
It's free so everyone in their trailer park can play. Of course it's gunna get popular.


nice. we live in a time where a game's worth or value is determined by the number of people that watch it rather than play it.

How is the PUBG lawsuit coming along?

PUBG is still the better game. People only like fortnite because their console can actually play it.

and russia literally won trump the election, yessiree

>when the company you license your engine from takes your fucking game, copies it and becomes more popular

i would be so fucking butthurt.

Do you guys remember when vidya wasn't based around dickwaving your stats but actually having fun?
Yeah, I thought so.

Not really, no.

PUBG has better base mechanics but runs like shit so its abit of a toss up

Honestly I'm glad. I don't care about either games but the constant PUBG topics annoyed the shit out of me.

Mind giving me an explanation behind that? Shit sounds hilarious.

I'm honestly surprised that the completed game gets more viewers than the Unknown Redditor's Beta Test but I'm guessing it has something to do with the Great Firewall of China.

Now we just need concurrent game numbers for both games so we can determine how many PLAY THE GAME.

No, the big PUBG streamers just moved to Fortnite.

of fucking course fortnite's going to win that one. it's free.

He should've tried to fix the game's issues himself instead of reaching out for help.

All of my high school students constantly try to talk to me about Fortnite, and they try to watch Fortnite videos on their phones in class.

Now lets see whats the more profitable game

The free one or the $30 one?

fortnite is made by Unreal

Unreal 4 is the engine PUBG uses

Blueballs deserve it for being lazy cunts. They keep releasing rushed shit. i mean they're "working" on a new map already even though the current ones are still filled with bugs

You kiddies keep that seat warm for me until this fall, mmk?

>trump declares america first
>fortnite beats a chink knock-off

>my high school students

Free to play games are almost always more profitable.

isn't fortnite made by an american?

Fortnite is made by Epic not Unreal you retard.

Are you a highschool teacher?




>fortnite is made by Unreal

>PUBG is only on PC and Xbox, with a shitty Xbox port and runs like horseshit even on low for most computers
>Fortnite is on PS4 and PC, with good optimizations AND artstyle so even on low the game looks fine and runs 200+ fps constantly

PUBG runs so bad for how it looks visually and some of the functionality the game has. If it had full destructible environments, sure. It doesn't though.

Fornite = league
Pubg = Dota

They make a SHITTON off of kids buying skins / other stupid gear and shit


Yeah both both are streamer flavours. Dota, CS, and LoL will outlive all 3 from the esports meme.

Wrong, there is like 5 f2p games that make more money than priced games

basic reading skills should make you know that user

>""""competitive"""" battle royale
that must be the most boring fucking thing to watch in the whole world. how do people even watch someone else play this shit? it's boring enough actually playing it.

Nigga, PUBG's sales and playerbase are already dropping while Epic keeps raking in a shit ton of money off retards buying skins

>PUBG is the better game
Haven't even played Fortnite but PUBG is gutter trash


They did though.

>Pubg = Dota
don't get ahead of yourself. fortnite is not even close to dota in complexity or business model.

if anything, fortnite is more like dota since FNBR is 100% free just like dota.

Whatever you say, Cliff

This has been a thing since the 90's if not earlier


it's been this way since arcade machines with 3 letter names and high scores you retard

Normies can't stay interested at anything for longer than a couple months so Fortnite will soon be replaced by the another one of the stupid battle royale games.


where the fuck I am

Fortnite will stay on top until Battlefield Battle Royale, Call of Duty Battle Royale, and Ubisoft presents Tom Clancy's Battle Royale all come out later this year.

haha yeah right lock hrc up

I can't wait to play Metal Gear Battle Royale in 2020.

Only thing I hate about Fortnite is the character designs. I hate how they all have retarded loking faces and the females have ugly proportions (fuck off muh thicc memers, they look dumb).
If they update the character models and art-style overall, the game would be much more appealing.

Also, it's kind of fucked up how they have people pay for the original PvE game mode, and then they totaslly stunt the development of it drastically so they can work on Battle Royale instead. If I bought Save the World mode, I'd be pissed.

This will be the Fortnite killer.

I have no clue. It’s worse than comp overwatch. That streamer tournament they did only had like 100K viewers too. Even rainbow6 is beating their views.

With fornite I dont have to worry about being banned for saying toxic shit, because is free

except your complaint isn't even accurate because the thick chick STILL isn't playable in battle royale FOR SOME FUCKING REASON



If he's so innocent, why not let the FBI investigate?

I thought porting this to xbone would save pubg? dont tell me no one gives a fuck about it on xbox because china only plays on pc

It's tricky. PUBG is using a license from Epic to use the Unreal Engine, yet Tencent owned companies (Epic is also owned by Tencent) blatantly ripped off PUBG.

The guy that made PUBG is American, but a South Korean company published it. Their enemy is the Chinese company that pressured them into giving it an exclusive license for China.

over 7 million copies have sold on the xbox one version alone.

Shit like this makes me feel ashamed of admitting I play Smite.
Fucking HiRez...

Are you telling me there are 7 million brain dead humans out there?

maybe they should've pushed harder when they sued fortnite for copying PUBG ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Playerunkown is Irish you fucktard.

>PUBG has a chink hacker at least in every third match

It's killing my enjoyment. Never seen a game with that many cheaters. All would be solved if they just region lock china but no, muh #fuckdrumpf #fuckwhitepeople #imwithher bullshit prevents it.

Fortnite building is too tiresome. I don't enjoy building walls everywhere.

>Shark cards to buy faster horses

No thanks

>I don't enjoy building walls everywhere.
But you are a drumpfag, what the fuck

thicker hitbox

>No thanks

You say that but you'll buy it user

Can Trumpledytes go a literal second without screaming about how much they hate niggers and women for dooming them to a life of virginity?

Hirez also trademarked Tribes Royale

The retarded faces complaint is still valid though.

literally gears of war character ripoff


Not in the slightest. PU is just a giant fucking cuck. He won't implement a ping lock because it would be """racist""" while also stating that 99% of the banned hackers are from china.

Leftists are mental. Thank fucking god PUBG is finally dying. Can't even keep up a /vg/ general for more than 30 minutes.


Didn't spend a cent on GTA Online

No it hasnt. Stuck at 4mil

Pubg has the worst fucking netcode in the history of video games, im so glad that a cartoony lookalike has dethroned that piece of garbage

>find the cartoony design and the building stuff gameplay loop of fortnite boring and bland
>find the more realistic look of pubg more interesting even though its just as bland
>people say I don't like fun
I like fun, but I find everything on fortnite that is trying to be cartoony to be lolsumrandom for the sake of being it
the bus and falling down on umbrellas just feel way too much for me, a cartoony helicopter and some goofy looking parachute would look so much fucking better

I wonder why he's not implementing the sanctions against Russia that the congress approved a long time ago...
Or why he's having a daily meltdown about the investigation and keeps screaming no collusion like a retard

>fortnite is made by Unreal

tale a seat little boy

blueballs in full damage control

>play fortnite, enjoy it
>friend convinces me to get pubg after 6 months
>fortnite is more popular now

wasted $30...

>implement a ping lock that can easily be bypassed with a VPN as chinks have always done
>get called a racist in the process

It's a lose/lose situation, dummy.

I can't wait until the bluedrones tell you something like "BUT DUDE IT PAYS FOR ITSELF WITH THE CRATES"

No, it fucking doesn't, unless you're a magical PUBG god that can win every match against the chink hackers


>friend keeps telling me to do fortnite duos
>know it'll suck cus no mic
>keeps asking me all the time anyway

>pinglock bypassed by VPN

What kind of brainlet are you?

Nice blog, where can I subscribe?

>I have no idea how ping locks or VPNs work

No wonder you're an alt-right retard

Fortnite is the biggest gaming sensation since Call of Duty's height of explosive popularity around MW2. Every dudebro is playing it, it's all over social media, the news is doing stories on it, it's EVERYWHERE

>battle royale except you're constantly moving at 300 sanics
Yeah, I'd play it.

wtf do retards try play this game to make profit or something

i only let premium posters subscribe to my blogs. you're not worthy of that status, but i just gave out a post here for free. you're welcome.