Playstation 5

2019 or 2020?

Teased this year at E3. Unveiled next year at E3.

Sounds sensible.

this, desu
they haven't even finished the mock-up exterior, just nailing down the specs this year.

>PS4 still has no games
>Let's make a PS5!

2019 is way to sudden, even 2020 might be stretch

This except the official unveil will probably be a few months before E3, like with PS4, and E3 will be the blowout with launch date, price, and launch titles.

It will be backwards compatible with all PS4 games. Backwards compatibility is going to become the new norm with x86 consoles.

Will they actually have decent games to play on it this time?

When PS4 came out literally the only games you could play were Sportshit, COD, and Knack, didn't even pick it up again until Bloodborne

What the fuck? I only just got my 4th good PS4 game.

now this is good news

2020, everything currently announced will come out in 2019. Except maybe Death Stranding, that will be a PS5 launch window title.

Sony didn't announce projects insanely far away like they usually do, probably so they can do it this year and next year

Launch games Bloodborne 2, Bloodborne Kart, Knack 3

Sorry, is this a meme?

How many fucking years has the ps4 been out? We can't already be on the way out of this gen, surely.

have you played knack?

i picked it up as a monthly free game...and gonna get knack 2.

i died less in dark souls 3, shit is insane

But how are they going to sell remasters

I wanna believe this, but the PS4 can't even play PS1 games.
I have little faith in Sony RnD

Lmao, all these retards lapping up the idea of a PS5.

Besides the one or possibly two decent release titles though its not like it matters. When a console hits its almost never actually out for 1-2 more years

t. angry Xbonefag

5 years old in November. You have to remember that 7th gen was extraordinarily lengthy compared to every other generation.

>2013 was 5 years ago

Oh boy. I can't wait for all the PS5 remasters of PS4 remasters of PS3 games.

not him and yes i agree. its like a platformer had a baby with a bullet hell game. they really should have marketed it better on release, the ps4 has no gaemz meme wouldn't exist. maybe we would even have better quality games from the start.

>a 7 year console lifespan is just too soon

Hire Bluepoint to remake more games.

PS4 is over four years old.
PS3 lasted seven years and that was a long gen.
PS5 will come out around the time PS4 is six.

PS1, PS2, and PS3 all had unique architecture that has to be emulated to play games, but moving forward all consoles will just be using standard x86 hardware that won't require emulation. They're basically like PC's now, in the same way you can play quake on your computer today, you'll be able to play PS4 games on PS5. The games might require a patch, but that's it.

>have you played knack?
Yes. I'm still surprised they somehow convinced someone to make a second one.

>PS3 release date: November 2006
>PS4 release date: November 2013
>PS5 release date: November 2020?
Its gone fucking quick hasnt it, user

That's not technical limitation, it's by choice.

>PS4 backwards compatibility
I want to believe.

>Sony even willing to do this

It honestly baffles me how the PS4 and Xbone generation didn’t start out with backwards compatibility. I mean what were they thinking? That people would throw away all their old games for new shittier games with somewhat shinier graphics?

It’s going to be another literal nothing upgrade like the PS4 Pro but with the gimmick of the switch

i guess they could have probably made the story better. but gameplay is great imo

sony is forced to do that because microsoft will do what they always do:
rush to the next generation of consoles when they are loosing the current one
and sony sure doesnt want to come one year later like the ps3

everything wrong on video games can be blamed on microsoft only
debate me

Why exactly was this?

It's going to be called the PlayStation One.

If it gets relased in 2020, it will be 7 years from ps4, and ps4 was 7 years from ps3. Ps3 was relased 6 years after ps2.

DS is scheduled for this year's xmas, but knowing Hideo... 2019.

Do you not remember the announcements? People were pretty upset by both for the massive amount of bullshit they were pushing.

>It honestly baffles me how the PS4 and Xbone generation didn’t start out with backwards compatibility.
do i have to spell it out for you?


Most game deals are made in advance for specific amount

Knack was specifically funded for 2 games regardless of how well the first game did

after this generation and how they treated there only IPS, HALo etc, I unironically can't

>That people would throw away all their old games for new shittier games with somewhat shinier graphics?
You joke, but this is exactly what casuals do. New console comes out so they sell their old shit for the new one because it's new and clearly better.

I’m not buying a PS5 until the third year if PS4 is anything to go by.

>tfw ps5 will actually do 4k 60fps
>tfw the next mid-range xx60 series and the AMD equivalent will cost 700$ cause of shitcoin miners who still buy en masse despite going bankrupt

get a grip dude


well PS3 and 360 both used x64 PowerPC architecture, and unique gpu's for that architecture. And an extra unique CPU for the PS3.
You'd have to run a PowerPC emulator on the PS4 or Xbone to play the games, and they're probably not capable of that. PS3 emulation is still janky on modern PC's.

>believing any article using clickbait techniques like randomly putting words in al caps

Millennials are dumb

Who's ready for Skyrim on PS5?

360 and PS3 honestly felt like two generations.

Teased at PSX this year, blown out at E3 next year, released just in time for 2019 holidays.

Man, you know much I played PSX games on my PS2? Fuck Sony for getting rid of backwards compatibility.

With the shift towards waggle in the middle of the gen it almost was

Are we finally getting Gen 9? Finally!

gamestop, ebgames whatever its called where you are most likely have the trade in program where they take a few hundred of the price if you bring in your "old shit"

They might as well consult a gypsy for that matter

Announed at E3 2019, with late 2020 release window.

remasters still happen on pc.

>PS4 gets five years old this november
fuck ... time is flying

Fuk u
Sony gaming super power by 2020

All the exclusives we currently know about on ps4 are coming this year, besides as you said Death Stranding and Ghost by SP.

Next gen Ryzen and GPU Navi 7nm on SoC

just dont. im not in the mood.

I could honestly see that. The Last of Us reeeeeremastered. Skyrim 10 year anniversary remaster.

That's because your PS2 had a PSX graphics processor on the board. And the launch PS3's had PS2 graphics processors on the board. PS4 would have to have a cell processor and a PS3 graphics processor inside to be able to run PS3 games.
Going forward they're all going to be running on x86 hardware and can just play older generation games without emulation or additional hardware built in.

The PS3 is another layer of shit because it's also using Rambus tech for the RAM side of things, and that too is proprietary as fuck, the N64 had the same problem when translating to emulation

I hope it does and also upscale/ run games better like the pro does.

If they charge just to play multiplayer online, I'm not buying it, period. I didn't buy PS4 for that reason as well.

they are not going to tease it this E3 when they still have games like Spiderman coming out

>Spider-Man reveal at E3 2016 for PS4
>will be a ported launch title for PS5 next year
How can they get away with this?

guess your missin out on the next gen
maybe ps6

it sucks but if they don't compete microsoft will take over the market, have a monopoly, and we will be left with whatever shit they hold us hostage to.




>too poor to afford paying for your internet use

Lmaoing my ass off at your life right now

So is it too late to buy a PS4?

>Always felt like the PS1 and PS2 gens lasted for eons
>Turns out they only lasted for about 5 and 6 years but just felt longer due to later releases

This must be how Dracula felt sitting on his ass in Castlevania watching the years go by feeling like he's dealing with a Belmont every other day. Hell even the Nintendo console gens were only about 5 years. Why the hell did Xbox release a new iteration so late in the lifespan then? To just stop the bleed for a year till they reorganize for next gen?


>tfw backwards compatibility will be limited to physical games because reasons

Sucks because my entire ps4 library is digital, but I guess that's what I get for being shortsighted.

ZERO chance TLOU2 is this year. Spiderman will probably launch around June or July, with Days Gone in September.

Impossible given that the base PS4 is over four times as powerful as the Switch is now. Also, it would literally be on fire due to the amount of heat it would produce in that form factor. I'm expecting the PS5 to be what the XB1X is at three times the power with twice the RAM of the current PS4.


Totally forgot TLOU2, but I think next year is likely.

xbox one x is backward compatible with digital games. Sony would be fucking retarded to not do it, it'd be a decision they'd have to walk back a year or two later.

this would cause so much outrage especially since they shoved the digital media down our throats. besides it wouldn't matter on the tech side of things one way or another.

get a slim, don't bother with the pro at this point if PS5 is going to be backwards compatible

>5 years passes
>6 years passes
>7 years passes
>8 years will pass????

Like lets be real here
there is no point of a ps5 at this moment
the slight graphical improvment is pointless

If anything it'll be the other way round, publishers don't like physical games, they'd rather you bought non-resellable digital shit instead.

>besides it wouldn't matter on the tech side of things one way or another.

It shouldn't matter, no. I just have a feeling that Sony isn't going to let us download our ps4 games digitally on ps5. I hope I'm wrong but I just don't see it happening.

>tfw I remember how I would skip school to watch G4's coverage of E3

be nice because all game prices will drop and i get to play all the shit i was to jewish to pay even on sale price

of all the sfm from the first one if they introduce a new loli in the TLOU2 you can bet money theyre all perverted cunts.

>paying for multiplayer service
consoles are pathetic

PS4, Xbox one and Switch all have no games this gen. What happened? PC also has no games. Nobody has games. Where are the fucking games???/

yeh its pretty disappointing, the tail end of my ps3 library is digital

Cancelled in pre-dev for not appealing to shareholders.

>PS5 will be released before KH3
What an abstract feeling