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Take that Sup Forums!!!

>literally states that they made a profit in the article
Did someone else type that out for you OP? You're clearly illiterate.

They've already broken even. It's not a flop unless you can't turn any profit.

whats with all these lazy nigger tier 'trolls' lately?

no evidence, they can't even make a fake screenshot to support their argument, and they basically just grab the first image they can off google

Didn't think it cost that much but it turned a pretty big profit. Now its up to time to tell us whether Daniels amateur effort as a lead will result in some actual quality in the future.

YAAAAAAS! FUCK tgose fascist racist shitlords! Sup Forums wins again and also tolerance!

Sup Forums can't into shitposting

>sold a million copies at $60 apiece
Looks like he was lead on Mafia, Wings of War and maybe Mafia II.

For a broke as fuck Slavic development company and half funded by kickstarter donations I am surprised it managed to turn a profit at all. Especially for it being a niche game and extremely unpolished at release.

14 year olds who think they're master trolls because they're used to reddit standards of being mean.

>literately triggers Sup Forums by just existing
>does not even need to be in thread to trigger Sup Forums
>Sup Forums is bad at shitposting
Sup Forums is Sup Forums's jews


>implying they receive 100% cut of all sales

now you're thinking like a nigger.
$60 a piece =/= $60 profit.
they get way less than that. btfo

>way less
Agreed fellow 4channer. They'll be lucky if they get $5 a game! Alt right is finished


>Sup Forums can't into shitposting
The entire board is shitposting, just fucking look at it.

there's a market for story heavy games without hollywood-tier social justice forced into them populated mostly by people disillusioned with the big companies

>he thinks this is a political argument.
No just stating facts.
Steam, PSN cuts etc.
Continued work on the game. Aka patching.

Truthfully I like the game but I can't see it as a success just yet.

agreed and amplified, comrade
evil trump racism must be banned from video games

I mean without magic and dragons and shit the middle ages was just a bunch of stupid smelly people stabbing each other all the time. Slightly more mundane.

I meant more on his own merits. With Mafia he still had to operate under producers but if I'm not mistaken KCD is the first game under his own studio. That being said, the first two mafia games were good for more reasons than vavra's script, all he had to do was adapt a basic mafia story to the medium. (Which is exactly what 1 was, then later refined after he steped down as director for 2) Given the wealth of knowledge on la cosa nostra it wouldn't have been hard to write for a Mafia game.

KCD feels much more like Vavra and his own team stepping out on his own to break into the industry with a unique and organic script he had to bring up from the drawing board with particular help from historians. Given he's more an ideas guy than a workhorse I'll be interested to see who he brings on to help him iron out the mechanical kinks in his next development cycle that clearly plagued KCD.

>Night Raid
What the fuck is this shit? You autosave me into this mess?

Is the rest of the late game this much of a cluster fuck? I may just wait a few months and see if they patch it...

>according to Forbes

>cost 36 mill
>they already broke even days ago
>anything after that is profit

Don't reply to me fascist

>Sup Forums suddenly likes kingdom come delivery

how did this happen???

>Raised 1.5 million through kickstarter
>Had a 36 million dollar budget
Yeah, this is the definition of fake news. Did they just pull 34.5 million out of their ass?

Digital downloads are pure profit. Jump into a knife fagit

>first game from a new studio
>sells a million in a week
>already turning a profit
>without even going on sale
The game will sell over 2 million in the next year

1.5 mil for initial capital then a large loan from a private firm. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about and am not just making shit up for fun.

I don't LIKE it. It's a pretty unremarkable game to be entirely honest, but it wasn't a terrible cash grab and was clearly representative of a particular vision that the development team wanted to produce. Just happened to be executed poorly. At its best this game is a decent-to-mediocre experience for the consumer but an important learning experience for Warhorse.

They're either going to improve or die out with their next project. Either way the industry benefits.

>Digital downloads are pure profit. Jump into a knife fagit
Imagine being this oblivious.
An actual nigger.

Steam takes a 30% cut. I don't know how much GOG takes.
If they sold 1 million on Steam that would mean they made 42 million. That's still a $6 million dollar profit.
Not very good, but not a flop either.

$60M minus 30% for steam/sony/microsoft is still 40M profit simpleton

>thinking Deep Silver could even find 36mil to fund any game
Fake news from Forbes, i'd say 15-20mil tops to make the game.

$42 mil revenue. $6 mil profit after the $36 mil budget expenditure.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance isn't out a month yet and it's revenue has already eclipsed its expenses. By any definition, the game is a success. The game will continue to enjoy a revenue stream as word of mouth spreads its popularity for months to come. One thing is certain — This game puts Warhorse Studios on the map and all but guarantees they will work on a Part 2 of this game. Those of you who endeavor to start your own game development studio would do well to study the formation and direction of Warhorse Studios.

Deep silver didnt fund any of it, they got on board in 2016 to handle the distribution of the physical console copies. Most of the funding came from a czech investor.

just load a save before that quest and fail it at the start. get caught by the guards and run away then

>source: my anus

this game sucks, like most things from alt-right nazis

glad it flopped

It's like the autosave is designed to punish my savescumming to get to that part.
I eventually realized you don't actually need to think during that whole section- just follow Hans. Trying to take out guards with stealth takedowns randomly alerts the whole domain.

>Study the formation of warhorse
>1 decent writer
>1 decent co-producer
>room full of czech code monkies.

Don't pretend KCD wasn't lightning in a bottle.

>calling a Jew a Nazi
I know you're just trying to troll, but that kind of bigotry is just out of line.

funny how I haven't seen any actual numbers about total units sold and the potential profit therein. I get that people like making troll threads but couldn't you people just not respond?

Downy face mc,what were they thinking?

Found the gayfag cuck


Why the fuck would I make something like that up? you fucking dumb cunt.

A lot of games are probably flops.

>game is a huge success
>nu/v/ gets scared and triggered and cries that the game is a flop

why do you cunts bring up Sup Forums in every single fucking thread? No mention of politics and someone will them up. I see far more posts of people complaining about Sup Forums for no reason than them shitting up threads

>The first game from a new studio
>its a huge success
>hurr it was just a fluke

So you provide a source about something we all knew about. No source about some Czech millionare who gave Warhorse 35mil. No source about how much Deep Silver funded for the game.

Just a miserable pile of lies, like any good zog shill.

They sold about 500k on steam the rest was consoles
If its digital, Sony and MS take about the same cut. If that includes retail, then they really didnt make that much.

Still about 40 million so they made about 4-5 million in profits so far.

>it's revenue has already eclipsed its expenses. By any definition, the game is a success.

You don't know much about capitalism, do you? It's not enough to just break even or to make a little money, you need to make enough to grow your company. In this case they need to make enough to at least make one more game, i.e. making a few million profit is not enough because that's not going to finance the production for another game. If this game cost 36 million to make you want to make even more than that in profit otherwise you have an unsustainable business model.

Does anyone know how much the first Witcher made and took to make?

Weren’t people saying it was a 5 million dollar game around release?

>No mention of politics
Do you have autism or do you refuse to read between lines and only ever take things at face value? Video games are inherently political, my sociology teacher told me that.

Nah the second was 36 million though

>you need to make enough to grow your company.
Company is private owned. If they don't want to grow they're under no impetus to do so.

Based off of Kickstarter numbers, I believe. Which isn't really feasible even in Czech Republic

So really it just means that whoever the third party investor is will just give them more money for their next game.

It’s an amazing game for its target audience; people that enjoy medieval role playing games. I really like it

>they made about 4-5 million in profits so far

Which is far more than enough to convince an even larger set of investors that Warhorse Studios can develop a product that will turn a profit. Welcome to the birth of a future AAA game developer.

But if they don't have enough money to fund a new game, company is kill. There's been quite a lot of backlash at the game (not talking the SJW shit, but the huge amount of bugs and general lack of polish) so investors might not want to back their next game.

They want to at least sustain their existence. Making only a few million for a $30+ million investment will not do that. How are they going to pay for their next $30+ million investment?

>Still mad that they wouldn't put niggers in it

>But if they don't have enough money to fund a new game, company is kill.
And if the founder is happy with the money he's made that's his decision. Companies don't have to exist until a large conglomerate buys them out.

Actually pretty easily, they can get money from the publishers again. They payed the money back with interest to the people that loaned them it getting the money for a second game won’t be a problem, and they are likely going to make more after it gets patched

>is is wrong, plenty of companies go into debt to fund new investment and if anything investors should be enticed because they have a proof now that they can deliver return on investment

unironically a soros shill here

Not sure if you are joking or not because of the green text but you are completely right

>How are they going to pay for their next $30+ million investment?

Same way that they funded KC:D, by getting their publisher to invest the money. Right now KC:D is insanely successful for how low budget it is; plenty of AAA games are lucky to ship 1 million copies.

>Sup Forums invented shitposting, guy. I know you’re new from Reddit, but come on guy.

Fake news fuck off rothstain

Sup Forums shills it endlessly because it does have niggorz and jeewz

It’s not really fake news it’s just OP is to retarded to read it and understand how successful they actually are :^)

THIS! We have to stop bigots and fuck white people

>It's not enough to just break even or to make a little money, you need to make enough to grow your company
And they need to do that in less than a month since their product went gold? They have already made several millions in profit and the game is on the market less than a month.

>few million profit is not enough because that's not going to finance the production for another game
You don't need to finance 100% of any venture with your own cash, just as you never buy a home with 100% of your own cash. Instead, you use your cash savings and other financials to prove to a lender that you are not only worthy of a loan amount you require but that you are capable of paying it back in full with interest.

>You don't know much about capitalism
You seem to be projecting, user.

Just beat it. This mission should just be removed from the game. It serves no purpose whatsoever.

Here you go you filthy little kike shill

>People who played games liked it, but we couldn’t get things to go faster. So we decided to self-publish.

>But there is a trick. We have a very strong private investor, but he’s from outside the gaming industry [UPDATE: Turns out, it’s Zdenek Bakala, one of the richest people in the entire Czech Republic]. He doesn’t understand games. It’s a little bit unusual, probably. But he would be willing to finance the whole game if he sees some commitment. So we agreed with him that if we go to Kickstarter and get just a fraction of the sum we need – which is about $500,000 – he will fund the rest of development.

Gas yourself Moshe

user you replied to must of never taken a business or economics class.

>they can get money from the publishers again
>by getting their publisher to invest the money

They just moves the burden to someone else. Publishers aren't going to keep investing in developers that don't make them any money, you idiots. That's why all these "evil" publishers are closing studios down all the time. You sit there and go "But their last game made a profit! This is not fair!" You have to make ENOUGH profit, not just any profit whatsoever.

I’m amazed at how retarded you are. Interest is such a simple concept and you can’t even grasp it.

>Interest is such a simple concept and you can’t even grasp it.

What? You think they are going to transfer a few million into tens of million via accrued interest in a reasonable time span?

Is the game actually good? The only RPG I played was Paper Mario.

The funniest thing is, this game is actually good.

It's got the feel of Mount and Blade, but with everything it was lacking in town/npc interactions. I'm having more fun then I ever did in Skyrim(my opinion obviously), and actualy care about my actions. It has very deliberate gameplay, which is not for everyone. The only people complaining about major glitches are console peasants and PC users unable to approach the recommended requirements. Kingdom Come has humor, violence, sex, puzzles, and fun. Avoid it if you want, but you will miss out on a great gaming experience.
