Switch Thread

Can we have an actual discussion about this system beyond some try-hard console wars stuff about how the Xbone or PS4 have better hardware?

What do you like about the switch that the other's don't provide?

all this talk about HD "remasters" & getting 50-60 FPS didn't even mean much in the old days you think a bunch of kids playing Street Fighter II noticed the framerate

People play games to HAVE FUN not get hung up on things like if the games run's smoothly or not

In the end it's the experience that matter's most & what you can get from playing something like armored core from something like street's of rage

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I'm hoping for some serious UI overhaul for 5.0. Folders, User Sign In at start etc, resizable icons.

bumping for interest

I don't think a redesign would so it any good

I mean beyond the obvious Nintendo nostalgia fuel franchises. I like having an indie machine that's more portable than my heavy gaming laptop. Also the very very stupid dream of a Pokemon title that isn't a totally rehashed Pile of overly easy crap.

Sonybros and microdrones need to attack everything else because they're insecure about their shitty purchase. The switch is obviously superior to those because it isn't just a shitty computer.

How is the battery life?
Does the screen really get scratched easily from the dock?
And is the dead pixel problem really a problem?

Well if anything I'd wager that it will be slightly bigger then what HG/SS did for the originals

Literally just bought one today (with Zelda). Takes some getting used to, got it set up to use my PC screen and speakers, and I hope at some point they add volume boosting for 'headphones' (since I'm using my speaker jack when in docked mode) as playing Zelda is JUST at an okay volume at full on my speakers.

Otherwise, having had a 3ds for a while it's certainly familiar in how it handles. I'll be the first to admit I need some more time with it before I could really form an opinion.

>internet browser not included because people used it to exploit and hack the wii and wii u
>switch gets hacked anyway
Nintendo no longer has an excuse to not include extra non gaming features for this system. The same goes for save backups and cloud storage


user please every console will eventually get hacked and have it's exploit's revealed,just look at what happened with the PSP

>How is the battery life?
It's around 3 hours for most games which I've never even used half of. More for indie garbage, less for extremely taxing games.
>Does the screen get scratched by the dock
As long as you're not a nigger no, just put it in gently and there is no way for it to get scratched. People scratch their screens by slamming it in at an angle.
>Dead pixel problem
All screens can get a dead pixel, if you get one return it to the store.

>Love kirby
>Considering getting switch so I can once again be the OG pink puffball
>watch the demo
>feel betrayed
>realize I probably won't buy a switch for another year and a half

Why did they have to fuck it up. They finally brought back combo powers and they fuck it all up. It's not fair.

>feel betrayed

I've bought every kirby game since air ride. I look at this and I feel like nintendo is shitting all over me.

If this is the best they can do for a fucking kirby game on switch, I'll hold out with hopes of another 3ds kirby.

>People play games to HAVE FUN not get hung up on things like if the games run's smoothly or not

Thank you, OP! You phrased it perfectly. Above all else fun is my personal top priority for gaming and as a consumer I gravitate towards the products made by people with similar priorities. For this generation it’s become increasingly obvious that is Nintendo’s goal with the Switch and that’s why I love it despite all the BS on here!

it's the same as people who feel a sense of loyalty from a company despite everything they stand for being against their consumer

While it is nice in it's simplicity I think they should bring themes back, I don't like staring at a sterile grey screen with no background noise.

If you think the demo is all the game has to offer you clearly haven't played any Nintendo game ever.

What the fuck are you on about? This is the first Kirby game I've been excited for for a while.

>4 worlds

Right. user if you've been following the game you'd know how bad it's looking to turn out. I'm a kirby faggot but even I see this shit is set sail to fail.

>can we have a hugbox where we suck Nintendo cock without anyone calling out their Jewish business practices

Nope. Fuck off back to you know where. SHITCH is garbage

>say's this without a lick of evidence

if it's so garbage then explain why

are you high m8?

>all this talk about HD "remasters" & getting 50-60 FPS didn't even mean much in the old days you think a bunch of kids playing Street Fighter II noticed the framerate

>tfw you're obsessed with the Switch's performance despite not actually owning one

I just like seeing what devs can do with it

is that DOOM?



that's amazing but how's it run?

screening scratching shouldn't be too much of a problem assuming you take care of your electronics

Did you miss all the indie & third party games coming to the system?

>still believing in dead pixels

it runs like absolute shit, it was a terrible port in the end lol

Stable 30fps in the campaign, drops frequently in arcade mode. A recent patch improved it, but not by much.

Skyrim's an interesting one, since it's technically the remastered version but keeps the original's lighting system (no GI, volumetric lighting or ambient occlusion) and draw distance.

>What do you like about the switch that the other's don't provide?
First party Nintendo games. That's been the only reason to own a Nintendo system since 5th gen. I really wish I would have waited another year to buy one. Mario and Zelda were both great, and I actually really liked Mario+Rabbids, but the Switch isn't my only platform, and I don't care about XC2 since I didn't play the first one, so there's nothing else left until some indeterminate point in the future for more games to come out.

well, it gets bumped down to 600p, i should clarify that on a TV in general it looks like a shitty slow chugging mess, it got tons of performance cuts and still doesn't work well and it looks awful on TV

it's better on handheld but still not great

The only interesting thing is why anyone would bother buying a Bethesda game on a console.

I have a Switch and have been happy with it. I like the portability the most. I'm in college and it's great to use while waiting for classes to start. One of my favorite "consoles" has been the DS, so this is like a higher grade version of that. I think a bunch of people use framerate argument as a brainlet argument, purely bait based. I've had a great couple of months and can't wait for the future.

Why is the PS3 version missing the flora?

I was thinking of double dipping for the switch version but does it come with mods like the PC version?

>Sign in at start
You can already do that, assuming there's only a single user on the system.

>does it come with mods like the PC version
user, don't ask stupid questions.

no mods on switch sadly, i believe you can get mods on skyrim for the ps4/xbone version

>Why is the PS3 version missing the flora?
Because the remaster added it. The Switch is using the same remaster as PS4 and XB1, but with some missing particle effects and lighting.

actually a valid question honestly, there was some user mods on the xbone/ps4 version of the hd release, switch didn't get any mod support tho

are you fucking retarded

>Creation Club
Not mods, and fuck you for even thinking otherwise.

I already have an xbone ps4 and pc. Literally the only reason I would ever get a switch is first party titles, which switch doesn't have worthwhile ones besides Mayro and Zelda which I'm not exactly dying to play


no, not all mods, but there is legit mods you can use on the ps4 and xbone, it's not creators club


most of the better mods are for xbone, sony did end up allowing some tho

>still pushing away the idea of ideal 60 fps or stable 30 fps and mandatory 720p to 1080p

I just sold mine the other day because it has like one game and that's it. I also sold my copy of that one game, which was a good game, but still not enough to justify keeping my console.

I'm using the money I got from the game and console to buy a new gaming PC.

>actually a valid question honestly
It's not, the PS4 and Xbone can barely handle mods as it is and you think the Switch can?

Okay, I take that back. That's pretty impressive.
Though seeing as mods can go all the way up to 2gb, it's easy to see why this wasn't ported over to the Switch. Too much of my SD card is already being filled up with shit publishers couldn't be bothered to write to the cart.


tell that to people who still use CRT TV's

Literelly nothing wrong if only to play old systems for nostalgia factor

You play on CRTs so you can jerk yourself off over a miniscule decrease in input lag, an amount so small that the difference in advantage it gives you is so small and so insignificant you could hardly say it exists at all.

The best porting job imo came from Shin'en. FAST Racing Neo went from some weirdass "720i" resolution on Wii U to adaptive 1080p on Switch while simultaneously improving the lighting system and performance. It gave me so much hope for the other Switch ports, but no other games had a similar performance jump

Too bad Shin'en's games are all so anonymous.

Go back to play old consoles if you dont care about smooth gameplays in fucking 2018. What sort of autistic bullshit is this? You think im having fun with the shit framerate in doom in arcade mode? Or the fucking garbage resolution in Xenoblade 2 while handheld? Which may i remind you, it drops to 368p. Or should i mention the horrible framerate on Night on Azure 2 which is supposed to ge a fast phase action RPG? Cant even be steady 25fps. Skyrim seems to be the only decent game with solid 30 fps, 720p/900p and is because is a damn 6 year old port. Fucking faggots like you is what keeps nintendo underpowered as hell. Im not even asling 120fps 4k UHD. I just want stable 30 fps on my games with locked 720p min. Is fucking 2018 not 2007. If i want choppy crap ill fire up my ps2 or dreamcast

naw, but there was in fact mods for both systems, it still added something to the vanilla game at least

not the most impressive collection but one of the few, if not only times ever really mods + console were a thing

What Switch games have the best motion controls? Popping heads in Revelations 2 feels incredible with the pointer, too bad the game isn't without its flaws.

well it depends honestly

a 1ms/crt monitor might only be the difference between like 1-10 ms of response, but if someone else has that monitor, a better ping, and higher framerate, it can turn into something more like 20-50 ms, and that can definitely make a difference

a good example of how much of a difference something like that makes is quickdraw in cod games if you ever played them, quickdraw attachment made a huge difference in gun fights, and that was around a similar time

I'm fucking pumped to play dark souls on switch and nothing you can say or do will diminish my flame

Same. It and Bloodborne are the only ones I have yet to play and I'm currently playing 3.
If I remember right Bloodborne is a free PS+ game this month so I think I'll try it out once I'm done.


Personally, I like it more than other Nintendo consoles. Right now it's just a Bayonetta machine, but I'm actually hoping they will port more games that I didn't get to play because Wii U a shit, like Dong Freeze.

Also, I find that the pro controller is a must. I can tolerate the joycons on the go, but they really are not adequate for me to play Bayonetta or anything demanding.

Forgot to post waifu

God no, the pro controller is trash. That Dpad is unusable

My d-pad went from occasionally fucking up inputs to working perfectly as it got wore in. Barring that there's a tape fix that takes all of five minutes.

how am I supposed to do the tape fix if I've never opened up controllers or anything else before

Well you open it up for starters.

I haven't had to really use the dpad yet, what's so bad about it?

how hard is it for someone with literally zero experience? Will I break my controller?


That sure is some kek right there. Well, for the time being, it's great for Bayo. I wonder if I should buy Street Fighter after seeing this...

pretty much any game that would require the Dpad (like Puyo Puyo Tetris) is very frustrating to play with it, to the point of it pretty much not worth it

>like Puyo Puyo Tetris) is very frustrating to play with it
Eh, I wouldn't say frustrating. More that it takes getting used to than anything else, personally I can play puyo just fine with the thing,

So then what's the alternative, get a fight stick?

I hear 8bitdo controllers are alright, and you can use Wii U pro controllers with an adapter

Finally carved out some time to get back to Zelda first the first time in ages. I have the switch docked and cables plugged in, but nothing coming up on the TV. The screen on the switch console is on while docked, but it's just black/blank and showing the battery is empty. Does it need some charge before it can show up on the TV?

Man, I can't be spending all of this money on alternative controllers. I'll see what the verdict is on Street Fighter. Actually, I'll probably just get the Anniversary collection on ps4.

>How is the battery life?
3 hours on Zelda, like 6 with Shovel Knight.
>Does the screen really get scratched easily from the dock?
The first thing I bought was a glass screen protector so I wouldn't know
>And is the dead pixel problem really a problem?
I've never seen anyone have that problem.

>Does it need some charge before it can show up on the TV?
Yes. Leave it for like two minutes or so and it'll be fine.

It shouldn't. I guess check the cable connections? And make sure that the tv is we to display from the correct source?

Has Nintendo finally fixed the Joycon issue? I finally started getting the desync issues people were talking about, but apparently even after a repair the thing will still desync every now and then. I'd get a Pro controller, but even that has problems with the D-pad.

A friend of mine picked up a switch after the restock and didn't have the problem so I assume so.
Also I had mine repaired and it didn't desync ever again so I don't know what these people are doing to make it desync.

>Does the screen really get scratched easily from the dock?
only if you'r careless. you can get a glass screen protector two pack from amfilm for like 8 bucks on Amazon

I just received my Switch back from warranty repair. It stopped accepting cartridges and would blue/error screen whenever any cartridges were inserted. Needless to say, no games worked at all.

>Xenoblade pro controller
>Press on the upper/lower part of the right/left dpad
>Counts as up or down input as well, causing diagonal
is this intentional? Its annoying the fuck out of me
t. has not owned a console in years

the xenoblade one is apparently better than the original but the problem is still there

i'm waiting for a new one hopefully FE or metroid

Y'all keep your cartridges in the cases or you got one of those fancy ones? Picking up one for my bday and I'm kind of making it my "fun/not so serious" machine, so I'm grabbin BotW, Odyssey, and Shantae.

Seems to be stupidly cozy for late night bed gaming

Pretty good

Today or 3 decades ago graphics were importants.
that what moved the industry and that what still make it move.

So talking specs and graphics is still relevant and the "good enough" argument is bullshit for me.
Even if Nintendo were never with the best hardware they still could compete with others consoles.
Now we are all about gimmicks it like they are scared to do a console with real raw power again (the GC)

In it state the switch doesn't do it job thanks to the hybridation.
I never asked the DS PSP Vita or 3DS to be PS3 or a WiiU and the system limitation of a dedicated portable console pushed the developer to be creative.
Now I am stuck with the switch that can't do what I want from a home console neither what I want from a portable system.

Nintendo also lost it graphic identity with this Botw. Even with it flaws I enjoyed SMO far better than this.
I will also not buy a single port of the WiiU library as there is literally no change at all for the moment.
If I know what I am grabbing for the system this year (fallen legion and Coven) that's not a lot for an entire year.
I am still waiting for E3 to see what they are planning for 2019.

the pro controller's dpad is defective, this is well known.

The fact that you can play it in a portable mode makes some multiplat games best on switch and genuinely makes the experience better(Like stardew valley). Nintendos first parties are also in genres not touched by AAA developers outside of their system or make awful attempts while nintendos are always polished. Xbox and ps4 have nothing special hardware wise that would make multiplats better on their system than PC and Switch while also making exclusives in genres that already have plenty of other great games so you never feel like you're missing out on anything at all when you don't own a ps4/xbox.

>People play games to HAVE FUN not get hung up on things like if the games run's smoothly or not
Spergy soyboys like you are the reason the memes exist. Try to understand how someone could dislike nintendo games and derive fun from different game designs instead of childishly making generalizations.

probably gonna want a universal fight stick for that to beat up on normies and not worry about that crap dpad fuckin you.

how is the switch as a successor to the 3ds? I'll probably get one eventually for portable gaming, but for now I'm passing because it seems to have no games. for comparison, by the time I got a 3ds xl there were plenty of games on the system.

so maybe I'm waiting for more games and a 2nd gen handheld-emphasis edition

I don't think that was his point in the fucking slightest.

Is there anything in particular that you would be looking for on it?
As it is right now it has a pretty solid selection of first year games but it may be lacking in certain genres because it's still the first year.

Do I need an extra micro sd for switch if I only play physical games?
PS4 is fucked with all the media installations and updates downloaded.
Will it be the same for switch?
If yes, how much is enough? Another 32gb?

no you shouldnt, the saves and updates take small amounts, ps4 and xbox install because it's quicker to run off a hd than a CD, cartridges are effectively ssd's

>Do I need an extra micro sd for switch if I only play physical games?
Certain ones like Doom and NBA will but the majority don't require you to and are often fairly small.
As for the price I don't know about America but here in the UK I picked up a 64GB card for about £20 on Amazon so they don't tend to do for a particularly large amount.

a big factor in getting the 3ds for me was SMT games, and JRPGs in general. JRPGs are more common on PC now though, so it'd probably be good exclusive JRPGs (why no PC ports Atlus?) and I'd probably pick up Nintendo games like Mario/Zelda/Metroid