>Everyone says Bayonetta 2 is better than 1 in every way
>play them in order
>it's actually worse in every way except for the colors which are an actual improvement
What the fuck guys? You lied to me.
>Everyone says Bayonetta 2 is better than 1 in every way
>play them in order
>it's actually worse in every way except for the colors which are an actual improvement
What the fuck guys? You lied to me.
Other urls found in this thread:
People just like the sequel more because of the better soundtrack and her better haircut.
>Everyone says Bayonetta 2 is better than 1 in every way
I always say the are equally good, with different flaws and positives. And nothing will ever change my mind.
>better soundtrack
They both have their highs and lows.
>better haircut
Ok you got me there.
The design for Bayonetta is incredibly better in 2 than 1, if 1 could have her design in the PC version, I would have probably bought it, but I haven't cared enough to play any of them.
usual nintendo shilling
yoshesque pls
Only Nintendogs say Bayo 2 is better than 1.
If the soundtrack is better imo.The prologue is also awesome.
But Everything else is dumbed down.
>your favorite character will forever be argued about because dumb as fuck consolewars
Feels bad man
WiiU fags
the actual reason is long hair is better than short hair
We can always talk about the game.
I frankly don't care about console war but saying 2 is better for me is just fallacy.
I loved bayo 1 so much it became a system seller for me.
But passing the euphoria of the beginning the game is just not good compared to 1 and I don't feel the challenge and adrenaline rush I had playing it.
I still prefer the art direction of 1 too.
Will see what 3 have to offer Will it renew my interest for the series or just give up about it one for all.
Bayonetta 2 makes me wish Sai Fung was in the game.
But it's a fucking pain in the ass to get in the first game
>better haircut
are you mad? lesbian hairdo vs long haired awsome? (that fit her design too btw..)
I just played chapter 12 in bayo 1. Fuck chapter 12, people bitching about route 666 being annoying but this one made me legit rage. Stupid fucking flying shits and on top I have to carry cereza around. Also I missed like 5 verses. Only good thing was the jeanne fight outside on the plane.
Have fun with Space Harrier
As soon as you actually understand Bayos mechanics on a somewhat deeper level, it's obvious Bayo 2 is the worse game.
>torture attacks made useless by the stupid powerup mode consuming magic, which is a better investment score wise 100% of the time
>some moves got removed for no reason
>worse weapon balance
>terrible fights vs balder because the game dictates the speed with openings
>cinematic flying fights which basically make the game 2D and remove depth for the sake of flashiness
>items don't give you a penalty so you can spam and scam your way through the game for that PP score
>difficulties got dumped down
Bayo is already long as fuck, the last thing she needed was a beehive on her head to make her look even longer. Shorter hair tends to mean either playful or practical, too.
Not him, you have shit taste. Bayo 1 design is far, far superior.
Pretty much Bayo 2 is just more casual overall. The only real improvement is some fluidity and the removal of the BS QTEs.
Bayo 1's combat is overall so much better.
Bayo 2 was a cakewalk compared to the original, I don't get the praise either. It's fine but definitely not superior, even with the bullshit levels.
Difficulties didn't get dumbed down, they just removed very easy. You're on point with the rest, and don't forget that you can still get a gold medal in damage for taking like 3-4 hits when previously that was already silver-bronze territory meaning you can easily get platinum medals by getting plat in combo and time while still getting gold in damage
Nintendo shills what did you expect?
I also like the hell monster designs a lot.
Bayo 2 is a fine game for a playthrough or two but if you actually want to git gud, 1 is the only right choice, and once you do that the bullshit QTEs will never catch you off guard since you know all of them by heart anyway.
So basically if you're a casual (seriously used non derogatorily here) then bayo 2 is better, if you actually want to git gud then 1 is better.
Bayo 2's hard is Bayo 1's normal and NSIC is also kind of a joke in 2.
That said if you get plat or gold in damage taken doesn't really matter, your PP is gone anyway.
Its the same fucking game, just better looking
2 is better.
>angels in 1
>angels and demons in 2
>??? in 3
Also I expect more time travel bullshit than ever imagined.
>>items don't give you a penalty so you can spam and scam your way through the game for that PP score
That was actually good though. Why bother with items when you kbow you'll get a penalty?
Not like you wouldn't get a worse score because of "damage received "
>Bayo 2's hard is Bayo 1's normal and NSIC is also kind of a joke in 2.
They did the same shit with Metroid Prime. Easy became normal and normal became hard
2 has /ss/ and therefore is superior
Bayo 2's Hard is a bit harder than Bayo 1's normal but is full of bullshit like every fucking enemy being a damage sponge and dodging everything.
Infinity is even worse. It's very hard, but it's also tedious.
But calling it 'easy' is oversimplifying it
I suck at Bayo 2. I'm pretty good at Bayo 1
And Bayo 2 simply doesn't have enough incentive for me to work with its bullshit to git gud
Just did on second try. Wasn't that bad.
Oh it's not supposed to be amazingly hard, just takes for fucking ever and that sucks because the best boss is after it.
>worse in every way except for the colors
But that is clearly wrong. The only bad thing that appeared in B2 is stupid companion shit. And to many fights where Bayo is flying. Those are bad shit.
Enemies are better, witch-time is short enough to make people learn combo offset (or whatever this thing is called), camera is not that retarded (because of level design mostly), that stupid transport sequences are short enough to be nonexistent and there are no oneshot QTE.
Agreed, felt a bit too long just like the highway. Now I'm sitting on jeanne, it's very fun but I already died a bunch.
You're right. Bayo 2 is way better for casual players. If you don't care about exploring the game's mechanics and replaying it over and over to get better - which most people don't - then Bayo 2 is way better than the first one. If you really wanna get into the mechanics though, then Bayo 1 has more to offer.
>better soundtrack
Ehhh, I don't really like the direction they took the music. It was all twangy pianos and drums. I hope Bayo 3 focuses more on feminine vocals and jazzy jazzy sax solos.
Items are meant for casuals if they can't beat the game without them. They're not supposed to carry your butt to a flawless score.
Bayo 2 has a crapton of deep flaws in enemy design making it a shit experience if you want to git gud.
I'm doing way too much random shit. Any pointers as to how I play more effective/stylish? I mostly just pkp or ppkkk and on occasion afterburner to get some air combo going.
Learn combo offset.
You can be completely random in what you do as long as you deal enough damage with a high enough score in a specific time, the scoring system literally tells you if it's good enough.
If you have dodge offset down you know all there is to know in regard to things you really REALLY have to know to get a good score.
And less press x to not die QTEs
Actually read your combo lists.
Learn that pausing before moves can createa new combo
Dodge offset.
Anyone else hate bayonetta 2's level design? There's like 3 levels in the middle I swear that are just bossrush. And the bosses aren't even good. Don't get me started on the shitty flying stuff.
It keeps Bayonetta relevant
Got dodge and panther offset down. Guess the rest is up to me then.
If you look at pro players playing, it's all about styling around. Gitting gud at Bayo means you can do whatever to look fuckin rad with whatever weapon and still get great scores.
I played them both recently and I think both are about equal. Bayo 1's instant death quick time events arent great though. Also Moon River is better than Fly Me To the Moon.
That's where I wanna go. To my surpise I even found the Sup Forums style tournaments vids.
For getting gud, should I play 2 after 1 or do another playthrough on hard?
no u
I had no idea what was going on in the first Bayonetta where as in the sequel I at least had some clue.
You run through some gutter of level just to fight mosters in some tiny arenas.
Both games are the same about this shit: travelling the level and exploring it is pure cancer. Just make it all a set of arenas one next to each other and it's perfect.
No QTE (those climax finishers are fine), no rinding/driving/rocket/jet levels. No companions. No nonexisting platforming and running off collapsing bridge or from lava/golem/beloved. No five second cutscened for breaking arena barier after the fight is over. No witch time puzzles. No levers to spinn your left stick around. No portal falling sequences. No cutscenes ending with a spawned enemy immediately attacking. No water. No flying. No useless city sequences.
Better make fighting arenas interesting: add hazardous environment, environmental kills, fighting atop respawning destructible pillars, fighting on moving platforms with bottomless pits around. Make witch graves spawn after you clear some verses with a good enough rating. Like each stone verse costs 1 point, bronze is 5 points, silver is 10, platinum is 20 and pure platinum is 30 with new weapon spawning at every 100 points and a heart or a moonshard every 30-60 point or something.
For gitting gud you should ignore 2 and just play 1 on all difficulties.
After that you can decide what difficulty you want to ACTUALLY git gud at first, which you then try to PP.
Also Jeanne plays quite a bit different, so that's another option. She's also a good preparation for NSIC.since she doesn't get witch time off of normal dodges.
>Why bother with items when you kbow you'll get a penalty?
Because everybody finds fun and frustration in different things. There are a lot of people who absolutely hate dying in games, and will use restorative items to prevent themselves from dying. It isn't exactly uncommon, everyone is like that to some degree. But even though the end results screen penalizes their item use just as much as dying would have, not everyone gives a shit about some worthless trophy, they care about the fact that they didn't have to sit through a death screen and press retry.
how about we do it at the same time
>and her better haircut.
short hair is objectively worse. Longer hair is harder to grow while the women is sickly, so its a marker for health and fertility
Okay, I'll watch how you do it so I get it right.
So, remove all of the flavour that makes the game interesting beyond a mechanics showcase, and take all the shit you apparently hate about traversing the world between combat encounters, and put it IN the combat encounters. Very good ideas.
Guess I'll finish normal and hard first, then. After that, unlocking jeanne. [/spoiler]Still gonna play 2[/spoiler]
Plenty of people say 1 is better. Opinion is pretty divided although few will outright say only one of them is good.
It's a fun game and definitely worth playing, just trying to gitting gud at it is kind of a waste of time compared to bayo 1.
Also watch yoshesque if you don't know her channel yet and actually want to get good at bayo.
I'm scared Sup Forums
What if instead of Bayo 3 taking the best of Bayo 1 and the best of Bayo 2 it takes the worst aspects of each.
>>Everyone says Bayonetta 2 is better than 1 in every way
>things that never happened
>No cutscenes ending with a spawned enemy immediately attacking
That shit's great you fag. I consider myself semi casual and even I loved that feature.
>Have to fight 5 Gracious and Glory.
>On Hard
Lying through your fucking teeth.
Compared to Bayo 1's level design and enemy placement ("Here have two stupid serpent things in this giant-ass pond to kill even though you spent the last chapter killing two stupid serpent things, then a Grace and Glory and then...uh, another Grace and Glory"), the second one was much more balanced. That said, yeah they overdid it with the simple arena bosses, it would have been nice to see at least one more GoW platforming boss giant like Temperance again.
Just focus on one combo at a time if you want to try and learn the attacks, don't worry if that ends up making you spam the same shit over and over. If you actually want to git gud at bayo it doesn't take long to get a good grasp on on all the good combos anyway
Also the combo list is fucking gigantic but it's all basically just the same 5 moves but slightly modified or combined, and a LOT of them are useless.
If you want to be stylish, do launchers and follow-ups, learn how to close gaps and switch weapons
I have a good day, anyone wanna get gifted bayo on steam?
OP is referring to anons on Sup Forums, not the reviews, silly little user.
It really depends if Kamiya is directing it again or not.
good god you're retarded
I watch her stuff on second monitor, great shit. Found her looking for good playthroughs when I was pissed off for not finding all the verses and alfheims.
there's a book or something that's a complete guide you can find online, you could try looking for that. I'm not sure how good it is though despite having a copy downloaded.
The best part of Bayo 2 was the flashback/time travel where you go back to Vigrid and fight all the well designed Bayo 1 enemies instead of the unlaunchable eternally blocking centaur faggots with unreadable attacks. It made me immediately realize how annoying all the new enemies were.
Of course they later ruin it by putting you in the mech suit that turns the game into a faceroll for an entire level.
Also the fight with Alrune was fucking sick. That fight shits all over any other fight in the game.
>I hope Bayo 3 focuses more on feminine vocals and jazzy jazzy sax solos
I fucking doubt since the trailer implies Bayo is getthing her shit bashed in.
Alright, I will check it out on occasion.
>tfw grinding the prologue chapter 100 times to unlock Tang Lung
God I hope it's over soon. I just want to start my Jeanne playthroughs with this sick weapon.
You actually think the consensus around here is that 2 is better than 1?
Did you actually just get here yesterday you autistic cunt?
Actually nevermind, you probably did, kill yourself, one less moron in the world.
Should I get the Special Edition or the normal one for Switch ?
Come on this is a fucking repost are you fucking losers that desperate
>>Everyone says Bayonetta 2 is better than 1 in every way
Who has ever said this.
It's better by default because it doesn't has those retarded flying and bike sections.
God was the former a bitch to plat.
please don't ignore
That's up to you to decide, silly user.
That was actually a very common and widespread opinion in the first few months of bayo 2's release.
Yoshesque even released a video on why bayo 2 is worse simply because she got so annoyed with posts on her twatter of people claiming otherwise.
Does the special edition appeal to you? Personally, I think that steelbook and stickers are offensively bad things to include in a special edition. The cards are a nice touch, but are they really worth the extra money to you?
I got the SE, the box is nice and so is the steelcase inside. The cards look like quality but I find them pointless, the stickers more so. All in all meh, I'd rather just have the steelcase and pay less.
A shame too since the wii u SE was fucking amazing. So happy I got one back then.
It's great if you don't skip cutscenes. Otherwise it is either a guarantee dodge if you know it's coming, either a guarantee hit if you don't.
I can't fucking finish Witch Trial V
First print? I got the regular se on wiiu. Would like to get my hands on the artbook.
Yes first print with the cool angel book box and all that.
Remove all nonexistent shit. Platforming or exploration is a joke. Oneshot QTEs are always the same so it's easier to just memorize them. Running from something is pretty much interactive movie tier. Walking cities is plain stupid. Transport sequences are just boring. Companions serve no purposes but story. And so on.
So remove all that biring nonexistent shit.
I also propose to make arenas different not only in size and set of enemies.
If you call that flavor, you will get plenty.
Change le "press forward to run over collapsing bridge" shit to a set of small arenas on some pillars with a set timer for each to defeat enemies.
Instead of running from lava filling streets make an arena of drifting pieces of rocks to fight on - just like that fighting sequence on 666 with angels on vehicles.
Having a goal to protect your real body while using astral one ia fine, yet invincible companions are trash.
>Yoshesque even released a video on why bayo 2 is worse
Who? I don't care about literal whos, make your own damn opinion
I hate how the game relies so much on witch time. You literally cannot finish a combo on any humanoid boss unless you are in witch time. It's even enabled in NSIC unlike the first game, and it makes it that much less fun and exciting. Also fuck umbran climax. What were they smoking when they came up with that shit?
Literally the worlds best Bayo player you uninformed halfwit.
>>Everyone says Bayonetta 2 is better than 1 in every way
No, only Nintendicksuckers do because of MUH EXCLUSIVITY
>You literally cannot finish a combo on any humanoid boss unless you are in witch time.
You can. Easily. With Umbran Climax. That is correct but you can always stick to Janne.
>Also fuck umbran climax. What were they smoking when they came up with that shit?
What is wrong with it? There are no uses for magic beside that one, torture attack and accessories. I'd say those are equally powerful.
>That is correct
Was talking about NCIS