ITT: Games Americans will never understand

ITT: Games Americans will never understand.

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the fuck? did hugo always have horns?

Clemps pls stay

Yes, he's a troll dude.

>watching that TC programs where kids could play the game over phone and win prizes.
Good times
And jesus a lot of people sucked.
Shame that my Amiga 500 version I had a diskette problem so it loaded the diskette to the plane level only every 20th time or so.

Is Skærmtrolden Hugo known outside of Denmark?

Mandela Effect

Yes, and until this thread, I was convinced he was a German invention. The TV-show was so weird in hindsight.


It was pretty popular in Russia as far as I know

I know it because I'm from Russia and I used to play a lot of games with him back in the day

Nigger, I watched that shit in Uruguay, fucking cancer troll spread everywhere

Yeah he’s the devil tainting the christian youth.

>And jesus a lot of people sucked.
teleline lag

The snowboarding level is fucking impossible

Oddly enough, he was pretty popular in Argentina.

In the 90s we had a TV-show in Russia where kids would play on the phone. He was renamed to Kuzya (Кyзя) here.

We also had the show in Brazil

>Not taking lag into consideration when playing the game

Where the fuck is Twitch Plays Hugo? This should be the perfect game for that format.

any strategy game where you can only win with logic and not by shooting

>twitch plays anything

>10yos having technical knowledge of how telephone lines work and how much lag do they have when playing a game over them for the first time

we had this in france too,i don't think i've ever saw anyone win

He was popular here in Israel as well

>Twitch Plays

Poor Hugo after all glory time in tv he got downgraded to being in shovelware games.

boii we made millions from hugo

our little tv jew

he was in bosnian tv too

Known in Spain.

my melanin enriched friend

im from croatia, grew up watching hugo
mordana scared me shitless as a kid, now she's pretty hot

You are right. That shit looks so terrible it makes Asterix look like a masterpiece of the highest caliber.

T. A place where only the best cartoons like TMNT and Ren and Stimpy thrived

That's a phone game, we don't like those around here.

>Asterix look like a masterpiece of the highest caliber
because it is

also pic related

games yuropoors will never understand because they're mudslimes now

Was a thing in Poland in the 90s for a good while.

>tfw the motorbike minigame

Not only was it well known in Argentina, there was even a channel that made a similar game

well fuck me, i had no idea it was known else where either

man sweden was being enriched since the 90s
puuting characters that resemble mudslimes and murican creaturas on their TVs n sheit

> Westerners getting this triggered that they weren’t included in one thread on Sup Forums
> That Westerner is also spewing Sup Forums nomenclature and sperging out for (you)s

Classic Amerifats.

Go watch your Ren and Stimpy’s, reality shows, and your Burger TV.

Hugo is the Dark Souls of mobile games.

Boats > Planes > Cars

>Kids playing Hugo live through their phones
>Obstacle comes up
>''Oh no.. What a shame. Maybe next time.''

>not a masterpiece
what the fuck is that creatura saying.

>That shit looks so terrible it makes Asterix look like a masterpiece
Holy shit. Imagine being this much a fucking fag.

>playing on a literal dial up connection

It was such a huge scam, holy shit. I was like eight or ten at the time and I already saw it for the scamm it was.


Planes > Boats > Cars, you casual

Fucking casuals.

I thought I was the only one, wtf

I know. It's just fucking hilarious how every kid I knew watched this show and knew about the massive input lag, yet not one of them tried to account for it.
And the host always sounded so fucking patronizing and disingenuous when consoling the kid.

The worst was picture related. I hated this fucking show so much. It was like boring, retarded Muppets. But, the game they played at the end was the hypest shit, so we'd still watch it.
This game was all trial and error. That's it. You play, you get fucked by some obstacle you couldn't predict, then try again. That's all there was to it.
Yet, not one kid could ever get past a certain point. They always wasted two lives getting used to the delay and then they got fucked the moment it got slightly challenging.
Fucking scam. I wonder how much money was wasted on those attempts.

I'm pretty sure he was popular in the UK.
I specifically remember playing a Hugo point and click adventure game.

Reminder that Hugo was popular enough to get a rap album in Denmark.

I wasn't allowed to watch TV that much when I was a kid but I could play games with my dad. He'd always cosplay as a carolean in ANY game we played and he once spelled out fuck you with bullet holes in battlefront. jag saknar dig, pappis

We had him on Irish TV

>Hugo point and click adventure game.
Was it the santa one? I had that shit and it was pretty neat. Fucking hated the slide puzzle, but otherwise it was alright.
I can't remember the story though. I know Scylla showed up and did something, but it didn't seem to affect much, because Santa was still sitting on his fat ass in the chair during the entire game.

it was popular in Chile too



Your story doesn't add up buddy.

I had an Hugo Africa Documentary in VHS.

Fuck, user. I'm sorry.

Games Europeans will never understand

I think it was one where you went into a haunted house.
I remember there being a bridge you had to cross.


And Spain.

That's just a video game themed Knightmare.

Doesn't sound familiar to me. I had two Hugo games. One was the collection of games they played on TV, like skateboarding, jumping on logs and some other shit I forgot. The other was the one I described.
My friend had one where you ran through caves and something about going downhill on a sled or something. It's a vague memory.

Yes just like Hugo is Nintendo on your phone retard I can dumb down everything too

We have Nintendo on our phone now

like clockwork

so predictable

>Kids somehow managed to make it to the end
>Having to deal with two second input delay and bullshit design
>The final challenge is literally random bullshit where you have to guess the right answer

Who Ireland here? I remember watching it on TG4

That's how TV games work, my dude.
They're made to keep you on the line and make it impossible for you to actually win.

What the actual fuck? Is that real?
Do you still have it?

Can confirm Italy too.
Not huge, but still known.

Like your McDonalds order

Big thing in Finland.


where's the leak, ma'am?

>Having glue on your fingers

I had something similar to this but there was a chubby kid with a balloon, do anyone know the name of it? Can't remember


there were PS1 hugo games. He was pretty popular all over EU

>American nisser
no thanks

Darkstalkers, for some reason. I don't get how we can love Street Fighter and Marvel but hate Darkstalkers so much.

>That Hugo 2 Main Menu track.


Not true, I like my burgers plain, and they always get it wrong


Serbia here
I remember seeing a cartoon about him on TV (I think it was in some bad 3d animation)

That's pretty good. I liked how in the 80s and 90s shitty games usually still had great music.


You have a link to that christmas song he was in?

it was popular in Portugal and there where games that were even dubbed too

>There will never be a Bygg Mechs med Mulle Meck

Literally had all three of these on the class computer in first grade (somewhere between 1-3 grade). It was always occupied during breaks.


Darkstalker have never been that popular in the grand scheme of things. It suffered massively when Arcades died.