Game is fun but overpriced

>game is fun but overpriced

Those fries are worth every penny

Does /ck/ have threads comparing food to video games?

>video game analogy

What's some healthy food I can have really quick? I've had nothing but fast food for lunch and dinner for about 8 months.


No /ck/ never talks about food.

Is that real healthy, or is that some microwave shit that is psuedo healthy? I need to know because I've started getting slight chest pains. though not related to my heart


>game is heavily recommended but was boring
>in n out

What do they talk about?

It's just chicken, veggies, and some rice.

Be honest, Sup Forums.
One $60 videogame? Or one $60 steak fresh off the grill? (pic related)

that short lived >food analogy meme was dumb as shit

Those fries are shit
Way too much fucking salt and I've had enough after 5 of them, they are like 1% fry 50% salt 49% oil

That's what /fit/fags eat. They cook up a week's worth of bland chicken and plain rice and put it into tubs for muh gains

>tfw not American
>tfw all I have around are BK and McD's and I don't like either very much

That steak is way too small for $60.

>game is mediocre at best but gets shilled because it's a console exclusive

only if the broccoli is included

E-celeb bullshit like Jack

Bow down to the king.

Sorry, posted the wrong picture.

That burger looks disgusting cheap garbage

>I need to know because I've started getting slight chest pains
whats your BMI

>game is overhyped on all fronts
>still blows away all expectations

This. And the amount they give you is literally like double of what you ordered anyway. I always get a regular size, but it feels like a fucking large. Hell, it feels like a fucking extra large. I can't imagine someone buying a large and seeing how much they give you with that

>No good games because everything worthwhile is exclusive to other platforms

That's available nationwide.

Fast food and Sup Forums shitposting mostly

In-n-out is one of the best fast food burgers for the price.

Do Americans really eat this?

I couldn't say, last I checked it was like 19%, I'm around 155lbs at 5'10"

>MMO comes out
>10/10 on release, GoTY, etc.
>publisher fires all the staff inexplicably
>nu-team steps in
>forgot vision of original team
>game is a bland annoying mess now

Food analogies are universal, you use them even when talking about food.

Fuck you now I want some junk food after doing so well these past 2 months.
I have these options available, tell me what to get because I know they are all equally garbage and I'll regret it anyways later.

>Carl's Jr.
>Burger King

Lol manlet

I live in Texas which has Five Guys, Whataburger and In-and-Out. Five Guys burgers are better than In-and-Out and Whataburger specialty meals like the patty melt and honey chicken blow In-and-Out out of the god damn water.

Fuck I want a blooming onion now

more like MMO comes out DOA

Only if they let my steak rest before cutting into it and staining my veg with the juices, fucking troglodytes.

>unironically want to devour that entire plate
jesus fuck I know it's so awful for me but hnnnng

There aren't any for hundreds of miles from here, so I'm pretty sure I'll never know what it tastes like.

I mean if they're poor yeah - so most of them.

then all you need to do is some high intensity intervals
fast food gets a bad rep but its lacking a bit of fiber and thats it
heart health is 100% cardiovascular exercise + low bmi

carl's jr $5 all star meal

American fast food looks so good, but I can't complain Mcdonalds is pretty good for the price.

>game kickstarter looks cool but the release is barely functional

Sorry you live in a shithole with nothing around.

No it's not. It's in California, Texas, and a handful of other states. Thankfully it's nothing special.

Yeah pretty much.

five guys is the best value in the fast food world. fuck off in n out poster

If it isn't even remotely close to this state, then it isn't available nationwide. You dumb cunt.
There's 3 million people in this city, not a single In-N-Out even remotely close.

Get a big fucking bag of chicken breasts and eat some delicious birb titties every day.

why the fuck are there peanuts all of the floor at these places?

Amusing how the best things at Whatburger aren't the burgers but the melts and chicken sandwiches. But god damn those patty melts and honey chicken sandwiches are godly.

my man

You even get a cookie with it.

Where are you from ? Europoor here, McDo is fucking overpriced for the shit it is

You can flash photograph anything and it will look bad

>five guys is the best value in the fast food world
Is this a joke?
Their prices are ridiculous these days.

>8th grade
>live in small town where the most luxurious burger joint is wendy's
>school goes to D.C as some kind of field trip
>part of it is going to some huge mall
>see a five guys, always wanted to try eating there
>walk in, guy behind the counter says they're not ready to open yet, says it'll be about half an hour
>come back half an hour later, not long before we have to leave to go back to our hotel
>an entire class-room from wherever the fuck shows up, at least 50-60 people
>turn 360 degrees and walk away
I will never get to have Five Guys: Burgers and Fries™

>There's 3 million people in this city
Wowzer. 3 whole million. Must be the biggest city in the world. Dumb hick.

Five Guys gives out free peanuts.

Your favorite genre as a kid, and you see it at parties often, but you are fucking sick of it by now.

Do some brushing up on geography, you faggot.
Hick towns have like 1000 people, at the absolute max.

Local fast food is the best.

Go to McDonalds, get only fries and a drink.
Then go to Carl's and get whatever else.
Go to Wendy's twitter.
Never go to Burger King.

No, their prices are high as fuck. God damn if their food isn't tasty though.

But their food is so fucking good. Wendy's is pretty ridiculous too and they're the only one that comes close.


>if I bring down the bar for shit I'm no longer shit!
Yeah who needs to improve themselves. Stay a hick.

>thinking a town of 4k isn't hick
lmao 1000 is like nothing

yucky yankee food

whatever sins 'british' food has this is like german crossed with scottish and mexican

>tfw I'm a corporate slave of Wendy's just because their mascot is a cute loli
>For some reason whenever I see the Pepsi logo I MUST get a Pepsi
What have I done to myself all these years.

In-breds don't count as people, and when did I say 4k?

Dawww is the hick having problems counting big numbers?

/ck/ used to be good. I went back like last week and it's filled to the brim with shitposting. Literally what happened?

Words of wisdom right there

You said hick towns have 1k people at the absolute max.

is that why i look ugly as fuck in flash photos, or am i just ugly

I'm a Brit, Mcdonalds has good prices but KFC and Burger King are very expensive

Hick probably forgot 4 is bigger than 1. Counting that high is hard for those trailer trash types.

>lacks fiber
Then why does it come out liquidy instead of like normal shit so often. Partically Jack in the Box.

I actually have a fear of cooking chicken. Mostly because I worry I won't do it right and make myself sick.

>still eating full size burgers

I'm afraid you've just been memed, my friend

>being retarded

>not being retarded

>five guys is the best value in the fast food world

that's steak n shake

>order little fries
>bag is filled with fries


What is going on there?

Were you raped by a hillbilly when you were a kid or something?

This tbqh. Steak n Sheak value can't be beat.

There was so much cheese I had difficulty telling if some of those were potatoes or burgers before realizing they were all hotdogs.

get your shoes on, you're going to the store

>still eating meat in current millennium

Nope. Don't live in dumb hick towns like you. But damn you are one seething hick.

>put chicken(?) on stakes in ground
>put barrel over chicken
>build fire around barrel
>incinerate chicken

Thats your problem shorty

B-but it's 6AM.