>All that talk on Sup Forums about how world will flop
>Shit talk it to no end
>say it's going to fail and will be released on the switch in no time
Nay sayers btfo apologize.
>All that talk on Sup Forums about how world will flop
>Shit talk it to no end
>say it's going to fail and will be released on the switch in no time
Nay sayers btfo apologize.
Other urls found in this thread:
Who the fuck cares
Sup Forums says retarded shit again; More at 11
I'm pretty sure most people predicted it would sell well thanks to Capcom selling out to the casual Twitch kid audience.
>Shipped = sold
>this hard in denial
how ?
With NintendoGAF smear campaign against the game failing miserably, what can we learn from this?
Remember that time toddlers said Youtube views were inflated by bots?
Remember that time they spammed Amazon daily charts on a daily level talking about it inevatibly flopping?
Remember when they said Capcom would come back to Nintendo like beggars?
I’ve never into horn before, which tree is most credit to team?
never buy Nintendo no gaem machines
Where is tiggy
the one you hang yourself from
The people who sperged that it would flop should, so they can learn to sit down and shut up in the future
>Lowest selling monster hunter in Japan in over ten years
The West is fickle. They will lose interest. Japan is not taking it on. Monster Hunter will be dead in 7 years. Screencap this.
Does this trump Bloodborne in Sup Forums getting BTFO?
It sold TWO MILLION+ on console in Japan. It absolutely destroyed the most optimistic of forecasts. Instead of stagnating in Japan, MH is now a worldwide hit on par with Final Fantasy and Souls series.
The last Nintendo consoles I purchased were the 3DS XL and a WiiU. I enjoyed the WiiU well enough, even with the no gaemz meme. But I have yet to buy a Switch and I probably won't due in no small part to the NintendoGAFers on Sup Forums being the most insufferable online "fanbase" I've ever had the misfortune to interact with.
I'll stay content with my PC, PS4, and Vita.
Will this lower or raise our chances of getting a sequel to Dragons Dogma?
All Nintendicksuckers on this board were on it.
This is Bloodborne 2.1
I personally know of one Nintendicksucker who shitposted about this game for months, 7 days a week who recently killed himself
>I-it will flop! J-japan is the biggest market and japanese o-only like playing it on the go in the train!
That's a real argument some brainlets from here put forward at some point. Can you imagine being that fucking retarded?
It lagged behind MHX and MH4.
Most optimistic forecast is indeed 2 million, which is the same amount of unit Capcom allotted for Japan.
The morale of the story is that this board my be Sup Forums - NintendicksuckerGAF, that Nintendildohoppers are actually a very obnoxious, screeching minoriy in the real world and their ramblings mean nothing in the grand picture.
Raise. If this flopped Capcom would cease make games. So now from 0.1% chance we're at 0.2%.
God I hope this is true.
>I personally know of one Nintendicksucker who shitposted about this game for months, 7 days a week who recently killed himself
>from 0.1% to 0.2%
It's going to end up selling 10m. The mad men nips actually did it. I remember one user claimed this early on and everyone called him a retard. He must be laughing now.
MH will never have to be played on some disgusting 240p platform ever again. can't wait for the PC release
>best selling game in the series
>I-i-i-t flopped
you can't make this shit up
Switch port when?
Never ever
When nintendo finally fucking stops the gimmick shit and gets back in the console game with an actual hardware that's an actual solid, powerful and convincing alternative
Sorry dude but Nintendo always tries to stand out and be innovative with their systems. That's just how they roll.
reminds me of the persona the threads before 5 was announced.
>the shipment number includes sales
>so not only did the game not ship 7 million, it didn't even sell 7 million through to customers, like everyone likes to think
Anyone who gloats about capcom "sales" numbers is retarded. It doesn't matter if it's Resident Evil or Monster Hunter.
He was a psycho retard with anger issues. He was already warned in 2016 at work for randomly flipping his shit when he started screeching "GOD DAMN FUCKING SONYGGERS I'M GONNA HOLOCAUST THEM ALL STUPID FUCKING MOVIE HITLER FUCKS" to himself . I can't recite it 100% because he was going a it for a minute or two but that was the gist of it. Because of the term Sonybros I instantly knew that he also came here.
The last time was at the end of January during our break. First there were grunts and quiet squeak noises and because we all knew that he was a wacko we didn't think any of it. Then he held his air and became purple red in the face, snot and saliva started to come out of nose and mouth to the point he popped some vessels in his eyes and his left one became all red. We thought he might have choked on some chunk of food and some of us wanted to help, but then he jumped up and exploded, screaming obscenities at the top of the lungs.
Turns out he was reading vidya news on his smartphone and Capcom just announced that they had shipped 5 million units of MonHun.
In retrospect it's funny as shit but at that time we thought he might gonna draw a gun out of somewhere in his overall and start popping us. Needless to say he was let go. Two weeks later a coworker went to check on him because he didn't answer calls nor text messages. They found him with a plastic bag around his head taped shut.
Talking about sales is not Sup Forums related. Go back to /biz/ faggot nobody cares
>have reservations about the changes made to the formula
>I'm not allowed to voice them despite being a consolehopping MH fan for 8 years because of SEETHING posters
The fact that we can't even have a reasonable discussion of the game's improvements and flaws is the worst. I'll just continue with XX until World hits PC.
>so the number will only raise
I unironically believe this happened.
They havent released official number yet, but if shipped = actual sales, then MH4 and MHX are blown the fuck out
>monster roster is still underwhelming
>weapon designs are still look boring as fuck
Cardboard boxes > Loot boxes
This sounds legit, exactly how I would expect nintendies to behave.
>>Shipped = sold
>shipped=capcom getting payed
Youre never gonna see a new monster hunter game on your switch
>Monster Hunter sells 200k on Switch
>Monster Hunter sells 7.5m elsewhere, becoming Capcom's most successful game
>Capcom states Switch owners are not ones to buy Monster Hunter
Yeah, I'm sure that Switch XX sold more than World in total even though the latter shipped several times more.
>but if shipped = actual sales
It's not, but Capcom NEVER releases sales numbers for anything, so people arguing over them are idiots.
>Capcom never releases the numbers for anything.
>Literally quoting a post linked to Campcop's corporate page releasing their sales numbers
It's pretty obvious that World is selling great and well beyond what any of the Nintendo entries did. But that doesn't change that shipped and sold aren't the same thing like the article in the OP is claiming. Not everything has to be about console wars.
"Who cares" This guy confirmed for starting a "MHW will flop" thread.
We care. You did enough to post. I don't even play the game I just think it's funny.
Never buy anything from Capcom and Capcom should be ever in everyone's blacklist if you are a true gamer
Did you not actually fucking read it, retard? Those are shipments. And those shipments include sales units. Capcom never actually says how many copies their games sell through to customers. How new are you?
You have to remember that Sup Forums is the ultimate contrarian the opposite of what it says will always be the case. Like with that one movie reviewer who says every bad film is actually a masterpiece.
Even by that standard, it still means MHW is officially out performing other MH games
It's good. Not great.
That being said switch or PC for me fuck Sony and Microsoft
This is casual shit. Like generations
Admittedly it's disingenuous to use XX Switch for your comparison since it didn't sell gangbusters because most fans already had XX for 3DS. World is still the best-selling MH regardless, and a lot of that was HEAVY pandering to Western regions with simplified mechanics and a super-aggressive marketing push that finally got people outside of Japan to buy en masse.
>Instead of stagnating in Japan
Would rather have MH STAY STAGNATED in Japan than to be infected with global casualization.
Which isn't very impressive since it's on more platforms and all Capcom had to do was personally ship out more units and mix more sales units into that shipment unit to make it seem bigger than it really is, like they do with all of their game releases.. Bragging about shipments is fucking retarded, this is what i'm talking about.
To clarify. I just don't want a PS4 or Microsoft because they suck and have no games.
Yes, but everyone's fully aware of that, especially since that has been pointed out so, so many times.
It also doesn't matter much within the context of Capcom measuring everything in things being shipped. Outside of that, sure, I'd like to agree with you but even then there's the fact that retailers keep buying these things, causing higher numbers for shipping. This being an ongoing trend with apparently no end in sight means that the thing keeps selling and selling like hotcakes or else it wouldn't be ordered by retailers in droves.
And since this is the context everyone is aware of yet there's only one fanbase that has been screeching about how shipped isn't sold for several WEEKS now, it's easy to suspect that these posts are actually made for the purpose of console wars.
But Capcom isn't getting the bottom of its hull sealed with tar to waterproof it, you illiterate fuck.
>memories of
videos on YouTube of*
The first mistake is assuming anyone who shit talks this stuff has played the game.
active population statistics where
This. Stop taking shit posting as a legitimate opinion OP you retard.
not everyone is a shitter like you
And not everyone is a retard that compares G Rank monsters and damage to High Rank ones. Something people love to do for World.
>Incoming party babiez monster hunter DLC
>panders to casuals
Why is this a good thing again?
The author of the article in the OP doesn't seem to be aware given that they directly equate that 7.5 million shipped means 7.5 million sold, when that isn't the case. Yes, the game isn't slowing down any time soon, but facts should take precedence over console war shitposting.
Kill yourself you fucking unimaginative human piece of shit.
I chuckled tho. Please post more.
Game is fun
Not the best MH but not the worst.
It haves a serious problem with content doe, 50 hours in and after xeno I dont have anthing to do beside tempered.
>but muh base game
Had 100 hours both in Gen and Tri before I runned out of content
if the rumors mean anything I think in the next year