot

>google fish
>Ah yes, it's the famous Obama fish, it's famous for being gay and transsexual since it's natural
>Thanks google

I have an older brother and a younger sister. My brother is even more assburger than me, my sister expends all her time playing GTA in her room and even being 22 she were never in any kind of relationship. I am a filthy weeaboo with literally zero friends.

My parents had three kids and the lineage will still die. It would be hilarious if it weren't tragical.

moonland didn't feel that way. their boomers got blown to kingdom come and those that had kids grew resentful that their kids were living in an age of peace and technological progress. Delinquency grew to an all time high because of this backlash.

How about you learn things before calling other people retards

Post sergals instead

I don't think you or this thread had a point, bub


pol is that way

He wasn't talking about WW2


not the same user but what WAS the point?

I dunno. Google is getting to Skynet levels of creepy.

I don't think the greatest generation named themselves that. I'm pretty sure that's all on the baby boomers. Fucking boomers put the previous generation on such a high pedestal while simultaneously being one of the most disastrous and damaging generations to America in recent memory. They all need to be gassed. With the exception of my mother, she's alright


grug was born on piece of land labeled X
grug has to fight for piece of land labeled X instead of worrying about his own life

>gives operaters scores for their missions

Now that I didn't know

>this is what boomers actually believe

I'm not American, but isn't "Greatest Generation" what they call their soldiers in WW2?

*dabs while hiding search results about Jihad*

>Mandy Mariette

A woman made this.