The demo honestly just reinforced the main problem I thought I would have with this game

The demo honestly just reinforced the main problem I thought I would have with this game.

The CPU players just feel like sad substitutes for real players.

Honestly, I wasn't sure how much this would bug me until I tried the demo. After all, Amazing Mirror and Return to Dreamland had CPU players, but the difference is that those games didn't really revolve around having other people playing with you. Amazing Mirror you would rarely run into the other kirbys, and Return kept them totally optional. However Star Allies seems to revolve around constantly having the helpers at you to solve puzzles, jump on switches, etc. Having CPUs do all that work while all you have to do is press the "solve puzzle" button feels almost lonely. A sad reminder that you are playing by yourself.

Yet despite this, another minor yet worth mentioning problem I have, is that there is only one Kirby while everyone else plays as a helper. This would be fine if the game was centered around single player while the helpers were "extra", but again, the game revolves around each of the 4 players all getting equal action. Doesn't sound like a huge deal, but having only one Kirby makes the other 3 players feel almost "lesser". Like they are just there to give a hand to player one. Even if it's not direct, the Kirby player will always have a loose superiority. This wasn't a problem with Return since everyone could chose Kirby, or if they wanted to, another character.

Of course, those are perfectly excusable complains in most situations. I wouldn't avoid a game for those reasons alone. However on top of that, the final cherry on top is that this game is just ANOTHER Return to Dreamland clone.
I know a lot of people don't have a problem with that, and power to you. However I can't help but feel like I have already played this game 3 times over the last few years. I get the rebuttle, don't fix what isn't broken, but would it seriously hurt them to mix up the art style at least a little bit?

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah I don't disagree. It's gonna make triple deluxe look like a speed game. Maybe the full game will pick up the pace a bit?

At the very least change up some of the areas Kirby explores. I can't keep doing grass and caves and desert and ice over and over again. Even at it's worst, the new super Mario brother series had more veriety than the recent Kirby games.
I just can't justify paying full price for this game. If I had 3 friends who were all enthusiastic about playing it, maybe I would split the price with one of them. Or maybe I'd even just get it for myself at 40 and try to convince some people to jump in. The way it is though, I really don't see 60 dollars here.

Again, if you like the game, I do hope you enjoy yourself. There seems like a lot to enjoy here. I just wish these problems were addressed before I would be willing to shell out full price.

I feel like I can deal with all of your complaints, but my issue is the distinct lack of enemies. I feel like Super Star had tons of enemies in multiple places because they knew you'd have a helper around, but here the game seems to want you to have a 4-man team while only having enemies that would get in the way of a a single player. Hopefully it gets harder later on in the game but I'm not sure. I've already pre-loaded the game so my fate is sealed anyway.

They need to make a Kirby that controls in a semi 3D space like Mario 3D World with one large map designed around getting Great Cave Offensive style secrets

I have never, ever not played multiplayer games with bros since 20 years ago

Is it so wrong to want a Kirby game that you can play by yourself?

I don't blame you but also there were two single-player games on the 3DS. Also if you're OP, the "changing up the worlds" thing was done in one of those games. Robobot had a constant mechanization theme. Sure there was robotic grasslands, but they also did suburbs, a harbor for the water stage, an oil rig in the desert, a city, and a mechanical fortress/lab. They mixed it up a lot.

Yeh, nintendo consoles have always been about multiplayer, the switch more than ever.

The Switch's flagship title (Zelda) is single player, Mario Odyssey has local multiplayer that no one uses, and you can't do local multiplayer on Splatoon

fuck im really worried about this one
30fps is kinda shit, but i just found out theres no collectables at all

>i just found out theres no collectables at all
But that's wrong. There's puzzle pieces (both common and once-a-stage special ones) and Kirby's Adventure-style switches at least once per world.

You found some jigsaw pieces around the level, some are hidden

I only run into 2 problems with this game:
1) its too easy to get stars so you stock up on lives every single min
2) the transition loading screens

>its too easy
Nigga, tell me a hard kirby game

It's not that it's no hard it's just that there's really nothing to do in it besides going right. Superstar had secrets out the ass.

First levels are always easy as fuck, late game will have secrets and hidden shit, every kirby game progress the same, wait until the full game is out to judge that.

How multiplayer-focused are you talking about? LoZ: Tri Force Heroes-levels of multiplayer focus?

Nigga you tell me a kirby game where you get stars out of the ass

Yes. It's very clear that Star Allies is made around the concept of having multiple players.

hey guys, remember when you doubted he would be in the game

Even Reddit, stupid faggot hype mongrels that literally sing happy birthday to their switch consoles, are feeling skeptical and unenthusiastic about SA. That says a lot.

Seems like Shart Allies is getting more pushback than I anticipated. Very concerning for this game's success...

I just cancled my preorder. I havent tried to demo but no one really seems to like it. I am going to try the demo and see if it changes my mind

Don't waste your time with 2018's Mass Effect Andromeda. There is already a mass concensus on it, and it's extremely negative.

These comments are telling for the game's final reception. Nobody likes it now and are cancelling preorders at lightning pace. HAL Labs should be expected to be put on ice soon.

The irony is it no demo was released i wouldnt have canceled it. Silly

Based thread rekking Shart Allies yet again. There is nobody who will defend it anymore.

You would have found out how awful the game was anyway. The demo just made the pushback all that much stronger. Expect this game to be recieved similarly to Mass Effect Andromeda and Xenoblade 2.

Xenoblade 2 is good though

>no more shills debating us
So I guess the question of whether or not Shart Allies will be good has already been answered. See you at the release!

Your father is a weak man

This. 4 players were a mistake. 2 would have led to better AI, better level design, and improved framerate. They could have also made Friend Heart it's own character that possesses enemies like Gooey instead of making 3 Susie clones.

>and Xenoblade 2.
so good?

Everything about this game is shaping up to be utter dogshit is it? How the fuck do people look forward to this?

>Its en Eric episode

>nepshit 2, good
Hi BlunderEric


What's with this trend of assuming that everyone on Sup Forums is one person except unironically?

>still acting like the video wasn't modded to troll your stupid asses

Level 3 combos and collecting blade waifus is fun though user

>A sad reminder that you are playing by yourself.
are people really this pathethic they care or not if they play alone?

is a kirby game man, people just want to discover secrets and use powers. A simple yet effective formula.

>Are people really this pathetic that they care or not if they play alone?
When the game is based around interacting with the other players, yes. This is no different than joining an online shooter and only playing against bots.

yeah, just tried the demo. most things people said were true.
>doesn't even feel like 30 fps because the low framerate is that apparent
>helpers can literally play good portions of the game for you
I put the controller down entirely for the dedede fight and they killed him pretty quickly by themselves.
>nothing going on
yeah pretty much. levels are really linear in that they have 1 and only one thing you are supposed to be doing at that moment. open the box, stand on the platform, etc. no freedom at all
>loading screens
holy shit there are SO MANY. it's the main deal breaker for me. probably the biggest reason I'm waiting for a sale or patch

at least people were wrong about the controls. the standard layout is retarded but it controls about as floaty as SSU so it's not super bad. wish it was tighter like robo though. overall, not worth $60. maybe worth $30? honestly feels like a spinoff like battle royale was. kinda sad

>I'm sad because I have no friends

Keep your posts short next time

only shooters are evrsus games.
kirby games is just reach the end and find secrets.

entirely differnt premises.

It's like playing Portal 2 coop with a bot who automatically places it's portals exactly where they need to be.


So it doesn't have online either, right

The more people who play Shart Allies, the more people who realize how fucking casual shit it is. The game literally plays itself for you. Based hater squad wins yet another one. Expect True Arena and any similar extra modes to be axed as well for being "too difficult."

It doesn't have any redeemable qualities. It is 2018's Mass Effect Andromeda, and so much worse.

I can't even tell if you're false flagging, user. I still wanna play it but it really isn't worth the price. man, it kinda pisses me off that they fucked it up this badly. all they had to do was make an HD version of the standard kirby game and I would've been happier


>the Switch's flagship title is a port

The CPU players and Kirby being more powerful was fine for me. What bothered me was how ridiculously easy the game feels compared to the immense power everyone has. Seeing the insane power of certain combinations is fun but it looses it's flair when you could effectively destroy a boss in a single minute.

Don't bother playing it, you already know how shit it is. The game is literally losing 1-2 million sales already since Sup Forums hates it.

Switch has no games, what did you expect?

>a minute
maybe if you're sleeping. could easily kill a boss in this game in 40 secs

It's clearly one guy saying "shart allies" and "the new Andromeda" making himself look like a moron, and making it harder to tell what's actually criticism and what's 1 faggot trying to make a new Tortanic

>ou could effectively destroy a boss in a single minute.
isnt that most kirby bosses specially if you have good powerups?

How can you unironically say things like "Shart Allies" and still think your opinion is worth any time of day at all?

Seriously, it's fucking baffling how easy this game is. You can literally just start the game, recruit 2-3 allies, do something else for the rest of the day, and already be at the final boss. Fucking disaster, Kumazaki needs to be gassed.

>it's another "blunderfag makes a terrible attempt to shit on a Kirby game" episode

Imagine having this little of a life.

Dedede took me like a minute, and I used him as an example because apparently he's suppose to be "Hard".

The tree boss took like goddamn 30/40 seconds.

yeah, he's clearly shitposting but this game does have legit issues. They better have a good day one patch or something as sad as me asking for that is. fucking hell. never thought I'd see the day I was asking for a day one patch, let alone for kirby

It's blunderfag/Eric, user. Don't worry about it.

how long until hal lab gives dishonorubu dispray bow

that explains.

Seems like it. It also seems like so much of it could've been avoided if it'd just had online co-op, but apparently that's asking too much.

I liked it but I didn't care for the friends stuff. I got rid of them during the boss fights and had a lot more fun.

List of people who rightfully hate Shart Allies:
Nobody is fucking defending this trash.

yeah, I wish there was an option to skip the parts that force you to use the helpers

i really want to see what the endgame will be like.

user, I get your frustration but you're gonna make people hate you if you keep posting stuff like this

I wish this Kirby was at least quarter as good as XBC2. I planned to play this with friends, but it seems pointless with so many better 4 player games avaiable on Switch that we have yet to get bored with.

post yfw there is no endgame

Wow! I sure do TOTALLY care what a bunch of anonymous posters think! Thanks for putting them in one nice place, faggot.

seek help

You fight the three Susie recolors again and then fight Dark Matter Clone #37292729378236824729

Just like the other Kumazaki turds.

name 3

Enjoy your rehash that nobody likes.

>Play co-op game by yourself
>Complain it's bad
It's like Zelda Triforce heroes all over again.


What? Planet Robobot is literally the ONLY game with any Dark Matter, let alone a fucking clone.

>not even 60 fps
Blunder of the decade.

i would be ok with it, i liked return to dreamland becsue of the incrased difficulty.
but i hope they add some good minigames specially for a 4coop focus game.

This is the most likely option considering that the game can literally beat itself for you.

But... if I’m enjoying it.. then how will nobody like it...?
Your post... really makes me think...

every kirby game has some ind of gameplus or endgame extras. dont see why this wouldnt.

I thought the only minigames we were getting were the ones that were shown in videos. which were basically just the same old minigames we always get

eric, please stop replying to yourself, it's honestly disturbing.

i really hope there are more.
with the lack of mario party this would be a nice thing to play with friends.

>Planet Robobot is literally the ONLY game with any Dark Matter

It's 30fps? How the fuck? Weren't the 3DS ones 60fps?

I meant Kumazaki game. My bad.

Damn it... the Switch gas just been one big slap in the face. All of it's games are mediocre like this one. I'm just gonna trade mine in for a PS4 and I suggest you all do the same...

I'd buy a kirby party game

What we're regularly playing: Lovers in a Dangerous Space Time, Overcooked and (sort-of co-op) Crawl. Then there's MK8 and I doubt we'd be able to include Kirby anytime soon.

ITT, people who can't understand the joy of getting to play as their favorite Kirby enemies again.

2 new commercials.

this game will bomb

That's the spirit! Switch is just nothing but a pisstake on all of the true Nintendo fans, serving up mediocrity like a McDonalds compared to the fine steakhouse that is the PlayStation 4.

this one is 4palyer coop.
like most splittscreen or shared screen games in it they reduce the fps.

whats wrong with the trailers?