Get dragged into video game conversation with normalfags

>Get dragged into video game conversation with normalfags.
>"Dude, you totally need to play "Generic AAA shit"."

How do you respond without making it awkward?

I don't like it
/end of conversation

Yeah, being the killjoy is totally not awkward.

"No, thanks."

>yea ive been meaning to try that, ive just been playing a lot of x recently tho
Proceed to talk about "x"

"I'd like to, but money's tight right now"

"Yeah sure thing man, I'll check it out."
And then don't.

I don't like it because *instert reasons here* and you shouldn't either****

Who gives a fuck? They need to know they are wrong. There is no such thing as awkward anyway.

Who cares? Literally just be yourself rather than putting on an act to please people.

You unleash your powerlevel and give them a 3 hour lecture about waifus and why everything post the snes was casual garbage except for dark souls.

You to!

It's not unless you're an american where everyone pretends they're not miserable

here in the UK that's a completely reasonable response.

"Will do , bruh"

They will just forget about it anyway

>tfw when most of my friends have normalfag-tier opinions on vidogames
It's infuriating. They literally think a game will be good if it has a cool cinematic trailer.

"y-you too...."

>"Yea sure i'll give it a try"
There, problem solved autismo

Do you legitimately find that awkward?
Are you so socially inept that you can't express your opinions? So beta you fear having a dissenting opinion so as not to displease others?

>"Yeah, I'll look into it"
Although considering you don't grasp how to humour someone, all your conversations with normal people are probably awkward so you're stuck.


"Not really my thing"
/end of conversation.

Just tell them that you aren't into mainstream games and prefer [games that you like]. Why is there always this notion that you have to pretend to be someone else? Everybody is into some kind of weird stuff, nobody gives a shit.

lmao at all the buttdevastated autists replying to this having suddenly been smacked in the face with the reason no one talks to them.

you indulge the person thats talking to you and ask him questions, building conversation while avoiding trying to put your opinion in every bit of shit that comes out of your mouth
its "talking with strangers" 101

The I don't like part is acceptable. Once you get into "And you shouldn't like it either" is where you've crossed the line into being an asshole whose opinions on literally everything are invalid. Anyone who tries to force their subjective opinions on media onto other people is evil and deserves immediate torture and execution.

Lol you have literal autism. Imagine caring about children's toys this much.

Normalfags have no place on this site.

>Lol = phoneposter
>normalfag meme


"Nah mate not my cup of tea"

Its not that hard when you aren't an autistic burger.

The only person I slapped in the face for vidya was a Nintendo fans talking like a moron with his eyes
closed like a snob.

And he was so beta he still smiled it was really awkward and I know I shouldn't scare him this much but frankly he deserve it.

I unironically use Sup Forums to fill the gaps in my knowledge on shit processed mainstream games I will never play but some of you schmucks do.
Nah you're all cool, play what you fucking like and I'll do the same

A fellow manager of mine keeps going on about the new AC, I just have the self-restraint not to go "we wuz" and ask him if its not a festering pile of shit like the victorian one. Another colleague always tries to get me to play BF1, I just say I have a shitty internet connection because I still find the concept of playing a fucking FPS on a controller completely insane. I still don't understand how it happened.

This never happened and everybody knows it.

>Friends know i have a ''contrarian'' opinion on alot of AAA vidya
>Still respect my opinion and know the games i play are often fun and well made
Is it an American thing to be scared of voicing your opinion on a fucking video game?
It's like going to the cinema, hating the film and then agreeing with your friends that you loved it.

How are they "wrong"? By having a different opinion from you? Please cite the actual laws, along with at least two examples of relevant case law showing precedent, backing up your authority to have the end-all be-all opinion on what is good, all in proper format. If you can't do this then your opinion doesn't mean anything more than theirs, and you are thus not authorized to do anything more than just stating and discussing your own opinion while accepting theirs.

"Nah, i don't play videogames, they are for kids"

You sound like the type of guy who breaks his controllers routinely due to rage caused by losing in a video game

>Tell them that I'll check it out.

Feign ignorance/enthusiasm, say you're going to check it out and then steer away from the topic.

Works for me


Someone at my workplace once tried to strike up a conversation about vidya with me, he asked what I was playing and I told him I was replaying NV and the STALKER series, I didn't explain to him that each letter of STALKER meant something. Thankfully he never brought it up again.

>Work for city transit
>90% of the employees are in their 40s or older
>Avoid conversations because of the generation gap, and because they constant bitch and moan when they have a job that pays almost $40/hr (top pay) with all kinds of benefits
I'm thankful for once I don't have to get along with coworkers

Lol this

It's always fun to see Sup Forums discussing real life scenarios.

>Animated conversation about vidya
>Offer even slightly educated point about it beyond "lol me too"
>Conversation is immediately dead

I'm not cracking open a fucking encyclopaedia here people, I just mentioned that there were GTA games before the 3d ones that were pretty fun too.

>drag myself out of it

>Work chads talking bout PUBG
>Ask if I play it
>"Nah mate, I prefer shit like pokemon"
>Get labelled a faggot but they never mention games round me again
Works for me

>I wanted to check it out, but then I took an arrow to the knee.

This unironically gets you laid.

As you like buddy.
Don't imagine a giant slam in the face Even if I look like a brute it was like checking if someone is awake.
It was kind of bully thing but frankly he deserve it.

If it was with someone random dude in my age range I think It would have finish in a brawl but with regular geeks they never do a shit cause they expect others geeks to be passive too.

they're right you know

Yeah, sluts dig outdated shit memes.


I’m fucking sick of this work culture where everyone has to pretend to get along like buddies.

by a green haired shamu maybe

>oh yeah I think my buddy was telling me about that I'll have to check it out
I've told this dude about 400 times I'll "have to check out" movies he recommends and never do.

>Ugh me no like nintendo fan ugh me smash face

>All those cringy af responses.

>All these cringy af responses from cringy af people


I have nothing against any fans.
But he was more a fanatics than a fan.

But I must say hardcore nintendo fans are the most awkward and annoying people I ever met to this day.
The guy in question didn't know shit about me he took me for a regular "fake" geek.
He was patronizing and snob while talking absolut shit like Nintendo invented cartridge and saving games miyamoto wasn't an asshole for many devs (starfox adventure For exemple) and wii wasn't just a gamecube MB with motion control.
he deserve it.

>Sorry bro, I'm addicted to Skyrim atm

>Not really my thing
>I don't enjoy that genre of video games
>Sure, why not
>I suck dicks for a living
Do I have high functioning autism or some shit as I rarely find situations like these a problem.
Mate told me to give Fortnite, on PS4 because "Nerds play on PC" a go and I did. Enjoyed it, gonna buy some PS+ soon so we can play with some guys from work.

The intelligent poster
The autistic cringe retard

Meh, it's okay.
>proceed to list 2-3 reasons why it's bad in a non-autistic fashion
And done. You get your message across and you don't alienate yourself by trying to act like an autistic game critic.

>Not really my thing
>I don't enjoy that genre of video games
I use these as well but sometimes you get this really pushy faggot who just goes "just give it a go anyways", "sure but try it anyways it's awesome". And since this kind of faggot is also the type who's willing to ask you every day if you checked out whatever he recommended, you're stuck listening to his shit until you finally check it out. If it ends up being trash then he'll retort with it being "fun for me" or something retarded like that along with an implication that you're either an autist or a contrarian killjoy, but it's not like he'd supply you with riveting conversation if you ended up liking whatever he recommended because these people never really want you to experience something new and amazing in the hobby you both share, they just project their own taste onto others so hard that they can't comprehend someone might enjoy other things without being a "killjoy".

>without making it awkward

mate I don't think there's a single thing my autistic brain can come up with that won't make any given conversation awkward.

I usually just say "I'm not a fan of (that genre)" or "I've heard good things, yeah." Whenever they ask what I play I try to name the most normalfag-friendly game I've been playing lately, like dragonball fighterz or overwatch.

You two are already talking about videogames, that is already pretty awkward.

"I'm not a fan of [generic AAA series], I may have played one or two of them in the past, or games similar, that got me out of it."

nah that's not my kind of game

That's my purse

>being this spineless

Don't respond when a normie tries to talk to you.

Speech 100 here

>"I played [early entry in the series which is less generic and less AAA] and it wasn't really my thing, it's been a while though."

And then, with a tone of genuine fucking interest in your voice, you ask "What did you like about [the game at hand]?"

>but user, I'm talking about Skyrim. Skyrim II hasn't even been announced yet.

>cool, I'll play as long as you don't jump ship in a week like you always do bro
>lol i'll try
Lol for people who talk so much shit online, if you can't even make convo with friends, how the fuck will you survive with a chick?

>Get dragged into video game conversation with normalfags.
>"Dude, Witcher 3 is the best game, CDPR makes the best games ever"

>here in the UK that's a completely reasonable response.
More like 'tis shite, mate

Is this what new generation breeds? Sheep? Pussy ass fucking numales all of you millenial shits

I want to grab your butt
/end of conversation

Jesus Christ man I was with you until the hormonal outburst. What the fuck is wrong with you

Don't pretend to be some kind of faggot other than who you are

>"Personally I think that game is shit, but I have a different taste in game desu"

>Too much of a little bitch and a sheep to stand your ground and be true to yourself
I'm 30 and all my coworkers and friends learned the fast and hard way to not drag me into conversations about TV crap, FIFA or whatever the fuck they read in their shitty tabloid websites, we still get along well, grow some spine failed normalfag.

>That doesn't really interest me. Have you tried ?
People who think you need to please everyone are fucking annoying.

Horrible post from a horrible tripfag

the most beta post

>Have you tried ?

Great way to torpedo your first chance in years of talking to another human

why do you like it so much?
wait answer, recomend a better game that what that person is talking.

>Say you like Panty Quest XVI instead
Ball's in their court then.

The point of social interaction is to find a common ground, not to pretend and be eternally scared of what everyone thinks of you.
Them not liking things you like is as little a problem as you not liking things that they like.

If they respond no you can either try talking about it or you could talk about their favorite game, or you could continue to try finding common ground.

>Great way to torpedo your first chance in years of talking to another human
You do realize that you're the social autist here, right?

You think thats a good thing? What a fucking loser

>Hey man you should play my favorite game
>No fuck you it's dogshit you fucking casul play Shin Mengami Tensen XI or don't fucking talk to me, IM TRYING TO FIND COMMON GROUND HERE
wow truly you are a master of conversation, a social buttetfly envied by many but loved by all

You don't find common ground by telling them a game they like is shit and how a game you like is much better for reasons secret to you and completely unrelated to their taste

You ask them what they like about their game, pick up one of those things and say how you enjoyed that same aspect in a game you like very much
That is common ground

>all my friends think I'm a super hardcore anime fan
>I only watch a few shows in a year at most and its mainly just slice of life/meme shows
>my real addiction is shitposting on Sup Forums

>Hey man have you played Game X?
>Oh that's cool. Well I really like it.

>You still play computer games?

Is Minecraft normalfag friendly or will I get "hardcore gaymur" shamed?

'Oh, haha. Yeah I was looking at that, it looked pretty fun, I might pick it up' (then just never do, and as all normalfags they'll forget about the game in two weeks)
or because all triple A generic shit is just sequels, say 'I've played a few in the past, it wasn't my cup of tea but the new one looks pretty good, how is it?'

AKA hold a conversation, which I understand might be difficult for the majority who browse this site.

Come on man, I don't support devs because they hired a woman once and their games don't support white supremacy now. Get it right.

its looked on as a kiddie game now by normies. you'll get the same reaction if you said you played pokemon or something like that.

"Yeah sure thing sounds good."
Then don't. Sup Forums is so autistic they don't understand you can "lie" about things. It's how fucking society works.

>"Ah ok, I'll try it and tell you about it"
>Week later
>"Did you like it?"
>"It's alright but not really my thing though"
There. I do this every time, especially with some fucker trying to give me a shitty VN to play every time we talk to each other. Don't be friends with weebs.

Yeah honestly. Don't say anything more about games you fucking hate outside of
>Oh nah I haven't played that one yet
>Yeah man that game's kinda cool, played it a few times
>Yeah I might try that sometime
>Nah I ain't into that game

Any generic comment like that and you're in the clear. Don't sperg over everything wrong with a game like I know people in this thread fucking do and end up making themselves look like no-life retards.

>oh man yeah I'm addicted to video games dude
>oh what kind

Every fucking time.