Bloodborne could've been a perfect game if only the pvp wasn't so half-assed
Bloodborne could've been a perfect game if only the pvp wasn't so half-assed
>Byrgenworth having so much buildup to literally end up literally being a fucking tiny room
>Rom and everything after it
I honestly have a problem with the framerate. I have a ps4 so not just shitting on it but it was noticeable. Also, the game doesn't have that infinite replay ability like dark souls 1
>infinite replayability
>everything between Sen's Fortress and the DLC
Honestly none of the main game areas were fantastic, at least compared to some of the stuff in DeS and DaS.
So its a souls game? All the games PVP is massively flawed. Congrats, its really not built around it.
Does anyone else think the skybox at the start of the game is ugly as fuck? Like there's just something about it that seems off and not in a good way. I dunno maybe im autistic.
Yeah the framerate dips during too many particle effects is a perfectly valid complaint, as is the 30fps lock (which doesnt bother me as much as other people). I feel like the game is very replayable especially cause it encourages different builds by having a different moveset for every weapon and the chalice dungeons have been fun (I'm not defending the start and middle of it, it is a terrible fucking chore, but once you get to the endgame gem grinding it gets much much better)
>giving a single fuck about pvp in a souls game
Cancer, fucking neck yourself.
pvp is the least important and worst part of souls games
No I've had that complaint ever since release, it somehow makes faraway buildings look indescribably washed out, same w/DS3. It's probably because the early areas were designed around a night setting, Central Yharnam looks beautiful in the moon phase.
Dark Souls has this little thing called build variety my friend
That's not a very nice thing to say
they should cut the PVP out of these games anyways except for consentual duels
byrgenworth is perfection, it's fucking atmosphere
Bloodborne could have been a perfect game if ti wasn't for the shitty chalice dungeons and the blood gem farming
lmao what a pussy
The entire bell system is fine for summons but complete dog shit for PvP.
Should have at least been some way to spawn your own bell lady without having to summon somebody else. Killed a lot of cool places to fit in like fishing hamlet and so on.
i mean im usually trying to focus on other things when i get invaded. Even the toughest invader is just an annoyance who kills me and then doesnt show up the next time
Time to replay this game since all the newbies will be drawn in by PS+
I have never actually met another player in BB, except for when I helped someone out with bosses.
I went in blind and platinumed it in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before.
I destroyed the game's legacy in the process also.
Holy shit idiot, it took you 36 minutes to post this time, you are losing your touch my dude
408895009 is fucking gay haha
Bloodborne PVP mechanics were the best in the series. They just needed to make matchmaking more like how DkS works.
>he hasn't experienced latency
Good for you I guess
How did PvP become a thing? I always thought invading was to troll people.
how do we know it took you 10 days?
Byrgenwerth would have been 10/10 if they had incorporated the research hall/dungeon underneath that they had originally planned.
>completed all the endings in one run with cloud save abuse circumventing the game
I don't even get that. The game is short enough that you can 100%/plat it in like 100 hours anyway. If you're neet or have a few days to yourself to just play the game, you can easily get an ending and then rush through twice more with all your upgraded shit to get the other endings after you've gotten everything else.
>Getting 2 endings within 10 minutes of each other
That’s an interesting strat, have you considered speed running your life I would love to see how quickly you could neck yourself
Bloodborne is perfect BECAUSE the PvP is half-ass. I'm sick of PvP shitting up souls games, From should remove that shit entirely and just focus on the PvE gameplay which the series excels at.
>inb4 git gud at PvP casul
If I want to PvP, I'll go play a game it's actually built around rather than it being tacked-on bullshit
Bro honestly just fucking kill yourself
>30 fps
Absolutely vile. After playing DS1-3 on PC Bloodborne looks utterly disgusting.
Why did he want to get to the other side so badly?
On the contrary, the PvP was quite good. It was the matchmnaking component that was half-assed and would never match invaders with anyone.
PvP was good because there were no backstabs, heals could be parried, and there was nothing but very desperate movement at all times, which really fit the tone of the game.
he wanted in on the werewolf crucifying/burning
it'd be neat seeing yharnarmites fighting beasts in yharnam like in the hunters nightmare, yeah they're succumbing to the curse but they still have hunting on what's left of their minds
yeah that and the fucking horrid lagged hit detection that plagues every souls game
>he wanted in on the werewolf crucifying/burning
Can't believe I didn't realize that. I keep forgetting that even those ogrish dudes were Yharnamites once.
god i fucking love everything about this game.