Kingdom Hearts Orchestra World Tour coming to a city near you

>Kingdom Hearts Orchestra World Tour coming to a city near you
>$50-$190 price tag for tickets
How much is this worth for you, Sup Forums?

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>no Indiana Jones world

Don't give much of a fuck about Kingdom Hearts but Distant Worlds is roughly the same price and I would go to those in a heartbeat. Too bad the nearest one is 11 hours away.

Were you in the front row or you gotten the cheap seats?

>mfw I’m torn between Kingdom Hearts Orchestra in my area, Lin Manuel Miranda’s Hamilton in my area and funds for Anime Expo

Right on schedule.

>closest to me is detroit

I’m in a shithole city and it’s actually going here

I went to one of the shows in new York last year. If you like kingdom hearts, and love the music, it's a great time. Depends on the group doing the performance (different for each city I believe), NY was good. Shimomura was there, you could tell she was overwhelmed by the support. Played one of the songs herself.

What is a justified price tag for the show in your opinion? Is it worth $189?

The seating at my show was broken up into three tiers, I think. Bronze, silver, and gold. I got a silver seat, right when ordering opened up. Think it was 120? I got pretty lucky on my end. It's gonna depend on a lot though. I had a respectful crowd, but I had a friend go to a distant worlds concert and have shitty people all around him.

Have to wait for general release of the tickets. Here’s hoping $80 isn’t in bronze

If you end up going, bring cash for mercy. If they have it, the program they sell is pretty sweet. A bunch of info and interviews, good quality. The CD is good but it didn't have all of the songs they played. Missing fantastia alla Maro

Merch*. Fucking autocorrect

>$100 to go watch an orchesta is ""expensive""
>somehow it's okay to spend $300+ on a ticket for a Bruno Mars or Justin Bieber concert

Sir, whom doth you quoteth?

bruno mars is ok

>mfw I spent that much on Katy Perry because I was bored at a goddamn anime con

What other merch did they have besides those?

All the normies who say that vidya is for children and "very expensive", but always buy the new iphones for $1000+ and pay $400 to see some nigger on stage screaming and using playback

I was just messin about m8lin but I don't think anyone thinks those prices are worth it unless they're fans. I also don't think anyone thinks $100 for an orchestra in unfair, it's usually associated with upper classmanssship.

How does he keep doing it

I doubt they use playback. But if you said a washed up artist like Britney Spears, that would make perfect sense

Shirts, CD, program, and a conductor wand in the shape of a keyblade. I almost bought it, but decided against it because it'd just collect dust. Not at home, might still have the handout they gave. If the thread is still alive when I get home and I have it, I'll post it. Has prices for everything.

Good. Not onlt a terrible idea for a game but the movies are overrated as all hell.

What are you smoking, playback is common. It doesn't mean lip syncing, artists sing over it.

Not sure about KH but if they announced a MH orchestra tour anywhere near me I'd go

What'll be the prices, though?

Found it online.

I've always wondered, what kind of crowd goes to shit like this? There have been a few video game concerts nearby that I had an interest in, but there is no fucking way I could get anyone else to go with me.

No show in Denver or I would maybe go. Friend of mine went to the Final fantasy orchestra a few months ago or whenever it was, and they said it was good but smelled like ass because neckbeards can't clean themselves up for a single night. I'm sure this will be the same and people won't go dressed accordingly and act decent and instead there will be loud smelly neckbeards and niggers recording on their phones and shit.

That's what I worry about with things like this, it's pretty embarrassing. Seeing the DBZ movies in theaters was fine though, the oddballs were a small percentage. First one in a rich suburb, and the second one in the hood with lots of comedic commentary.

I'd go if there were a show in Seattle, but alas there isn't.

I've only been to one big video game event and that was the Sonic 25th anniversary party. I flew out from Colorado to San Diego just for the party, and made a bunch of friends, met izuka and webber and Hoshino and more, and listened to some crush 40 play. Everyone there was super nice, no one was in a bad mood and everyone was just happy to be there. It was definitely the best night of my life and probably always will be. Also it didn't smell like ass and everyone was respectful to each other.
I saw Resurrection of F in theaters and had a fun time. They had the trivia at the beginning and everyone was yelling out answers and laughing, and some people dressed up which was fun to see. Over all positive experience, my brother and I were lucky to find seats next to each other since two guys got up as we were coming in and we stole their spots (you snooze you lose Bro, theater was packed and they didn't come back until like a half an hour later and didn't say anything lol).

I feel like these events are usually a gamble, and I pick and choose because of it. I have zero interest in going to cons and shit like that since it's basically just standing in line to stand in line, and there seems to be way too many attention whores dressing slutty and creep neckbeards who reek.

>Live in North Carolina
>Atlanta is closest to me at about a 3 hour drive

BASED gonna take my KH best bud woth me

Don't do it.

>Pokemon Orchestra in the United States
>"Oh fuck yes!"
>Go to orchestra.
>People in outfits.
>People clapping and yelling during the performances
>Nobody waits for the conductor to bow before clapping and everyone yells "OOOHHHHH" during songs they recognize

Never fucking again. Orchestrated performances are only good to go to in Europe or in Asia.

Shut up nigger you were probably part of the problem

t. Clapistan

I've gone to the Zelda Symphony a few times, and it's gotten like this. It was respectable at first, but then a couple years later people would fucking clap and yell at everything. I'd say it's still worth it though, hearing vidya music in an orchestra is powerful.


Hamilton will still be around for a few years. I'd definitely go see this and go see Hamilton when it's much cheaper.

They clapped.
People fucking clapped during The Route 1 song.


And I was planning to take my niece to see this if they ever brought this back.

Depends where you go. I went to Distant Worlds at Carnegie Hall and everyone was dressed normally. No cosplayers with quintuple chins. But if it were a less prestigious (and expensive) venue, then you'd maybe see the undesirables.

>watched multiple shows
>Matilda The Musical
>Rick Astley
>Zelda Symphony Of The Goddesses
>formally dressed
>Avenue Q
>Katy Perry (don’t ask)
>Momoiro Clover Z
>The Book Of Mormon
>casual af

Here’s hoping KH is a formal affair, he audiences for Zelda were pretty civil. Not sure about Hamilton though,

Not in NY. It’s the tour