What are some cozy games I can play to deal with getting dumped by my first and probably the only partner I'll ever...

What are some cozy games I can play to deal with getting dumped by my first and probably the only partner I'll ever have?

Or Yume Nikki thread, please, I just need some kind of escape.

Where's the vodka comrade

I like playing "cute" games like Harvest Moon and Fantasy Life, not only are they cheerful looking, but also quite immersive and help a lot in getting you distracted.

On my desk. I don't even know if I've got it in me to drink.

>Sup Forums poster gets dumped

This story writes itself

I'd say "get fucked, idiot," but it doesnt look like you can

dont date

Umihara Kawase

>managed to get someone at all
fuck off normalfag

Hey look, it's the pilot of the Mazinger!!!

I don't really own any of these games. Think Animal Crossing might work? Only thing is my village is already set mostly.

Yume Nikki is overhyped junk

Go kill some people at GTA IV. It always elevates my mood.

It's comfy.

Go play Rune Factory 3. Best girls, and you have some combat and crafting in there so it's not quite as monotonous as games similar to it like Harvest Moon.

Play the new Yume Nikki. Your sadness will turn into anger at Kadokawa after playing it.

Rune Factory 2 is better solely because it has Rosalind in it

If we're talking about Yume Nikki, can we talk about Dream Diary without shitposting?

It's fine. Its really only Yume Nikki themed but if this was a fan game then it would have been highly rated. As an official game it leaves a bit of a sour taste in one's mouth as it loses a lot of the original charm of Yume Nikki. I don't mind that they tried something different, but this game needed to be at least three times as big and needed some mechanical changes to stand up to the original. As it is, the game is far too short. It's not quite as linear as people say it is, I've watched other people play to see what their reactions and experiences are, and they've approached the game in some very different ways. Everyone agrees its not a very Yume Nikki-like game though. It's unironically, not memeing, a good game but not a good Yume Nikki game.

I'd also like to talk about the ending here.

I don't think Madotsuki leaves her room in the end. She falls asleep in her dream by her door and wakes up by her door. But falling asleep in game has never been a proper thing, it only serves as a way to progress a dream or move to a different area even in the original. Plus, how would Madotsuki move from her bed to the door in real life? I think she's moved from one dream to the next when she "wakes" up. She's never left. It's also why its possible to access the alternate ending after the normal one, where it implies you have chosen to remain behind in the dream world instead of trying to escape. Multilayered dreams like this were hinted at from the very start as well, since the first 35 seconds of the game was you coming home from a convenience store and you see yourself falling after jumping off the balcony. The bloodstain on the floor BEFORE you land on top of that implies to me that Mado jumping, or rather dreaming of jumping, happens often to her. It would also explain the presence of dream jellyfish at the end of the first game.


Jagged Alliance series.
Sim City 3000.
Dorf Fortress.
Or even if it's not a "video game" the fighting fantasy series of books.
They're pretty much top tier VNs but on paper, I suggest Deathtrap Dungeon.

>my first
Are you a women? Sucks to be used goods.

I dunno user, if I was a woman I think it'd be lots of fun to be a slut.

For a few years, before a younger slut replaces you.

so hard to find good comfy/immersive games these days

I was in your position a while ago. Most specifically one year ago. It gets better over time if it helps you. Just try to do other things and take a break from hurtful things.

Also, it will not be the only one and that you can be certainly.

Or practice a new hobby, learning a second language, going on a trip, finding yourself. I 100% completely agree with playing games like Yume Nikki, .flow, SMT Nocturne, Rune Factory 4, or the whole Suikoden series. Make sure you do that at night, or when you wake up, so you still have a full day to better yourself and find a new passion for life.

You should also watch comfy anime, Berserk comes to mind.

>Not becoming a cougar or a milfy slut instead and becoming a rental mommy gf

Kingdom come has given me some comfy times so far.