Why did they make him like this. No one playing this is going to look like this. Where's my escapism

Why did they make him like this. No one playing this is going to look like this. Where's my escapism

I'm built like noctis though I am taller but proportions and everything are uncanny

>Lies Sup Forums tells themselves.
It's okay user no one now's you here.

I genuinely am though, I don't quite know how much he weighs though.
I'm 6 foot 160 pounds

I'm built like that so it's not unrealistic.

Shame I can't get a girlfriend though

It's ok user, keep your head up you'll get a qt3.14 gf one of these days.

Anons escapism can only go so far. You might as well say your girls on the internet since that's more believable.

He's meant for eye candy for ladies and queers. Your self insert is promto.

I never said I looked like him I just said I have the same body type, it's pretty common user. Not everyone is a 300 pound hambeast.

It's okay to have a little escapism but you're going to not be so delusional.

I know low body fat seems like an impossible goal but you'll get there one day

found the skinnyfat. noctis is actually healthy. you just eat small portions

The whole black clothing is retarded

I can post my body if you still doubt me

Fast metabolism, I eat like I should be a ton.
Not a soyboy eating salads though, I do need to lay off the bread.

It's cute that you talk to yourself. I don't know how you don't have girlfriend cause you're so funny.

>asking for permission

do it fagget.

Yeah I can go to any obscure website and steal a pic from there.

No you probably weigh over 200.

>Implying that that's a bad thing.
Let post it.

How does it feel to be wrong?

>False flagger
Still funny though

i can't believe this is a real, unironic post on Sup Forums now. go back to your respective website

La Creatura

>People fall for obvious bait.
No one talks like that except for teenage girls user. I still don't understand how people can't see through it.