Have you had your coffee this morning, user?

Have you had your coffee this morning, user?

why is this game strangely comfy?

what makes you find it comfy? It has the most barren world ever

No because it's 4am and I need to sleep.

>implying a barren world isn't comfy

This, right, Zach?

I love this retarded game and I've never even played it. Thanks youtube

>check the weather
>receive $400

Call for help

What game ?

I don't drink coffee anymore because the caffeine makes me sick

>Wear suit
>Money Rewards x3
Why does York look so much better with a beard?

>tfw your coffee doesn't predict anything since you drink it black

DP2 soon?

I think York is the videogame character I grew the most attached to.
I just love to drive in a 4x4 under the rain, listening to the movie trivia.

Don't play with my feelings like this.
I don't even believe in him anymore since the D4 fiasco.

>When asked about the possibility of returning to the Deadly Premonition series, he said, "Deadly Premonition is always on my mind. But I have no idea what form it'll take, when it’ll appear, who I'll work on it with, or how I’ll present it. The only answers are in the coffee."
This is from an older interview. I also remember him saying he's gonna work on DP2 after D4 was done but we all know how that went. I'm not putting in much hope either.
>inb4 it's a DP remaster

that wasn't SWERY's fault. It was Microsoft's decision to shut it down despite it selling beyond expectations

No. But i cocked a scramble eggs sandwitch with a cup of hot chocolate.

Ready to go to University.

Did Microsoft have any rights over it?
It was always mentioned that Access Games owns the IP, and Swery did post back in the day some pics of Season 2, I think a while after having the game published on Steam.

Why do people drink coffee in the morning? Every time I drink coffee, I will feel the need to take a huge watery shit. It really takes up your precious time when you already had to wake up so early.

I think Microsoft funded the game, and since they no longer wanted to toss in money, it couldn't continue

Shitting regularly is good enough of a reason to.
I shit once a month and a half with lots of blood and pain due to that, being able to do it daily in reasonable quantities is a blessing by itself.

>I shit once a month and a half
What the fuck, that's not normal. How much do you eat?

That's actually a condition that only affects 1/3rd of coffee drinkers.

They're listed as publishers for the Xbox version, so it would be believable, it did have a spot at their E3 after all.
However this only makes it dumber, why not say that instead of just quitting the company due to health problems he didn't even take care of to make it look like he ran away and killed the game himself singlehandedly? He would be taking a lot of heat for absolutely no reason.

Opiate constipation?

hell yeah will probably have another cup

Normally small amounts, not much more than a single dish with the occasional dessert per meal.
My doctor simply says that that's due to sedentarism.

How do I get into coffee? I don't like the taste.

wasnt this game buggy as shit? I cant remember

Is deadly premonition worth finishing? The town is really comfy and I love the atmosphere but the gameplay and especially the vehicles are atrocious, got the console version since I heard that the pc version doesn't run very stable

frappucinos then cafe with milk

Find a measure of sugar and creamer that makes it taste good? There's also different flavors of coffee bean in addition to different flavors of creamer. Don't listen to elitists, you can add whatever you want to coffee.

Or just don't drink it. Why would you want to drink something you don't like?

If you don't like the taste, why would you want to get into coffee? Don't, it is addictive.

Only taking a shit once a month isn't normal and probably a symptom of something being really wrong with your body, go see a different doctor before you get real issues

Mix coffee into cocoa and increase the dosage over time.

>people on this board are now worried about getting addicted to fucking coffee

mix with sugar and time you mixing less and less till you get use without it.
don't mix coffee with milk or any other gay shit

Why shouldn't they? The working man is a common victim of coffee addictions.

>i cocked a scramble eggs sandwitch
Is this a vague way to say you had sex on a beach

What's the got cup of chocolate then?
Anal sex?

>got cup
Please check your spelling more.

>not getting cups

it's a masterpiece

I can't call it a morning without a good old cup of coffee, life wouldn't be the same without it

It's a matter of getting used to the driving, it's pretty chill when you learn it. Try different vehicles as well, since they handle differently and that makes a difference.

Because it's a rip off of Twin Peaks

yes, although 14:00 isn't really morning even though I just woke up
also fuck my friend for tricking me into buying this game on pc, it has probably the worst performance I've ever seen

It worked well for me until I got to a point where it would crash every 5 minutes.
I gave up in the end

we live in a dream
but who was dreamer

the viewer was the dreamer




Is the PS3 version as good as the PC version?

Yes I have, it was garbage. Like any company I been too