BY SIGMAR, THE HAMMER AND THE Vermintide 2 thread
BY SIGMAR, THE HAMMER AND THE Vermintide 2 thread
servers going down soon fellow stalker.
Server's down for 3 hours, so I guess I'll shitpost here instead.
Anybody think they're going to buff Handmaiden and Shade? I think Murderous Prowess is an incredibly awkward ability to use, as you almost never manage to backstab enemies in this game. Works against bosses, though. Shame that Repeater Crossbow only has 30 ammo, it's a fun as fuck weapon to use otherwise.
The problem is aggro, since enemies hone in on you instantly you cant get behind to fully use it before trash mobs go for you instead.
The crossbow had a large amount of ammo in the alpha test videos, guess they had to nerf it.
Anyone know what time servers will be up in central time?
Time for some Total War Warhammer I guess
1700 UTC
>trueflight orbit bug is back
God damn it fatshark did you not learn the first time?
Elf only has 3 bows this time? longbow swiftbow and hagbane? Is there ever even a reason to use something other than the longbow?
Backstabbing is just dumb in a game like this. It's simply bad game design.
It's useless on regular enemies because they'll simply aggro you as soon as you get close and never let you get behind them, and extra damage isn't a huge help here anyway since they don't have a ton of health to begin with.
While you can definitely backstab bosses (and this is really the only time it's even useful to backstab) it's pretty useless to use Kerillion as a dedicated anti-boss character when Saltzpyre and Kruber are much better at deleting bosses.
IMO Kerillion is best as an anti-special character, but backstabbing specials tends to lead to the same issues as backstabbing regular infantry in that you'll rarely get the chance to set up a backstab to begin with and they're much easier to kill without backstabbing them. If you happen to get behind a Ratling Gunner that's focused on someone else it's nice, but that's not something worth planning for.
It is weird, because backstab was also terrible in vt1. And yet here we have it again.
Yes, because that's literally the worst bow. Swift bow is more accurate and hagbane has better aoe and better for bosses.
How do I git gud with Sienna?
I've got a pretty good feel for how the other characters are meant to be played (at least in their primary class and for some secondary as well), but I can't get the hang of Sienna. Her melee options seem to be shit and her ranged attacks can't be used too often or she'll just go allahu akbar.
Swiftbow and Hagbane also seems to do fuckall vs specials and armored. And Kruber and Victor already melts bosses better anyway, so why take a bow for those?
True. Well why do you need to use range vs armored and specials anyways though? Your're an elf.
Step 1. Use dagger or longsword, Both are amazing.
Step 2. Get away from battle wizard as fast as you can, it is by far her worst career. Pyromancer with its level 10 talent that reduced overheat by 100% when carrying a grim is especially helpful for spamming those spells out.
What's the best way to build Bardin as a ranger? The talents seem kind of weird but I was thinking of grabbing move speed and attack speed along with anything that gives more ammo or health
Range vs specials is definitely useful.
I don't want to have to run up to them every time some lumberfoot gets their dumb ass caught by a hookrat or assassin. Just pew pew and get on with it.
>Vermintide 1 runs perfectly fine
>Vermintide 2 looks much worse and is completely fullbright if you don't slap lighting up to high at the very least
>Runs much worse too
Can I hope for optimization?
Use aoe staves to soften up hordes, switch to melee occasionally to help take aggro of teammates, hide behind team when they're grouped up and spam your staff.
Fireball is currently the most powerful staff right now because it does higher armor damage than every other staff with the charged fireball, probably will be nerfed soon because fatshark hates fun.
I don't agree.
Extreme versus Extreme Vermintide is prettier and more modern.
The technology is stronger, but the optimisation a better part that what has been done in V1 itself.
Maybe it's just time for me to accept that my rig is now toaster tier and upgrade.
Stormcast skin when?
>Vermintide 2 looks much worse
never played the 1st one but this one looks pretty fucking good.
i'm running the game in extreme with pic related options turned off.
60FPS average on 1920x1080 with freesync
should i go for veteran with the default 120 total power or at a certain level and particular weapon power?
How do you do fellow bounty hunters? Which weapons are you guys using it? I using rapier and brace of pistols, but its looking like for me that the class has better sinergy with the repeater.
>Log in.
>Game is taking FOREVER to load.
>Close the game to reopen.
>New logins disabled while server updates.
>If I just waited to load I could of been playing.
I don't know how to handle my addiction to fun video games.
If you can queue for the difficulty, you're ready.
>unlock innawoods Kruber
>play the exact same way as regular Kruber except now I can erase bosses with my shotgun
Is it meant to be this way or am I missing something?
You seem to have missed Mercenary also have a skill to use.
i was using the braces until i got this bad boy, really solved my ammo problems
ps your passive resets on melee kills, take advantage of that
>tfw constantly flicking between Kruber and Salty since V1
>Can never fucking decide who I want to be
if you are using the blunderbuss you can actually play shooting against the hordes since you have more ammo (Festering grounds is hard to do this tough, since the map has shit for ammo). instead of meeleing then. if you using another ranged weapon, you dont have ranged damage falloff so feel free to snipe specials.
what level does bardin unlock the flamethrower? I just unlocked ironbreaker
Why are Drake fire pistols so good with the "Gain Temporary health on kill"
I know but it doesn't change the way he plays.
Fanatical is selling vermintide 2 and the collectors edition for 25% off.
Repeater Crossbow, sometimes Repeater Pistol and rarely Brace of Pistols. Repeater Crossbow has better feedback desu, so I just use it because it's more fun.
For melee I used Rapier but stopped solely because it feels weird on Bounty Hunter. I feel like Witch Hunter is much more elegant and BH brute so I'm using mainly Falchion and sometimes Zweihander but it seems to be too slow to be useful.
I like to play as Witch Hunter too, though. Mainly because of Rapier I restricted myself from using on BH
can this occur on nuln repeater? i recon alt fire with passive would be retarded if fired into a horde, especially if penetration happens.
Thats a good as fuck trait for the bounty hunter indeed.
Yeah gonna check how he feels with other ranged weapons, it just feels a waste to be able to save criticals ammo and his bonus reloaded speed on the brace of pistol. Maybe the zweihander feels fast if you put the 5% atk speed talent and stack attack speed trait?
it should be possible, but i havent gotten the Scrounger trait on the repeater pistol yet
>mfw playing BH
>that juicy feeling when you hit a chaos warrior with a crit from the repeater gun's alt-fire
>Bounty Hunter pops strength potion
>Uses ability and winds up his gun
>Chaos Champion gets deleted
I blinked and he was already dead. Fucking glorious.
BH needs str pot for that? Pyromancer just pewpews from afar.
>First Warhammer game
>Always play dorfs
>Pick Bardin
>Pick ironbreaker
>Never, ever play anything else
>Carry shitter elves through Veteran with ease
>Perfectly timed shield slam charge attacks
>Popping heads with drake pistols
Game's alright
That F on bounty hunter is literally the most fun ability in the game. It'd just so fucking fun to just press F and delete everything infront of you with one shot.
Heretics can't one shot.
Yes, yes they can.
cheaters gonna get segregated
I'm a new guy to VM2, never played the first one. I was looking at the Slayer class and it seems pretty cool, is he viable?
>they better open the servers
What the hell is wrong with people?
Post more Vermintide memes
They BETTER open the servers.
No, what the fuck is wrong with YOU?
>be a complete shitter
>afraid I'll give my favorite character a bad name
>play characters I don't like on purpose so people think those characters are for shitters
servers are up again
servers going down shortly. up again 17 minutes in the past.
>Using bestigors as targets in a silly competition
Based fucking Reiklanders. I have also read that patrolling the Reikwald is actually a traning exercise for Reikland state trooper regiments more than anything. The most patrolled province in the Empire I guess.
The orbit bug also occurs on sienna's spirit ball thing. It looks pretty cool.
The what bug?
Fireball staff is GOAT. Stab things with dagger/sword. NOT FIRE SWORD. Learn how the fireball pierces and aim appropriately. Fuck dudes up with the sword/dagger gets high. Fight stormvermin/chaos warriors/bosses with charged fireballs since they pierce armor.
It's not for a while, I feel like I got it fairly recently and I have Bardin at 12.
The thing is worth it though, if there's like a corridor or a small cave Bardin can hold a whole swarm by himself once you get used to the alt fire. The 30% overheat reduction on Ironbreaker is the tits
I just endlessly get downed on it, the attack speed is fun but honestly both of his other subclasses are leagues better
>I have also read that patrolling the Reikwald is actually a traning exercise for Reikland state trooper regiments more than anything
The Reikwald is a very safe forest, as far as deep forests go in the Old World. You only need to really worry about bandits and the occasional Beastman herd.
Or Demigryphs.
>both of his other subclasses are leagues easier
Ironbreaker is the easiest class to play in the entire game. It's no wonder that shitters graduate from Ironbreaker to Slayer and think it's shit because they suddenly have to start paying attention to the game.
And the reason it is one of the safer ones is because of the might of Reikland
How do I git gud as Zealot? I try to play conservative and shove-heavy into hordes but the minute I pop f and start slapping I lose half my health
Slayer is a great class if you're willing to pay attention. If you blindly jump at everything you'll probably die real quick but the extra attack speed works well especially with his passive and +crit items.
Sorry I'm retarded but how are you guys still playing? Didn't the beta end a few days back?
Yes, and then the soft launch beta happened. Which was widely publicized and you are in fact retarded.
Assuming you have a registered pre-order, you can uninstall the beta test version and start playing the actual game.
I dont remember seeeing orcs in vermintide
Anyone have some recommended WH Fantasy reading that might increase my appreciation for the setting? I have practically 0 experience with non-40K stuff.
Swiftbow is actually fine against specials and armored units barring Chaos Warriors but don't worry that's why you have teammates. With a default ammo load of 50 shots you can even just rapid fire if needed against an incoming horde decently. Where as Hagbane is a more dedicated anti-horde weapon and the Longbow being the long sniper anti-special, the Swiftbow is a good mix between the two. Sometimes you may need to fire 2 arrows to kill a special though it won't matter because not only do you charge up shots fast and fire fast but you also have a crapload of ammo for it even if you play as Handmaiden or Shade.
Honestly if you're just looking for the interesting bits you can always read the addendum of The End Times on 1d4chan
i really enjoyed the Legend of Heldenhammer, it is the origin story of sigmar and the empire. just pick a faction you enjoy and find a book
will post two more mega links soon with more lore and fluff
>tfw really like V2
>normie friends don't really like fantasy themed games despite 2k hours on L4D least there's nice people online. Thanks to the fellas that showed me where all tomes and grims were
What class looks to have the highest skill ceiling?
I never bothered gitting gud in V1 since I got in far too late and only played Saltzpyre, so I want to make an effort to not be a shitter this time around.
There aren't many good slayers but gitting gud with it is so much fun, especially when you get all the talents. That extra 25% speed at 25 is ridiculous.
>Anyone have some recommended WH Fantasy reading that might increase my appreciation for the setting?
If you just want to learn about the units, the locations and the raw lore, check out the Warhammer Wiki:
>Devs are adding in a third party anti-cheat
>If it thinks you're untrusted, you can only join untrusted lobbies
>It also disables your progress if you're untrusted
Is this going to be punkbuster all over again?
>mfw Beastmen are the third antagonist
What character is Slayer?
No, because it's EasyAnticheat. Literally the most efficient form of anticheat used across pretty much every non-valve competitive game.
Are the slayer orange items any good? I got the slayer free blocking axes and a 2h hammer that lowers cool downs on crit hits.
sigmar bless your ravaged body
Bardin aka the dwarf.
>Don't know where a grim/tome is
>Autist spergs because you didn't pick it up
Don't be that guy