Currently 37 personalities have access to Artifact beta

List of the people playing/testing Artifact

Are any of these people known?


>dota celebrity
>dota developers
>unknown people

This is good then, if day9 is on board you know it's gotta be great

Some of them are players/casters of other card games. They also gave it to dota casters first. It looks like a preparation for tournament

What's wrong with dota?



Hopefully it flops, Valvedr0nes and dotards deserve to suffer

Man, everyone so hostile. Yet, when valve makes a game, it's always good. I believe that this game will be good too, despite it not being HL3, which people cry bitch tears over while pretending to give a fuck about HL series.

List of people who care:


$0.03 has been added to your SteamWallet (tm)

t. gray newell

they are all dota2 celebrities

It's just a fucking card game
There's nothing Valve can do to make it 'good' to anyone other than the few autists attracted to it because of muh dota

do we know anything of this game?

I liked hearthstone at the beginning, but left before I started to develop a ludopathic addiction.

why the fuck would anyone want to play a card game about the Dota lore? Nobody gives a fucking shit. Hearthstone did well because people had WoW nostalgia

t. babbs who have less then 10 years on steam

There are some heartstone/MTG/gwent players on that list

You're baiting. Fuck off

Are they allowed to stream?

yeah, HL and TF were JUST shooting games, right? No, they were good and memorable games. Same with DOTA2, Portal, and there's no real reason to feel like this will be a flop either.

Its resentment aimed at Valve.

>Yet, when valve makes a game, it's always good.
>Half Life 2
>Team Fortress 2
>Good After Trading update
>Portal 2

Outside of customs? Not great.

The collective groan was fantastic.

Post yfw you are on the list and you just farmed the cards

Half Life / Portal are the only original properties Valve have made. TF was a Quake mod

It's the deepest and most rewarding multiplayer game on the market with the best F2P model on the market
You're free to not like it, but Dota 2 is a good game

t. gaben

StanCifka, an MTG and Hearthstone pro
Lifecoach, a Poker, Hearthstone, and Gwent pro
Merchant, a Gwent streamer and caster
Sunsfan, a dota 2 video creator, also a creator and manager of Digital Chaos pro dota team
SirActionSlacks, biggest dota 2 memer. a content creator, also works with production of a ton of dota 2 tournaments, including The International
Bruno, a legendary dota 2 caster turned valve employee

don't recognize other nicknames but iirc Swim, another Gwent streamer and content maker said that he played/has access to artifact.

Leaks when?

>but Dota 2 is a good game

not since 7.00

>being excited for a fucking card game
>caring about some literal who wannabe celebs playing it
what is wrong with you people?

t. valve shill
nuvalve is garbage and always will be

>Dota 2 is a good game
Maybe that was true a few years ago but not anymore, both League and HotS are now better, Valve slacked too much

Base 7.00 was a fucking trainwreck but everything that was wrong with it has been fixed since then

>wahh it's bad because I said so
Not an argument

>It's the deepest and most rewarding multiplayer game on the market
>with the best F2P model on the market
Can't argue with free everything. That's the only mark you get, shill

>did not fix talent trees
>shrines exist
>bounty runes exist
fixed my ass.

oh crap I didn't look on the right part of the table. there's also
Lumi, a Dota 2 caster
Synderen, a dota 2 pro player and caster

Dota2 could never update ever again and they'd still be better than either two of those
Infact if Dota2 was still in version 6 it would be better than it is now

Will it be good competently made? Probably. Will it have some scheme to dry our wallets? Obviously. But most of all
Is it necessary? No.
Valve only works when setting the trends. Because of how long they take to make anything, by the time they release stuff, they're already way behind the curve. Valve only thrives when setting the trend, not following it.

It is though
It actually designs itself for depth and high level play instead of accessibility

StanCifka was a pretty good Magic player who had results and currently competes in Hearthstone.
Lifecoach competed in Hearthstone and did well. Gave it up due to Hearthstone being filled with rng to play Gwent and is probably the best player? Haven't followed since the initial hype.
Dude also won big in poker, lives in a mansion and lives off his stocks.
Don't really see other card game players of note. Just e-celebs with links to Valve.

>Valve only thrives when setting the trend, not following it.
funny thing to say when all of their big games are remakes of something made by somebody else

>did not fix talent trees
Yes they did, XP gain talents are gone and they replaced most of the boring stat talents with actual interesting ability augments.

>shrines exist
There's nothing wrong with them after they got nerfed and removed from bases.

>bounty runes exist
Nothing wrong with bounty runes, it's another objective to contest and they reward roaming.

I don't understand why dotards are so terrified of change

shrines are awful. They make the map safer, make ganking less viable and make deathballing more viable

who cares about that garbage LUL

>I don't understand why dotards are so terrified of change.
You do realize you've answered your own little thought. There's a reason why 99% of battlenet is just fucking ye olde DOTA. Because it's...old DOTA!

>I don't understand why dotards are so terrified of change
They aren't. People didn't complain about patches in the past, they were something to look foward to. People only started complaining after the comeback gold and 7.00. You know why? Cause they were shit changes

No, it's because patches used to not actually put changes into the core game like they do now.

Why even bother when Hearthstone and Gwent already exist

You can't ignore that in the past, whenever they do something, just about every other dev imitates it.
Half Life 1? More immersive and connective worlds, story through gameplay.
Half Life 2? Physics puzzles and having you stand around in a "not" cutscene.
Portal? Probably more puzzle games after that. Likely with a bigger emphasis on humor.
TF2? Just about any cartoon class based shooter.

>I don't understand why dotards are so terrified of change
Honestly I would not care if Icefrog did not steal every fucking thing from HotS.
Probably the next thing he steals are the mounts because the game is still too slow compared to League or HotS. The frog does not understand what made Dota good. Old Dota was like chess slow and tactical. He killed it with shrines and bounty shit.

I don't know about LoL, but HoTS is just dumb enough to be annoying after two matches.

Why bother when Magic exist? Why bother making FPS games Wolfenstein 3D exist? Why make games at all?

>Honestly I would not care if Icefrog did not steal every fucking thing from HotS.
HotS didn't invent talent trees and Dota shrines function nothing like HotS's healing fountains
Stop being a retard

All these entitled whiny punks don't know how great this game is. Always complaining about the lack of content and how delayed battlepass, arcana, or some other bullshit is. People on here daily saying that the game is boring and there's nothing to do. What the fuck are you expecting to do other than play dota? Why are you starting up dota to jerk your dick to a new crystal maiden skin? If you want to do quests go play WoW. The happiest these fucks have been in the last year is when you could see QoPs tits take up half the fucking screen on your profile page. Why are you even playing this game?
Like seriously, I cringe every time I read something like "there isn't anything to do in this game anymore, that's why it's dying". Just the other day I was down at the local bball court and people were like "man there's nothing to do here anymore, I need some incentive to play pickup games." Nah, just kidding that didn't happen, they're there to play fucking basketball not whine about how nike announced that they'd release a michael jordan arcana 204 days ago. They're there to ball, blow off steam, fucking school some kids.
That's the same reason 95% of us play dota. We just wanna style on some mother fuckers, pull off some cool moves, and get completely absorbed in a fun ass game. Balance changes don't affect us much at all. 99% of you bitches will continue to do the exact same things you did before a patch with zero thought as to how it impacts your ability to win. Yet you go on reddit like you're some fucking godlike analyst saying how we have shit patches and balance changes that make no sense. None of you have any fucking clue what you're talking about.
Back in my day you had to install a third party program to fake a lan game just to get something that resembled a decent match. And even then you'd get a leaver like 25% of the time. But you know what, we put up with it. Because we loved playing dota.

Maybe because my rank isn't 5000+, but meatball deathball's always been fucking great if you're a premade.


Now all people want is for Valve to cash in on the community's creation and waste time on shit like cosmetics and quests. Yeah, fuck that. Go play league if you want to shell out 10% of your measly peon income every month for cartoon tits and cringy cosmetics. The rest of us will be enjoying the masterpiece that is dota 2.
So please, kindly fuck off with your asinine suggestions and stop asking for things that are at best tangential to the dota experience and at worst detrimental to its core. Go to an art museum if you want some cosmetics. Get a job if you want some quests. Play dota if you want to play some fucking dota. I know that's what I'll be doing.

teamfights are the heart of dota but roaming around the map as 5 all the time reduces the amount of skill involved in the game

>HotS didn't invent talent trees
Dota 2 stole the idea from HotS 100%.
>shrines function nothing like HotS's healing fountains
Yes they do, you don't need to go back and heal at the fountain thus this make the game faster.


I wanted to write "former" pro player but decided it's too cheeky
he still plays tournaments with some B/C-list teams, right?

Don't worry buddy, don't look so down. The words will come to you eventually.

t. icefrog just roll the game back nobody like 7.00 faggot.

3 lanes (aka 3 boards)
each lane/board has creeps spawning
you send heroes to each lane and can cast their spells on lane which can persist for multiple turns for example
kiling heroes/creeps gives you gold which you use to buy items for heroes on the board

thats about it


>Dota 2 stole the idea from HotS 100%.
Why, because you said so?
That's not an argument, fuck off.

>Yes they do, you don't need to go back and heal at the fountain thus this make the game faster.
That aspect of them is incredibly weak and it has a team-wide cooldown instead of a shared cooldown. They're primarily a TP point and an objective you want to make fights happen on if you can. It's nothing like HotS.

the mental gymnastics

There's an artist at Valve that loves to fuck with people
>Here, Mr. Newell, the logo for Artifact
>Weight a moment, something looks familiar, something I once loved, long ago
>Nah, just your imagination

Maybe, but it's still something to think about.

What ever you think dotard your game got

Not him, but Dota 2 talents work almost exactly like HotS, they must have taken inspiration from that.

>Not him, but Dota 2 talents work almost exactly like HotS
In no ways beyond just being talents, which have been around for ages and HotS didn't invent.
They also work pretty differently from HotS talents since it's an addon to items rather than the core of the character building.

Why do they call it a card game when it's a fucking board game?


because when u play it you will get bored

it's a board game that uses cards so you could call it either

Wouldn't be surprised if they made a study that showed people care less for something labeled as board game than card game.

Why hasn't Tinker been removed yet?

You niggers say this shit every patch since the game went into fucking beta.

do not use happy girl to post mean thing

>referring to people as "personalities"

this is the most shitcunt thing I've seen all day


jesus christ do people really care about a fucking card game
a card game based on a fucking assfaggots

>dota 2 customs
>not utter garbage

The only good Valve game was L4D.

Fixed that for you


Dota lore is actually kind of interesting.

no, this is completely different
stopped playing with reborn
they fucked over the game completely, both gameplay and aesthetic

> (You)
Fixed THAT for you

Leave Element TD alone

it's fucking terrible and unnecessary

I'd say that if Dawngate didn't exist. They had a legitimate graphic novel going on their website with that shit, plus a book's worth of written stories. Super well-done.

You must be new here. You should have seen the amount of dick sucking happening when people were trying to get into the closed dota2 beta or even hearthstone beta.