Should businesses have the right to strip you of your game purchase if you break their terms of use?
Should businesses have the right to strip you of your game purchase if you break their terms of use?
They pay for the servers user
The question is: "Shouldn't they", because obviously currently they do and it's not gonna change anywhere besides the USA maybe.
>ggez now means you lose $60
you could get it back in small claims no problem if you challenged it
>go to a public park and scream FAGGOTNIGGERS over and over
>cry about censorship when the authorities escort you out of the park and say you cannot return
>ban entire core userbase
>left with no players
>game dies
Better question, is non-violent toxicity online protected by free speech?
>t. Sup Forumstard that is butthurt he can't say nigger anymore
>Getting banned by automated system
>Not realizing it's just a simple filter that checks for no-no words
>Not weaponizing the pathetically simple system to work for you
>Not LARPing as a gay black man to bait out people calling you a "fag", "nigger" or "faggotnigger" and reporting them, getting them permabanned and wasting hundreds of hours of their time and thousands of their McDonald's wagie MTX dollars
>Whining about how "SJWs ruined modern vidya!!!" instead of just being better at trash talking and getting a rise out of people without relying on racial slurs and reddit buzzwords like "ggez"
>(((they))) provide you entertainment
>asking if it's okay to be a bitch because (((they))) had rules
how fucking stupid are you
>get banned
>Charge back on credit card
No but they should be able to ban you from playing online with said game.
Depends, is the gameplay based on a centralized server or is it mostly based around private dedicated servers? In the former case it's their own goddamn business what they allow or not, even if it can get a bit overzealous and whatnot, while the latter example means they're snooping around being fun police on servers they don't actually own, dictating their own rules as more important than the server's own. It would be like the devs crashing down on a LAN party to shut the game server down just because a player shouted the N-word in a moment of rage without thinking without even putting any meaning behind it other than to smacktalk the other team.
You still have the game, you just can't play online.
Maybe behave nicely next time?
(Your account has been terminated)
Due to a violation to Rainbow Six Siege terms of use you have recieved an indefinite ban due to poor conduct "how fucking stupid are you". We hope when you buy our game again you will bend the knee and kiss our ass as we take even more of your money dumbass.
Free speech is only about the government though. These servers are not public space.
can't strip me of what i didn't buy, young user.
Yes, that's the whole point of terms & conditions and you agreeing to it. Private companies can do whatever they want.
Won't this be exploited really hard?
If it was in the ToS, then yes. Either adhere to the ToS or shut up.
Just remember you're all responsible for the state of the industry
Vote with your wallets retards
If you loudly scream NIGGER in a cinema they'll kick you out too even if you paid for a ticket.
That being said the problem is how lax these rules are applied.
What exactly is "vulgar"? Can i say "ass"? What's ethically offensive?
Is there a list?
Or is there just an automated system or hotpocket who just decides on a whim?
>go to public park
>we now live in the future where people can mute other people
>cry faggotniggers
>no one can hear you
wow it'd be great if we had that power in video games
Stop playing games with centralized servers. If you can't join wojaks and Pepe's nigger jamboree then the game is too locked down to be worth playing. Well, playing on official servers anyway.
Terms of Use should not include a "Code of Conduct," or at most limit its scope to interactions occurring on their servers but only if private servers are available.
They just banned me for "cheating", which is something I'd basically never do. Really makes you think when you can buy a game + season pass and they can just remove it all because the anti cheat system wanted to.
What if you had two separate que's. One where the rules are rigorously enforced, while the second "toxic" que approached with a more laissez-faire attitude
"Should" is the keyword though. In a day and age where if we say "I think being transexual is a mental illness" online and end up losing our job and become demonized by everyone, eventually losing our house and all our possessions, does free speech even exist? Should I be banned for simply ranting using profanity in a leisurely game?
It goes against the ideals of a first-world country. By that logic, women in Iran are free to cheat on their husbands, because the government doesn't execute them, the citizens do.
>Buy game which main draw is the online multiplayer
>Get banned permanently from online play for using the word "fag" once while enraged and not even thinking about the meaning of what you said
>"Durr hurr but you still have the game"
Yes, you still own the game, but it's literally useless by that point. And that's the problem with centralized game servers, if they decide the way you talk can be a permaban offense with no way to get back, you're shit outta luck. This isn't some VAC situation where you get banned from play for being an actual cheating dickbag, no, this is more like banning you for talking smack, something that's not even gameplay-related.
Not familiar with current R6 but isn't communication with your team mates essential? Besides I don't see why we should enable anti social behaviour.
I would never ban someone for words, only for cheating or throwing. But if they ran the demographics and think that banning a few of you kids will increase their net profits then more power to them.
If someone is screaming NIGGER FAGGOT on mic all day then did he really have anything worthwhile to say? It's not anti social to block people who annoy you.
But then you wouldn't make idiots buy the game twice.
>and if you don't want to sell cake to gays the goverment will do everything it can to shut you down
Are people killing themselves over this shit or something?
No. Modern games are designed from the start to be single-player with other players as background noise so losers feel less alone.
Phil is just upset because people called the Xbox One the Xbone
Nice to see Xbros wanting to change their image. They just don't want to be associated with the image of 12 year olds on CoD who yell nigger all day.
>It goes against the ideals of a first-world country.
It doesn't, actually.
You have the right to say dumb shit on the internet, and people have the right to refuse services to you. They're all private entities, its not like the fire department is suddenly not going to show up if your house catches fire.
why don't they just get rid of in-game chat at this point lel
Yes, multiplayers games are a service, not a product and if you break the terms of service they have more then the right to cut you off.
If you don't like it, play a different game.
>*gets his credit score attacked*
does this actually work?
does this actually work?
It does, freedom of thought and expression should be encouraged even outside of government.
Tomorrow, if everyone decided that half the dictionary is unacceptably offensive, along with atheism and Christianity, leading all businesses and individuals to refuse service and help to someone for participating in offensive speech, that's effectively the same or worse than the government enforcing it.
In middle east countries, the government doesn't enforce sharia law, the people do. Are the people there truly free?
Sure, but by reserving that right they ensure they'll never get a dime from me. Multiplayer games in general and Ubisoft games in particular are garbage, I wouldn't waste money on them in the first place.
Good thing I only insult with voice chat.
Yeah. You agree to the terms when you buy the game. Don't be a shithead, don't get banned.
>language which is illegal
>mechanical waves propagated through air originating from your vocal folds are illegal
I have no reaction appropriate for this so have Kaiba
>Should businesses have the right to strip you of your game purchase if you keep acting like a fucking asshole?
And for the record, I have NO sympathy for you and your kind. Die.
>Get banned permanently from online play for using the word "fag" once while enraged and not even thinking about the meaning of what you said
Well then maybe you should either shut off your voice chat or shut the fuck up. If you can't go a match without chimping out and resorting to slurs then that says more about you than the people that banned you.
how much of a manchild are you that you go into autistic rages and say words like that? Maybe you should not buy games and save your money for therapy.
>if you keep acting like a fucking asshole?
>all those buzzwords
>still completely vague on what is punishable
Or maybe you could start acting like a decent human being, everybody would win and you get to keep your $60.
Just a thought though, maybe I'm wrong? Possibly?
>And for the record, I have NO sympathy for you and your kind. Die.
It really depends on how far reaching and Orwellian their ToS are.
If they're banning you for having an opinion or someone else being a sensitive little bitch then no, they have no right to take away something you'd payed for without giving you back your money. Paypal and credit card companies will side with you on this and ensure you get your money back.
Or we can not roll over and accept being treated like complete idiot kindergartners.
The news already tells us what to be outraged at.
People are literally begging for their guns to be taken away.
Now we're begging for online censorship because none of us are intelligent enough to mute disruptive players.
Yes, if they give a refund when they ban you.
The funny thing is the people getting banned are the edgelords.
no. anyone who says otherwise is a corporate bootlicker
>Before you make an account on Steam, Uplay, and actually start playing the game you get greeted by at least 3 different TOU agreements that you agree to in order to play
>said agreements spell out possible reasons for termination of your account
How the fuck do Sup Forumstards actually function in real society? You can't just go around saying slurs even jokingly anywhere, there is a time and place for everything.
You're being treated like idiot kindergartners because you act like one. That's the only people this ban will impact.
It's not "illegal language". It's a private service holding up an updated Terms of Service(not legally required to follow, i'm sure you know)and if Sup Forums updated in a similar way, your freeze peach wouldn't be violated because that's only the governments problem.
>everyone I don't like is Sup Forums
So? You failed to explain what is wrong with banning disruptive players.
We don't have to enable them, and if you are not interested in engaging activities that gets you banned, then I fail to see why you would want to protect those who are acting toxic from getting banned.
I have no idea why people here think just because we are on the internet, it's okay to treat others like a piece of shit.
It's not 2001 anymore, it's time people here realized this.
>Or maybe you could start acting like a decent human being, everybody would win and you get to keep your $60.
>Just a thought though, maybe I'm wrong? Possibly?
>dota recently announced a 6 month ban for trash talkers.
>Their player numbers are steadily going down since because games are extremely clinical and boring without trash talking.
Same shit happening to overwatch. Censorship NEVER ends well.
Why? You are giving it up when you sperg out like a baby.
>t.corporate bootlicker.
If you voiced controversial opinions on a social media account that can be traced to the business and got fired that's your fault.
That's not some crazy SJW conspiracy or even a new idea, the expectation to keep a professional image is as old as business itself.
Well who else would be worried about being banned from a game for being a fucking loser? Nobody but Sup Forums.
I'm not talking about myself here, morons. I could care less about talking smack in a video game personally. I just think it's retarded to permaban people from a game over what they say over chat, rather than just muting the people who do it until they learn to behave properly in a digital environment. Complain about foul language all you want, as long as they aren't cheating and otherwise ruining the gameplay experience, there is literally no reason for the devs to justify banning them permanently. You'd be surprised how many people shout supposedly "toxic" things over chat, and whatever your opinion on that kind of shit may be, banning them from online play entirely over said chat behavior is the wrong way to go about it.
what's wrong with fruit loops?
You're right, the period of having fun online and trash talking each other is over.
Gaming is serious business, and should be treated as a professional office environment.
216. Some leftists may seem to oppose technology, but they will oppose it only so long as they are outsiders and the technological system is controlled by non-leftists. If leftism ever becomes dominant in society, so that the technological system becomes a tool in the hands of leftists, they will enthusiastically use it and promote its growth. In doing this they will be repeating a pattern that leftism has shown again and again in the past. When the Bolsheviks in Russia were outsiders, they vigorously opposed censorship and the secret police, they advocated self-determination for ethnic minorities, and so forth; but as soon as they came into power themselves, they imposed a tighter censorship and created a more ruthless secret police than any that had existed under the tsars, and they oppressed ethnic minorities at least as much as the tsars had done. In the United States, a couple of decades ago when leftists were a minority in our universities, leftist professors were vigorous proponents of academic freedom, but today, in those of our universities where leftists have become dominant, they have shown themselves ready to take away from everyone else’s academic freedom. (This is “political correctness.”) The same will happen with leftists and technology: They will use it to oppress everyone else if they ever get it under their own control.
except the difference is I didn't buy a copy of Sup Forums for $40
who else would feel oppressed because they can't say nigger in public chat?
Screaming it all day in the mic also means he is probably a shitty teammate that is dragging my own and other teams down everytime he plays.
nothing of value is lost
yeah calling someone the n word is just "trash talk". You're delusional.
Numbers dont lie sweetie.
Idk why you have such a stick up your ass. Videogames are meant to be fun. Trash talking each other is fun. Idk why you're trying to be adulty and professional on voice chat, it's stupid.
No it isn't. That kind of behavior should not be enabled, and to be honest, it had been enabled for far too long in online gaming environments.
So much so, that people like you think it's the norm to act like a fucking moron, and everyone should just roll with it. Have you stopped thinking where else would this behavior be tolerated? That's right, nowhere else. And online gaming environment shouldn't be any different.
Just not a child. Sorry
have you even played siege at an acceptable level?
Yes because calling random people online niggers is "fun" and "trash talking".
>having fun online and trash talking
Yeah, you are the problem.
telling someone playfully "go suck a dick" is fun. or telling someone to fuck themselves. It's fun to swear while gaming. I'm sorry you don't have friends that you're close enough with to share that experience.
fyi people like you are hated in every community. Change your ways before you become socially ostracized. Closing thread.
You accepted the terms of service that said you have to play by their rules or you can't play.
>this soft cuck shares your board
muting hasn't worked for 20 years bro. maybe being banned will teach these edgelords.
Maybe stop acting like an edgy 12 year old.
This is what I'm talking about. Online gamers are so delusional, they think it's okay to behave like this.
Maybe with your friends, but not with strangers online. Just because you are playing a game doesn't mean that you are not playing with other human beings, and they should not be respected on the same level as you would when you would be interacting with them in literally any other environment.
This is what you don't seem to get.
so we should ban people based on arbitrary rules of moral behaviour set by society? thats the standard? thats the exact same argument people used 80 years ago for banning niggers and gays from shops and restaurants
Thanks and goodbye
More people who have never had a close enough group of friends to game with who enjoy telling people to fuck themselves or suck a dick. It's fun swearing while gaming to have a good time. I honestly feel sorry for you. You're like the feminists who try to ruin relationships for regular people because they're too fat and ugly.
Use the mute button. Already a built-in personal censor so that you can be in a safespace.
Doesn't matter. Point still stands. A TOS isn't a legal paper, but that doesn't mean that the private entity you're doing business with cant revoke access if you fuck up a morality clause in the TOS. You also can't modify, redistribute or sell pieces, parts or whole chunks and assets of a lot of shit, either, but you're bent out of shape because another place won't let you call someone a cuck nigger.