Ffxiv is better than wow

ffxiv is better than wow

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Nice comparison OP. I can compare things too. Drinking piss is better than eating shit.

Has someone who have been playing since 3.0, FFXIV is just boring.

Did you really need to make this thread again with the same image

Is it, though?


if I played the same jrpg since 2015, I'd be bored too.

Based aryan waifu.

>Ala Mhigger

Why would you start this thread in the exact same way that caused it to get 404'd last time?

all threads 404 retard

wow clone for weebs

Hello newfag. Threads only 404 if they're deleted by a mod/janitor, otherwise they get archived.

who cares

Making FF an MMO was a mistake.

Fair point, but it's just feel like I'm playing the exact same game and nothing changed much.

But FF11 was truly fascinating for its time, and it still has plenty of atmosphere.
In this regard, FF14 feels more...bland? generic?
I'm not really sure how to put it.


I don't think it is.

Bravo, Koji. On top of the latest memes from 5 years ago.

>meme race spouts memes
Meanwhile water is wet and the sky is blue


The art direction in XI is seriously fantastic. It's amazing how good that game still looks, despite coming out 16 years ago.

That's Photoshop...

One of the thing that really worked for FFXI was that they had no reference to take, they were almost all completely clueless in term of mmos.
I think that's why the game still feels really unique even to this day.
And there's this as well

It probably is, but I'm never playing an MMO again. I don't have the time.

Koji must be stopped

>Ship and flying ship travel weren't instanced and on real time, no instant teleportation
>That fucking sunset on a 16 years old game

For me, one of the thing that killed new MMO nowadays is the over abundance of ""QoL"" stuff, like party finder, teleportation everywhere and stuff.

That ship travel in FFXI, I'm not sure how much time it would actually take, maybe it was 5min or 20min, but it just feel like you could have time to have some nice chats with some other people with you on the ship, or maybe with your LS.
Maybe I'm just blinded by nostalgia, but I feel like people were definitively more talkative back then.

Back then, it was made to be a MULTIPLAYER game in a shared world. Nowadays the genre has been sterilized so much that it caters to people who don't want to play with others. In a fucking multiplayer genre. It's nonsensical. Everything is about convenience, and that's what killed MMOs. Inconvenience is what makes people work together.


I miss her tits

Why are japanese so racist?

>Everything is about convenience, and that's what killed MMOs.
It's so frustratingly true...
>Why make friends when I can just PF everything?
>Why traveling when I can teleport everywhere?
>Why making connections and create a name for myself as a crafter/gatherer when I can put everything in the market board?
Fucking hell.

What the fuck?
What happened?
Did Flames and Adder fought themselves and ignored the node spawns completely?

>bim bam bam biddy bam bam boop bam bam bam bidday bam boop bop
>bim bam bam biddy bam bam boop bam bam bam bidday bam boop bop bam
>bim bam bam biddy bam bam boop bam bam bam bidday bam boop bop bam boom

>he actually plays PvP

Everybody point and laugh at this fag.

Once and awhile I'd get lucky, but yeah it's very insular with a lot ofp eeps prob just talking on voice chat or with their friends.

What and said is right. All that convenience stuff really is the monkey's paw manifest.

Nothing wrong with PVP if you do it for fun (or to get their mount/glam)

Yeah, fuck off.
I'm pretty sure spamming this board is against the rules.

I participated in your last thread, but if you are just going to keep remaking it with the same fucking image, you can go fuck yourself.

>gets proven wrong
>lol who cares?
How's junior high going?

yeah adder and flame just fought each other the entire run, never tried to take our nodes.
not sure if they are retards or bots

FFXI had an amazing world to explore and had an art style that I really like. I'd love to just explore that world again

Why does it show a zero in literally every category when they actually did something?

I have been in the receiving end of this, where one company decided to fuck target you and do nothing.
It just felt awful

Are the level 70 af pieces going to be used in eureka? I'd like to get rid of this clutter out of my bags as soon as possible


>its an user gets absolutey blown the fuck out episode